We live for positive change and transformative experiences that blaze a path toward endless possibilities. Change opens great opportunities for innovation and we are excited to explore these options and present a virtual experience that captures the spirit of the in-person event.
Done. We’re here to make sure everyone feels safe bringing their ideas, their passions and their hearts to the table. Metro working to open the doors of the Oregon Convention Center as evacuee shelter, Oregon Convention Center to attain biorisk facility accreditation for health and safety, Oregon Convention Center renovation: a model for equity in public projects.
Planet. Keeping the spirit of the Evaluation Annual Conference, the virtual experience will have opportunities to connect with other evaluators from across the globe and will offer education on diverse topics.
Is it through making sure all stakeholder voices are included, particularly those who are often in the dark? Pathable, the virtual platform we will be using for Eval20 Reimagined, is an easy-to-use, interactive host. Annual Business Meeting; Registration .
Done. It is through this lens that I wish for us all to consider our evaluation work. As a result of this pause, AEA will not be distributing awards in 2020 and looks to reinstate the awards program in 2021. In service to this, for the 2020 virtual experience, I am asking attendees to think about her/his/their expression of light through their evaluation practice. Keeping the spirit of the Evaluation Annual Conference, the virtual experience will have opportunities to connect with other evaluators from across the globe and will offer education on diverse topics. There is a charge to post a job listing in the Career Center. AEA has been monitoring the spread of COVID-19 since early March. What to Expect; International Attendee Information; Justify Your Attendance; Speaker Resources .
Yes, we are planning to host virtual TIG Business Meetings that will be open to all virtual experience registrants. YES is the answer.
Save the Date. Because positive change can begin anytime, anyplace, with anyone. The funds raised at the Evaluation 2019 Silent Auction will be applied to the 2021 International Awardee Program. American Evaluation Association 2001 K Street NW, 3rd Floor North Washington, D.C. 20006 info@eval.org 202.367.1166 Promotions; P2i; Exhibitor Resources .
As hosts to the world, we deeply respect our guests and our community. Evaluation 2015 Focuses on Learning from Evaluation’s Successes from Around the Globe. A task force, which will report to the Board, will be convened to look at awards more closely and craft new and improved processes reflecting who we are and what we stand for.
FAQ; 2020 Theme; Upcoming Meetings; Past Meetings; … Yes, the virtual Annual Business Meeting will be held on October 22 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. EST. Many sessions will relate back to this theme and will encourage deep and through-provoking conversations about how we can shine our lights for the purposes of improving conditions for others to shine theirs. We have compiled a few commonly asked questions to add more clarification to Eval20 Reimagined. American Evaluation Association 2001 K Street NW, 3rd Floor North Washington, D.C. 20006 info@eval.org 202.367.1166 Eval20 Reimagined: A Virtual Experience will be taking place on the virtual platform Pathable, from October 27-30. The awesome potential of every event keeps us on our toes and, sometimes, knee-deep in caffeine. We feel this event works best in an in-person setting.
Register for Eval20 Reimagined; Code of Conduct ; Attendee Resources . Ask yourself, “How am I shining my light?” in my work. Sep. 10, 2020 Metro working to open the doors of the Oregon Convention Center as evacuee shelter ; Sep. 02, 2020 Oregon Convention Center to attain biorisk facility accreditation for health and safety; Aug. 18, 2020 Oregon Convention Center renovation: a model for equity in public projects Each human is born with a unique light frequency (HeartMath Institute Energetic Communication) and we all grow to shine that light in different ways. Guest who wants something we’ve never heard of—now, if possible? We are excited to bring you a fully virtual experience in place of our annual conference in 2020. Last minute request? AEA chose Pathable for its ease of use, interactive functionality, and ability to provide the same great quality of education. All cancellation requests will be reviewed by AEA, and if approved, will be processed after the Conference.
We are excited to bring you a fully virtual experience in place of our annual conference in 2020.
With this announcement, we anticipate that you have a few questions and we will do our best to respond to inquiries in a timely manner.
Is it by shining the light on the pathway to evaluation for new professionals? We are working to bring you a virtual experience that is inclusive and reflects the core value of AEA, advancing the practice of evaluation.
Although our program will be pared down, we will still provide great value to the evaluation community. It’s who we are and why we do what we do. You'll be able to use a chat box during each session to connect with attendees, visit the virtual Connection Center to trade information with exhibitors, schedule one-on-one meetings with your peers, and more! We believe this is the most responsible path forward to maintain safe conditions for our attendees, presenters, exhibitors, and the communities you serve. We anticipate that the Silent Auction will resume in its normal capacity in 2021 in Washington, D.C. Ask yourself, “How am I shining my light?” in my work. We’re passionate about cultivating diversity, advancing equity and practicing inclusion in all of the work we do. Because AEA offers the Career Center, job boards will not be a feature of the virtual experience. With this announcement, we anticipate that you have a few questions and we will do our best to respond to inquiries in a timely manner.
We understand that due to platform limitations and capabilities we will have difficulties replicating some elements of the live event in a virtual format. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to help. Is it through shining light on the historical imperative associated with certain evaluation methods/practices? Idea about how to do something better? The virtual experience theme is “How Will You Shine Your Light” focused on how evaluators are shining their lights through their work. Those of us in AEA, or have chosen the profession of Evaluation, have done so because we believe our professional field allows us to shine our lights for the purposes of improving conditions for others to shine theirs. If we don’t believe a feature of the conference creates a valuable experience in the virtual format, we will anticipate a return of that feature in 2021. Posters will be accessible to attendees throughout the entire virtual experience. Student awards will not be offered in 2020. 2020 Exhibitors; Become an Exhibitor or Sponsor; Resource Hub; About Eval20 Reimagined . Evaluation 2021. Workshops will take place in November and December.
Our goal is to add value to attendees, speakers, and exhibitors. The funds raised at the Evaluation 2019 Silent Auction will be applied to the 2021 International Awardee Program. Earlier this year, we looked closely at the AEA awards process and determined that it required re-alignment. Is it through illuminating new levels of rigor that can be associated with many evaluation methods/practices? The Career Center is free for members to search for available position and allows you to save and submit multiple resumes and document. In service to this, for the 2020 virtual experience, I am asking attendees to think about her/his/their expression of light through their evaluation practice. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy, HeartMath Institute Energetic Communication. We will leave intact many elements of the live conference, including posters, the exhibit hall, and community engagement. Is it by creating new evaluation theories, methods, or practices? Evaluation 2020. Due to warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) and a state ordinance issued by Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, announcing that all large gatherings will remain off limits through at least September, we decided to re-evaluate the in-person event. After much deliberation by our Board of Directors, it became clear that we should not host our in-person event to protect our attendees, presenters, exhibitors, and the communities you serve. Since this time, we were hopeful that our annual conference would be able to continue as scheduled.
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