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african american studies syllabus pdf

<<87287ba5762baf42b93046310a925c39>]>> is a platform for academics to share research papers. 0 2 REQUIRED READINGS Darlene Clark Hine, African Americans: A Concise History, Volume I or African American Odyssey, Volume I .You may use either the 4th or 5th edition (Bookstore has 5th edition).

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%���� Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Catherine Clinton, Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom A handout on Slavery and the Law (class handout, forthcoming at appropriate time) 0000008742 00000 n ���Y�\ �k���,u3�����}�����P�����C,�D��*'�@�SV�~��s�BE&L�� ��k�-(y��z�YI"K|�>[�zd[ؖK-�8#�KGR�4ɝu�ہ3v8��/A_e��)-�N�,+6k�&3dٿ�`F�e*쒅�� EI6��.I�A������ ޅ�[=�o��.VYF���z��U���EEd�w����#�O���%�QnS-�=�ԽCNx�y]�:h��+?�^�����B�)�k�����K: ���؄�%�}� ��^��MD���#\��z�R��n9x�.���p/. 2170 (during office hours only) Teaching Assistants: Hector Addison, Matthew Morris, Salah Jama x�b```f``Z������� Ā B�@����� �+�0�p`a`d0`� 0000000016 00000 n African American Studies 1 African American Studies Overview The Department of African American Studies is an intellectual community committed to producing, refining, and advancing knowledge of Black people in the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, and Africa. 4 0 obj High School Africa and African-American Studies Curriculum. High School African and African-American Studies Curriculum . xref <>>> y8c�&U%�G�O�c���ҷY�,�g䇁 ���� G�+ 0�dhd�J*�*N�K�c��nU4�����/b7+�B�E�a�F����ȧ������l)��s��6��S�A����e��v�4>�e$�X�Ϟ�EW���u��4um��+ Grade 10th - 12th, 1 Credit Elective Course Prerequisites: World History. g�}����ƺ��\�Y'؏�/X���=�^K�;>s���/���� X3�R�J�z�&9�Y�f-��y"P�pʍQۋ3��<1x������[�&9u��ﺩR2�s���N.e>#��)+�]��n���N�Lj��"��E"n2)U0ů�J��k�Xk'!

1013 15 AFRI 1001A Introduction to African Studies I Fall 2011 Lecture: Mondays 2:30-4:30 Room: Azrieli 101 Instructor: Christine Duff Office Hours: Thursday 11:30-1:30 (or by appointment) E-mail: WebCT* Office: 1606 Dunton Tower (Dept. A key component of our mission is to interrogate the meanings �Ў#�� ���Y9Lp[��G YDԟ���e�o' �Ď��2=�D�������{��_��M_�[�귋��./�.�d= '�@G�7��fy�҂�-����a��j�K NLI��J���̀v7xBS~�8�$���|��),ֲ�U��6�-`��O��.h�ʸ2�\�T ��^{�~)U���`����-2���7��߭��5;�G�*NmX��7��3a$v��Ø��kdmt��ɫ>r�b�h�!�xK��ۦ��[?i.���J�l�6��Ӳ}��-�. <> nɵ�o.#��?ȩ����%*ta�%�����gP�r���5H+%g����o�[T���9>;��ő{�М���+Z'�Y�I��n4C� startxref 0000002680 00000 n \!� ���0�T`��. trailer African-American Studies Syllabus 2011-2012 Instructors: Mrs. Linda Aarons Mr. Denis Jackson The African American Studies course at Charles Herbert Flowers High School is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the African American experience beginning with Africa … <> Course Description: An elective course that examines the history and culture of Africa and the African-American experience in an interdisciplinary format, including an analysis of the unique historical, cultural, and social developments from the Middle Passage to the present day. %PDF-1.4 %����

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