If your abstract involves interim analysis, use the Interim Analysis of a Clinical Trial section of the abstract form to explain the details of your study. There is a $125 nonrefundable handling fee for submitting a late-breaking abstract. waives any and all claims against ASH and any reviewer arising out of or relating to the abstract submission and review process, including but not limited to peer review and the grading of abstracts. Under the recommendation of ASN’s Research Interest Section (RIS) chairs and based on attendee feedback, the following refinements have been made: *Written by ASN Member Dr. Michelle Cardel I used to be a horrible scientific writer. During submission, submitters must choose the formats in which they would be willing to present/publish their abstract. Questions? If publication occurs online or in print before the specific embargo date and time, the abstract must be withdrawn. Unpublished data should be included in the audio presentation at the authors’ discretion. If none of the abstract authors is an ASH member, the abstract must be sponsored by a current ASH member. To submit an abstract, the following criteria must be met: Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting: Please note: Abstracts accepted for or presented as part of a meeting of any size (in-person or virtual) since January 1, 2020, are eligible for submission for ASH 2020, provided they meet the above eligibility criteria. Spaces are not included in this number. Authors must notify ASH if, after the submission deadline, the data are accepted for publication and will be published online or in print before the ASH annual meeting. ASH abides by rules formulated by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) that require that you disclose any relevant financial relationship you or your spouse/partner have had within the past 24 months. If an author has more than one abstract accepted, each presentation will be materially confined to the information in the abstract selected for the specific session; The presenting author will be available to present the abstract if selected for the program. The first author listed for each abstract serves as the presenting author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract, unless otherwise specified under the "Contact Information" section of the online abstract submission system. Submissions that are incomplete by the deadline will be rejected. Michelle Crispino, Senior Manager, Education and Development. Such knowledge is essential to develop mechanism-based, targeted approaches to reactivate HbF production. Abstract submission deadline: January 31, 2020; Abstract acceptance notifications sent: March 1, 2020; Abstract programming assignments sent: March 23, 2020; New this year! That means one single page for your PDF file. Abstracts may not be withdrawn after September 17. An ePoster must be uploaded before an audio presentation can be recorded.
Purchase orders and checks will not be accepted. By submitting a previously published abstract, submitters grant ASH permission to display the abstract in connection with its meeting. No revisions can be made after the abstract submission deadline. The deadline for receipt of the hematologist-in-training letter is therefore, August 4, 2020. A clinical trial registry number (if available); Biomarker selection or companion diagnostics (if appropriate), and. Presenting authors will also receive a unique URL for a Nutrition 2020 LIVE Online schedule planner webpage that will include their abstract’s title, text, author list, as well as the ePoster and audio recording if provided. This annual award is given to a trainee (undergraduate student, medical student, graduate student, resident physician, or post-doctoral [MD or PhD] fellow) who is. The entire body of the abstract, excluding tables, must not exceed 3,800 characters. If an abstract must be withdrawn due to an unforeseen circumstance, please contact education@nutrition.org by May 8, 2020. Get Certified. For the research to be eligible for presentation at the ASH annual meeting, information contained in the abstract, as well as additional data and information to be presented about the research at the annual meeting, may not be made public before the abstract has been published/presented at the ASH annual meeting. Accepted abstracts are embargoed until either their publication in Current Developments in Nutrition, the schedule planner, or the meeting app, whichever happens first. In the subject line, please include “Abstract Withdrawal.” Withdrawn abstracts will not be published in Current Developments or Nutrition or appear in Nutrition 2020 LIVE Online materials such as the online schedule planner or mobile app. Wed 9am - 5pm.
Authors who state a preference for oral presentation must decide whether they would accept poster presentation. The ASH Conflict-of-Interest Policy requires disclosure of any financial or other interest that might be construed as resulting in an actual, potential, or apparent conflict. The abstract submission fee does not include registration for the annual meeting; therefore, all authors planning to attend the ASH annual meeting must register for the meeting. Recipients of this award must be a member of SIE and reside in Italy. This award is open to BSH members who have been a member for at least one year, have not received the ASH Abstract Achievement Award within the previous two years, and reside within the UK. additional information. ASN is excited to feature virtual abstract presentations during Nutrition 2020 LIVE Online. Abstracts will be evaluated and scored solely on their scientific merits. I was paralyzed by writing.
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Send related correspondence and questions regarding abstract submissions or notifications to: ASHabstracts@hematology.org. • There is no set time schedule for virtual abstract presentations. After the submission deadline, all completed and eligible abstracts will be made available to the ASH Abstract Reviewers for blinded review and scoring, and final decisions will be made by the Program Committee in late September 2020. Netscape Navigator 7.7+ is supported, but its use is discouraged, since not all features are available. The maximum audio presentation length is up to 10 minutes. Strikingly, HUDEP-2 lines lacking both LRF and BCL11A exhibited almost a complete switch in expression from adult- to fetal-type globin, suggesting that these two factors cumulatively represent the near entirety of γ-globin repressive activity in adult erythroid cells. …
The results were validated at the protein levels via isoelectric focusing of peripheral blood (PB) hemolysates and MALDI-TOFMS analysis. The decision of the ASH Program Committee regarding acceptance and presentation of abstracts is final. Give a brief summary of the work discussed in the abstract. Winners must attend the meeting and present their abstract to receive their award. Abstracts must be submitted through the official online abstract submission system. Abstracts with a presenter with a current employment or equity-holder conflict are, Second, in the event that an abstract is not chosen for oral presentation, it can still be chosen for poster presentation. Abstracts with a presenter with a current employment or equity-holder conflict (see Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure Policy below) are NOT eligible for oral presentation. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except when beginning sentences. Hours. The presenting author is responsible for obtaining disclosure information from all co-authors. This includes relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other companies whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the presentation topic.
Emails and word processing files not submitted through the site will not be accepted. If no relevant relationships exist, this must be stated as well. Presenting authors will be asked to confirm that the ePoster has been approved by all co-authors before uploading it. Minimum font size should not be smaller than 6pt.
Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed.
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We are proud to announce long-standing American Society for Nutrition (ASN) member and pioneer in the field of obesity research, The following article will be published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a publication of the American Society for. There is one award for each of the following categories: undergraduate student, medical student, graduate student, resident physician, and post-doctoral fellow (MD or PhD). Prior to the embargo being lifted, the first author, co-authors, and sponsor of the abstract must not: Publish the information or provide it to others who may make it publicly available. If you have not received an email notification by October 5, 2020, contact, To ensure that you are able to receive email correspondence from ASH, please. The following information will be available for each abstract: a. Do not use bold type or underline formatting. If you have been trained or utilized by a commercial entity or its agents as a speaker (e.g., participation in a speaker's bureau) for any commercial interest, the promotional aspects of that work must not be included in the presentation in any way.
Non-proprietary (generic/scientific) names should be used and should be lowercase. Research and/or studies must fit into one of the. Presenting authors can share their abstract’s unique URL via social media if they wish. **CORONAVIRUS UPDATE** March 11, 2020.
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