I have a 7" single 45 rpm of A side Dirty deeds done dirt cheap and Big balls and on the B side The Jack it's on Atlantic and catalogue number HM 2 but can not find this anywhere ?,. Click to experience the raw energy of Blues Rock! Albert and EMI Sydney really knew what they were doing back in the 1970s. CD booklet with cool live band photos included.
Had higher hopes for Fire Your Guns, but I think it’s just a four-star track in a five-star world, but I grooved on it, still, for sure!”, “AC/DC is my favorite band, particularly the Bon Scott years and High Voltage is one of my favorite albums. grau schraffiert: keine Chartdaten aus diesem Jahr verfügbar, High Voltage • T.N.T. Tracklisting: 1. You have to be out of your mind! Phil Rudd is back and Rick Rubin does a great job on the production. Truly, these are some of the best songs since the mid 80’s. I guess for AC/DC, anyone could play Bass or drums for them.. Either way, an absolute must have and I am truly blown away by how great it is. Find AC/DC bio, music, credits, awards, & streaming links on AllMusic - One of the defining acts of '70s hard rock,… Lazy songwriting though with repetitive verse / chorus / repeat too much and poor lyrics. Breaking the Rules, Inject the Venom, C.O.D. You could have been banned by mistake. Over the next fourteen years the band would release several popular albums which would first be released in Australia, then in the rest of the world, such as Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and Highway to Hell. Their music has been variously described as hard rock, blues rock, and heavy metal; however, the band themselves describe their music as simply “rock and roll”.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'returnofrock_com-box-3','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])); AC/DC underwent several line-up changes before releasing their first album, High Voltage, in 1975. For many years, I have been wanting the Australian releases, so when I saw TNT, I immediately bought it.
I can positively say that AC/DC never set out to be a complex band to break any rules that was not already broken. Hippie pot band. Because this band recorded some of the greatest albums of all time. "Powerage" was my first ever vinyl record that was mine.. and i loved that album to death.. CD: 5.99 EUR : MP3: 8.09 EUR . Bon Scott era is my best era.. Production a big notch down from Mutt Lange. My favorite tracks include “Rock ‘N’ Roll Damnation,” “Down Payment Blues,” “Riff Raff,” “Sin City,” “What’s Next To The Moon,” and “Up To My Neck In You.” But the whole album rocks from beginning to end.”, “So after a couple of Brian Johnson era albums, including naturally “Back in Black”, I have taken a step backwards (in AC/DC catalog terms) and currently have “Highway to Hell” playing as I write this review, and I can’t fault it. Nevertheless, you can listen to this set all the way through without a duff track in the lot. Did you install a browser extension (such as Realplayer/Realdownloader) that helps you download YouTube videos or other content? This was AC/DC’s last album produced by Vanda and Young before Mutt Lange took over on Highway To Hell. Pink Floyd and Zep both dabbled into the psychedelia in rock music. AC/DC ([ˈeɪsiː ˈdiːsiː]; englische Abkürzung für Wechselstrom/Gleichstrom) ist eine australische Hard-Rock-Band, die 1973 von den in Schottland geborenen Brüdern Angus und Malcolm Young gegründet wurde. Australian rock and roll band AC/DC, between 1975 and 2014 , have released 16 studio albums (14 available worldwide and two released only in Australia), two soundtrack albums, four live albums, 11 video albums, and two box set albums. Flick of the Switch, Rising Power, and Guns for Hire stand out for me. Some of the lyrics on the album are pretty bad, and the music is about as basic as it gets, but this one will always remain a classic rock n roll disc.”, 15 Guitar Effects Pedals Every Guitar Player MUST Have, Vinyl Lover Discovers New Simple Trick for Clear Music Fast. The songs, performances, and production are strong enough that this record goes the distance texturally and feeling wise when one finds that Back In Black, as strong as that album is, has been run in the ground and overplayed one too many times. "), lives up to its name, with the album being comprised mainly of high octane, hard-riffing rock classics. Oktober 2020 um 12:03 Uhr bearbeitet. Let There Be Rock [Australia] Let There Be Rock. Artists I've Seen Live (from collection). They invented or re-invented what they did. Your IP was not banned by a person; it was banned by a firewall that uses an automated algorithm. Rock'n' Roll Singer 3. STUDIO-ALBEN: 1976: High Voltage - AC-DC. I don´t think AC/DC will ever go on tour again. Step 2 (optional): Enter any other comments/feedback here, Step 3: Enter your email address. In 1976 AC/DC released an international version of High Voltage. Big Balls 4. Check out AC/DC on Amazon Music. TNT, It’s A Long Way to the Top, Livewire, High Voltage – it really doesn’t get much better than this! Zusammen mit The Razors Edge und Black Ice (alle ebenfalls eine Million verkaufte Einheiten) erreichten insgesamt drei Tonträger den Status eines Millionensellers in Deutschland. She's Got Balls 9.
