[10], Annie Easley was interviewed in Cleveland on August 21, 2001 by Sandra Johnson. She married and moved with her husband to Cleveland to be near his family. An admiral who never went to sea, Hopper owed her success…, Education and Training: College ." The work sounded so interesting that the following day Easley applied for a job there. Initially she worked as a computer, in similar roles to Johnson and the twins she'd read about. NACA Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory (later NASA Lewis Research Center, John H. Glenn Research Center), Cleveland, OH, Computer Services Division, 1955-1979, Energy Directorate, 1979-80s, Engineering Directorate, Launch Vehicles Group, 1980s-1989, mathematician and computer engineer; Century 21 Beyond 2000 Realty Co., Parma Heights, OH, agent, 1990s-. She passed away in 2011. Retrieved August 11, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/education/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/easley-annie-j. Contemporary Black Biography. (John Adam) Presper, Jr. (With A. F. Kascak) Effect of Turbulent Mixing on Average Fuel Temperatures in a Gas-Core Nuclear Rocket Engine, NASA Technical Note D-4882, November, 1968. [13] The interview is stored in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Johnson Space Center Oral History Program. She was denied financial aid that NASA gave to other employees to pay for additional college courses. In 2000 Easley participated in the Association for Computer Machinery-Mills College Conference on Pioneering Women in Computing. Share James's life story with friends and family. First launched successfully in 1963, over the next 30 years it went through further development and was considered one of the Lewis Research Center's greatest achievements. Annie J. Easley (April 23, 1933 – June 25, 2011) was an American computer scientist, mathematician, and rocket scientist. Her most famous work was on the Centaur rocket. From Wiz Kid to PC Manager Though she stayed for over 30 years at NASA, having “more good memories than bad,” she was clear-eyed about the racial discrimination she experienced. Known as NASA's "workhorse in space," it was used to launch communications, weather, and military satellites and space vehicles, including the 1997 Cassini spacecraft to Saturn. However in high school she began thinking about becoming a pharmacist. Following the energy crisis of the late 1970s Easley studied the economic advantages of co-generating power plants that obtained byproducts from coal and steam. 11 Aug. 2020
[6], Easley's work with the Centaur project helped lay the technological foundations for future space shuttle launches and launches of communication, military and weather satellites. 87-88. [8], In 1955, she read a story in a local newspaper about twin sisters who worked for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) as "computers". It's not like this fascinating thing I play with.
One of her studies involved determining the life of storage batteries used in electric vehicles.
When Surveyor 1, the first American space probe to land on an extraterrestrial body, landed on the moon, it was powered by a Centaur rocket.
So she had to look elsewhere for work. After studying at New Orleans' Xavier University and pursuing a career as a pharmacist, she earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Cleveland State University. So the next day she drove to NACA, at what was then called the Lewis Research Station, and applied for a job. Jim was always a willing resource for my program and students and I enjoyed our car rides Down East to numerous fish farms and aquaculture conferences. During her career Easley was transferred laterally three times, but did not receive any significant promotions. (August 11, 2020). Later she became one of the first black computer programmers, working on alternative-energy technologies, energy-conservation systems, and the Centaur launch system. I have fond memories of Jim from many years ago. The 55 page interview transcript includes material on the history of the Civil Rights Movement, Glenn Research Center, Johnson Space Center, space flight, and the contribution of women to space flight. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. [7], American mathematician and rocket scientist, "Easley, Annie J.: American Computer Scientist" in, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, List of African-American women in STEM fields, "Annie Easley helped make modern spaceflight possible", "Annie Jean Easley: Engineer, mathematician, and rocket scientist", "Meet Annie Easley, the barrier-breaking mathematician who helped us explore the solar system", "Annie Easley, Computer Scientist and Mathematician", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Annie_Easley&oldid=979644162, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 September 2020, at 22:31. However once she had earned her degree, the Personnel Department decided that she needed more specialized courses to be considered a professional. "African American Inventor," Southern California Edison, www.sce.com/Sc3/Templates/SupportAndervicesCategory.aspx?NRMODE=Published& NRNODEGUID=%7bC877DAF4-A8B7-492E-86EE-BFC27EA1DEA1%7d&NRORIGINALURL=%2fsc3%2fInventors%2fInventorsd-h& NRCACHEHINT=Guest (February 28, 2007). I'd much rather be out doing something actively, like on the golf course or doing other things. Introducing Billboard & American Express’ 2016 Women in Music Awards|Inspiring a Generation – Watch Video, Introducing Angie Cox – Author, Philanthropist, and Child Advocate. Share to let others add their own memories and condolences. Education: Xavier University, New Orleans, LA, 1952-54; Cleveland State University, BS, mathematics, 1977. Although her mother told her that if she worked hard she could become whatever she wanted, Easley thought that nursing and teaching were the only careers open to black women.
