In the subject line, please include the text 'International Travel Awards Application'. The future must be built, as others have built our past. Participants in the program will receive special invitations to meet colleagues from around the world and participate in special sessions at the conference. The award increases our sense responsibility to make our evaluation work more effective and impactful. For more information about AEA, visit Throughout her career, she has again and again combined the best academic research with field experience to point the way to innovative policy and practice solutions. You can find her at “For Waikato Regional Council, winning the award affirms that our investment in evaluation for the collaborative stakeholder process was absolutely the right thing to do. AEA congratulates all of the 2019 award winners. The joint efforts of the CFE and SLPFE are exemplary in demonstrating advocacy and use of evaluation for national development.
Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy, International and Cross-Cultural Evaluation TIG, International Travel Awards Application Form. This year we anticipate awarding seven International Travel Awards of approximately $2,000 USD each plus waived conference registration, pre/post conference workshops, and AEA membership. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Jayne Corsojcorso@eval.org202-367-2313, Recognition ceremony scheduled for Friday, November 15 at Evaluation 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Judy built on complexity theory models and methods and systems thinking approaches to choose wise actions in ambiguous settings. In two and a half decades of developing rubrics methodology for program, policy, strategy, personnel, and proposal evaluation with some amazing colleagues, between us we have amassed a deep repertoire of practice-based theory, including which values should be front and center (and why), and how evaluative reasoning is validly done.”, John M. LaVelle, PhD, Assistant Professor of Evaluation Studies, College of Education and Human Development, Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, University of Minnesota 2019 AEA Marcia Guttentag Promising New Evaluator Award. She has also developed a number of practical methodologies and approaches for the systematic synthesis of findings to form higher-level evaluative conclusions, as well as causal inference for qualitative and mixed methods. He has also authored works on developing a pedagogy for the teaching of evaluation, addressing the impostor phenomenon in evaluation, ways of integrating social science into evaluation practice, and is currently working on a major study of evaluator values. With colleagues, she founded The Friends of Evidence, which works to strengthen the role of evidence in efforts (public and philanthropic, local, regional, and national) to ensure the wise allocation of scarce resources, and to improve outcomes among the children and families not faring well in today’s society. AEA President Tessie Catsambas invites you to address the following types of questions in our conference this year: In the wise words of Gladys Hasty Caroll: Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy. The International Travel Awards recipients will be notified no later than early August. The Center for Evaluation (CFE) of University of Sri Jayewaradenepura, Sri Lanka, is the first professional institute in South Asia, which aims to promote a culture of evaluation within multiple sectors of the country, such as academia, the legislature, and public sector. Our role as evaluators is to increase our society’s capacity, both international and national, to make better decisions based on credible evidence. Dr. LaVelle teaches a host of evaluation and methodology courses for both graduate and undergraduate students including Program Evaluation, Evaluation Theory for Practice, Evaluation Theorycrafting, Research on Evaluation, Evaluation in Human Resource Development, Data Collection and Analysis in Organizations, and Qualitative & Mixed Methods. She encourages students to develop a strong methodological foundation, conduct studies based on democratic principles, and promote equity, fairness, inclusivity, and diversity. Her theoretical scholarship advances frameworks for understanding evaluation models in order to refine practice. Thus, some evidence-based frontiers have emerged in the post-truth era. AEA assumes no responsibility for such accommodations. In an era of discord and mistrust, where facts are heavily debated through ideological lenses and where people have difficulty finding common ground, the role of evaluation is to provide trusted, credible, evidence-based, and balanced conclusions about the quality, importance and value of what is relevant in our society. Established in 2016, The SLPFE is a Forum of local Parliamentarians whose goal is to enable a nationally owned, transparent, systematic and standard development evaluation process in line with National Evaluation Policy at country level, which ensures aid effectiveness, achievement of results and sustainability of development. "I am honored to be awarded the 2019 Marcia Guttentag Promising New Evaluator Award for my work and service over the years. Dr. Boyce has evaluated over 40 programs funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), US Department of Education, National Institutes of Health, and Spencer and Teagle foundations. Dr. Davidson is sought after internationally as a keynote speaker, evaluation coach, workshop and webinar presenter, and creator of awesome evaluation frameworks and tools. Waikato Regional Council invested in a Developmental Evaluation as part of a collaborative stakeholder process to successfully agree on ways of managing water quality and use for diverse populations. Being recognized with this distinguished award is one of the greatest of honors I could imagine receiving. Dr. Boyce is the co-chair of the AEA Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation TIG, a member of the editorial board for the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, and teaches classes in program evaluation and research methodology where she emphasizes good practice with mindful attentiveness to theoretical roots. Thereafter the establishment of the Select Committee on Evaluation in Parliament and its mandate to produce the draft National Evaluation Bill and strengthening of Parliamentary Research Services formalized the institutionalization of evaluation by the legislature. Sessions to learn best practices, frameworks, and solutions needed to advance your skillset. Significant for the evaluation field this project demonstrates high quality and effective Developmental Evaluation using an evaluation-specific methodology. At Eval20 Reimagined: A Virtual Experience, you’ll begin to explore how you can shine that light in evaluation practice, all from the comfort of home or your own office! She is currently a Co-Principal Investigator on four NSF funded projects. You are welcome to attend pre- or post-conference workshops (October 26-27 & 31, 2020), but these are not required. We look forward to celebrating with you at Evaluation 2019. These activities are further supported by the CFE and its own activities of pioneering the Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation to produce professionals in evaluation, training programmes for academics and public officials, and linking with Universities to make research and evaluation findings more accessible and comprehensible.
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