In 1980, tragedy struck AC/DC with the death of Bon Scott. Although many AC/DC singles have been released, the band always refused to release any greatest hits-type packages; Who Made Who (which served as the soundtrack to Stephen King's Maximum Overdrive), Iron Man 2, and the band's various live recordings ar… The album starts out with “Hells Bells” and ends up with “Rock N Roll Aint Noise Pollution”. Back In Black (Album) Live From The Atlantic Studios (Album) High Voltage (Album) T.N.T. Love At First Feel 3. all work! In fact, overall, this AC/DC album is one of their strongest works, regardless of Bon Scott or Brian Johnson eras.”. I have a 7" single 45 rpm of A side Dirty deeds done dirt cheap and Big balls and on the B side The Jack it's on Atlantic and catalogue number HM 2 but can not find this anywhere ?,. The guitar tones on this album are the way rock should sound . You (or someone with the same IP address as you) might be using a script or program to download pages from this site automatically. I can positively say that AC/DC never set out to be a complex band to break any rules that was not already broken. Oh yeah baby!! Full of raw energy. Can I Sit Next To You Girl 7. Home > AC/DC Discography : Albums The Albums. Wiki-Grundlagen Tipps und Tricks Erweiterte Funktionen Admin-Handbuch Erkunden. In my top 3 fave albums . You might have a buggy browser extension installed. Is just Angus left now. Damned, Can't Stand Still, Come and Get It, Send for the Man, Hell or High Water, Danger, Nick of Time, Meanstreak, That's the Way I Wanna Rock 'n' Roll. Tracks: Breaking the Rules, Inject the Venom, C.O.D. The band basically has copied this formula on every album they have put out since this one.
Like I said Axl is not a full member. Hard & Heavy Bands With 2 (Or More) Blood Relatives In Their Ranks At The Same Time (Past & Present), Australia New Zealand Prog Rock Psych,Hard Rock,Folk Rock, Artists I've seen live (That I can remember). Brian Johnson was forced to stop touring in April 2016 because of hearing issues. Powerage. It’s almost the same as High Voltage – absolutely awesome, raw, pure rock ‘n’ roll!! Oy!” This is pure rock and roll!”eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'returnofrock_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',116,'0','0'])); “How in the hell did I miss this one!!?? List RulesVote for each album based on its quality and status within the band's catalog. Drummer Phil Rudd replaced by Simon Wright, soon after this was recorded. High Voltage . Echoing the AC/DC vs. other bands.. Diese Diskografie ist eine Übersicht über die musikalischen Werke der australischen Hard-Rock-Band AC/DC. Angus is on form and Brian Johnson voice is standing the test of time, a great band who’ll be missed if they call it a day. Diese Diskografie ist eine Übersicht über die musikalischen Werke der australischen Hard-Rock-Band AC/DC. As far as the Brian Johnson era of AC/DC is concerned, this album and Back In Black are the two strongest albums. He was only a tour member. The Razors Edge (1990) T.N.T. Antworten Mich bei Antworten benachrichtigen Helpful MrGonorrhea 20. There is no doubt, however, that these albums contain some of the greatest AC/DC songs ever recorded. "For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)", More For Those About to Rock (We Salute You), #54 of 605 The Top Metal Albums of All Time#1614 of 3,110 The Greatest Albums of All-Time, Tracks: Damned, Can't Stand Still, Come and Get It, Genres (Music): Rock music, Blues-rock, Hard rock, Tracks: Brain Shake, Nervous Shakedown, Badlands, Tracks: Send for the Man, Hell or High Water, Danger, Tracks: War Machine, Decibel, Stormy May Day, Tracks: Nick of Time, Meanstreak, That's the Way I Wanna Rock 'n' Roll, Vote for each album based on its quality and status within the band's catalog, Show Business, She's Got Balls, Stick Around, Rock music, Blues-rock, Hard rock, Rock and roll, Glam rock, You Shook Me All Night Long, Back in Black, What Do You Do for Money Honey, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Ride On, Big Balls, Heavy metal, Rock music, Blues-rock, Hard rock, Rock and roll, If You Want Blood (You've Got It), Get It Hot, Touch Too Much, Heavy metal, Blues-rock, Hard rock, Rock and roll, Riff Raff, Down Payment Blues, Gimme a Bullet, Got You by the Balls, The Razors Edge, Let's Make It, Caught With Your Pants Down, The Honey Roll, Love Bomb.
Like only Ac/DC can, they conjure up a sound straight out of the 70’s, razor sharp guitar, and Brian Johnson kicking ass and taking names, and the rest of the band as tight as ever. Little Lover 8. AC/DC have sold more than 200 million records worldwide, including 71.5 million albums in the United States, making them the 10th highest-selling artist in the United States and the 14th best selling artist worldwide.
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