She’s standing next to a huge control panel with dials, lights, buttons from floor to ceiling. She belonged to the Speakers Bureau and gave talks on the technological spin-offs of NASA's research. The Miracle of Leaning In, Sheryl Sandberg, COO at Facebook. Annie Easley’s extraordinary life as a computer programmer, mathematician, and rocket scientist was guided by her mother’s words of wisdom: “You can be anything you want to.
Contemporary Black Biography. From ancient scholars, to women's rights activists, to current researchers, there are so many fascinating scientists you may not have heard of.
Each week, we'll send you the story of a pioneering woman in STEM. Annie Easley (1933-2011), a rocket scientist who developed software for Centaur, one of NASA's most important high-energy rocket launchers. However the only pharmacy program in the region had recently closed. Annie Easley was born to Samuel Bird Easley and Mary Melvina Hoover in Birmingham, Alabama. It sounded interesting, and she’d always been good at math.
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8 to Mar.
“Still, that is not enough to deter me from my life goals," she later said. Among other projects, she simulated conditions for a nuclear reactor being constructed at Plum Creek, Ohio.
Easley sometimes traveled to Cape Canaveral, Florida, to observe the launches. But it makes them think, ‘I’m in charge if I say no.’”, Easley retired from NASA in December, 1989. She also worked on the Centaur, a high-energy booster rocket with a mixed liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen propulsion system. Annie Easley died on June 25, 2011 at the age of 78 (born April 23, 1933). Easley's social life was centered at Lewis. Wealth: The Right Way to Measure Equality for Women, Synchrony Financial CEO Margaret Keane on Leading Through Challenges in The Industry, Join the GC4W Entrepreneurship Advanced Program for Women, Apply to the GC4W Entrepreneurship Program. She worked on shuttle launches that measured destruction of ozone and helped test and design the NASA nuclear reactor at Plum Brook.
Complete Annie Easley 2017 Biography. In addition to her technical and outreach activities, Easley was a champion of employee morale.
During the Jim Crow era, she worked to ensure that her fellow African-American Alabamans were not disenfranchised, accomplishing her goal by helping prospective voters prepare for the literacy test portion of their applications.
Encyclopedia.com. She lived there until she left for college at Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. She started there as a "human computer." WOZNIAK, STEPHEN GARY © 2019 Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Office—Century 21 Beyond 2000 Realty Co., 6370 York Rd., Parma Heights, OH 44130-3051. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. The Centaur was a first-of-its-kind rocket, using a unique fuel system, and its legacy endures to this day. Two dollars."
In the newspaper she read a story about a pair of twin sisters who worked as “computers,” performing mathematical computations for the engineers at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), a forerunner to modern NASA (the same NACA that Hidden Figure Katherine Johnson worked at in Virginia). She worked for the Lewis Research Center (now Glenn Research Center) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). Easley started off studying pharmacy. No reason was given. "Annie J. Easley," NASA Oral History, www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/oral_histories/NASA_HQ/Herstory/EasleyAJ/AJE_8-21-01.pdf (February 28, 2007). Salary: Median—$62,890 per year Annie Jean Easley was born in 1933 and raised by her single mother in Birmingham, Alabama. ECKERT, J. Easley and her brother, six years older, were raised by their single mother. “You keep going, because there are people who have authority, and I think sometimes they abuse it.
She encouraged Annie to get a good education. Annie Easley Family, Childhood, Life Achievements, Facts, Wiki and Bio of 2017. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). The science of butts, poop, and intestines. IBM Executive She worked part time in real estate, and occasionally tutored. There’s a famous photo of Annie Easley. She was a leading member of the team which developed software for the Centaurrocket stage, and was one of the first African-Americans to work as a computer scientist at … Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Will be missed.
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