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alexander 2010 the rebirth of caste the new jim crow chapter 1

The. Ultimately, conservatives won the day and instituted a new, stable, “permanent” policy of segregation and racial control: Jim Crow. 0000017984 00000 n

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THE NEW JIM CROW by Michelle Alexander CHAPTER 1 The Rebirth of Caste The Birth of Jim Crow The backlash against the gains of African Americans in the Reconstruction Era was swift and severe.

Teachers and parents! Mandatory minimum sentences of five years became common even for first-time offenders.

Instant downloads of all 1360 LitChart PDFs 0000006473 00000 n Alexander outlines three theories of American race relations that deviated from the “extreme racism” of white Southerners who longed for the age of slavery: liberalism, conservatism, and radicalism.

By the time of the Emancipation Proclamation, the racial caste system created by slavery was so deeply embedded within American society that even the end of slavery could not undo it. Rather than being an unfortunate by-product of American history, racism is at the heart of the history and culture of the country. Alexander explores the history of “racialized social control” (20) in the United States. Alexander explains that law and order rhetoric produced a major shift in the broader American political scheme by uniting anti-black voters behind a subliminally—rather than explicitly—racist platform. Meanwhile, increasing segregation paved the way for Jim Crow to take effect. Thanks to pressure from the Southern states to uphold slavery, the Constitution was designed to ensure a weak federal government that wouldn’t take power away from the states or interfere with property rights.

In 1991 an organization called the Sentencing Project reported that a quarter of young black men were “under the control of the criminal justice system.” On the other hand, both Republicans and Democrats—including newly-elected. h�b``�```����� �� �� @1v�+:�tnϲn` �O��%\8x��(#`������Ą{�k�V�ؠ�q"�����ݦ���

Although a few lone voices suggested that crack was being used as a “scapegoat” for all of society’s problems, overall the anti-drug legislation of the 1980s met little opposition as it was being passed. Intense violence prevented many African Americans from exercising the civil rights they had been given. As a result, harsh punishments for even the most minor drug charges continued to escalate. *M֞)��1��$>G�$�'�> ��$�)��H�}L$1K��9� �6� �[�-�Nx�|>0��as>2��a7s�KKA��N@��A���A���A�1 m�~�Auw�V����=O����̡4U�O� Between the 1960s and the election of 1980, a “conservative revolution” took place within the Republican party; the “. 0000020507 00000 n ���?��m������#S*��nH��\z1b����qy ,QRJ� The end of Jim Crow created a stigma to calling for segregation, and thus segregationists began advocating “law and order” instead, arguing that civil rights activism and even integration itself caused crime. Radicalism focused its critique on the corporations and wealthy elite who deliberately created a wedge between working-class white and black people, and was an appealing ideology to many African Americans. 0000043259 00000 n The reality, however, was that most Southern whites were desperate to find ways to keep profiting from the free labor of former slaves and ensure that the black population continued to be violently oppressed. 0000043672 00000 n

-Graham S. The end of the Civil War—and with it, slavery– constituted a crisis for white Southern society. By casting them as "savages," it excused the moral problem of terrorizing and killing other human beings and even became a justification.

0000010640 00000 n They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Meanwhile, Republicans (correctly) believed that simply the association between black people and the Democratic party would increase Republican power via a consolidated white racist voting base. The abolition of slavery is often treated as a triumphant moment in American history, during which the country finally reached a turning point in its moral conscience and resolved to end the horrors of slavery forever. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. On the other hand, people tend to be highly resistant to the idea that a racial caste system exists in the present era, especially considering the success of famous African Americans such as, Here Alexander contradicts several key myths about American history. 0000011737 00000 n

Instead of aiding vulnerable communities that had already been devastated by the impact of crack by providing legal job opportunities and addiction treatment, the government rubbed salt in the existing wound by adding police brutality and mass incarceration to communities that were already in chaos. H�\�͎�@���sԃ��EM8�O��@(.�2����S�&K��ȴ�ǴA^�N:xw}u�I7�����U��xk�ZG�n�������T@ŗy��+lӫ4������b_�W\�����Z{Ӌ������>?ء�t��L��P��rx-;ԁ/[5��Ӽ�����y@����T}��PV�J{C���d:=ӓ)����8��kS}�N�'�!�\8g> ���g Chapter 1: The Rebirth of Caste Although the Emancipation Proclamation, Civil Rights Amendments, and Reconstruction eradicated slavery and brought about positive changes for African Americans, it was a “brief moment in the sun” as W.E.B. Review by: Justin Grinage, University of Minnesota The permanence of racism in the United States has not remained in the same form over centuries of its existence.

"My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." 0000013797 00000 n This turn of events demonstrates the sustained success of the slaveholders’ policy of “racial bribes.” By this time, even radicals had given up hope that white workers in the South could be mobilized to work alongside black people in order to pursue common interests. Thus even hopeful periods such as Reconstruction faced a backlash so intense that the same system of racial control that began during slavery remained in place, even as specific laws and customs changed. It might seem strange that Alexander describes the rise of Jim Crow before immediately jumping to its demise over the course of the civil rights movement in the mid-20th century. 0000037331 00000 n Plantation owners then began to view Africans as "the ideal slaves," given their … However, this stance was not limited to whites and conservatives; some black leaders also condoned increased policing and harsh prison sentences. After reading each excerpt from “The Rebirth of Caste,” use the graph on page 2 to plot and sequence the topics and

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0000042892 00000 n Alexander stresses that crack had an apocalyptic effect on black communities, and that her critique of the. The effects of all this myth-making were devastatingly real; the success of anti-drug rhetoric imprisoned thousands who would otherwise be free. 0000017201 00000 n 0000022943 00000 n 0000011233 00000 n 0000020206 00000 n 0000010254 00000 n Conservatives argued that poverty was caused by (black) culture, which supposedly led people into cycles of unemployment, drug use, and crime; liberals maintained faith that state social programs such as the War on Poverty could successfully solve racial inequality.

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