I actually didnt do nearly as well as I have on other fights, but his pattern was so good that it didnt matter.\rHeavenlapse is so overpowered, and he luckily did not use it this time (which is probably why I won so fast). I also tried removing the Gust Boulder to get warped out, but they disabled your ability to do that, or it would allow for a sequence break where you can skip getting the Bloodstained Crest completely (and a Verus communicator cutscene).\r\rThe rest of the segment was business as usual, I made all the right choices in the dialogue, and I had good heartwinging.\r\rOn an unrelated note, my final time for Diadem was 57-58 minutes, so yay, sub one hour.
Not even saving 1 hour. Actually if you're winning in 1 or 2 Apotheosis, you might not even need much of anything but the weapon + combo itself. I would like to say farewell to True Heavens Glacier, we will all miss your pure power. It explains how the diabolical Emperor Geldoblame rose to power, and it also fills in many details about the heroes from the first title.
This segment probably took the most time out of any so far. Something way more interesting than your bait. But thanks <3. It can hit up to 2700 damage on its own, and I have 3168 combined HP. If you are behind your PB pace, can you just continue playing sooner? If the Angel of Darkness and Ayme/Folon are in Origins, I missed a lot, apparently! Just to update, I just completed Segment 69, which puts me in the second room of the Tarazed dungeon. It means 2 weeks (14 days,), 5 hours, 20 minutes and 3 seconds long.
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Well I finally beat the trio with an amazingly fast fight, so I think I can deal without the MJ.
Something that won't happen anymore, but still it was some kind of event. He left his stream running while he wasn't there or doing anything, which is against TOS. Baten Kaitos Origins is my favorite RPG of all time, so I'd absolutely love to see a speed run of this. Speedrunning leaderboards, resources, forums, and more! GCN, Wii. Leaderboard Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. GCN. <3.
Baten Kaitos Origins is my favorite RPG of all time, so I'd absolutely love to see a speed run of this.
My next goal is now to break the sub 341 hours FOR REAL THIS TIME, and that's totally possible.
However, not all of these speedrun attempts go according to plan, and that's certainly the case with the GameCube RPG Baten Kaitos.
Moderated by: Baffan Baffan Also, True Glimmer may have use in the Shanath fight, and I suppose others depending on how the timing works out. Looking at Enhasa's 'optimal' deck is actually really interesting - it isn't something I would have constructed on my own, since I thought going with 40 cards was optimal (since it gives you the max hand size with the lowest # of cards), but going with 10 and only having one damage card + force... well, it's not doable until late game since there just isn't a high-enough damage card to outclass combos until you get the Godling's Rapture (what would you do, use Scension repeatedly?
Leaderboard Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games.
Why were you temp banned from twitch during the run? AND SLAUGHTER!).
Good luck with everything. I wasn't trying to be fast at all, i.e. Baten Kaitos Origins Baten Kaitos series. This would be okay, but unlike in the foward direction, when going in reverse you can't cross the gap with the vent on.
You really hanged in there for all that time, very very very impressive.
Secondly, it is awesome (FLY! Cookies help us deliver our Services.
Like, "oh I'm 2 minutes behind, I'll just start playing at 7:58 instead of 8 and be back on track". It is a prequel, with a very different combat system.. Of course, do not hesitate to ask me anything that is not in the FAQ, or if something in the FAQ isn't clear. Thanks for the tip. Good job bud! What do your decks look like? It means 2 weeks (14 days,), 5 hours, 20 minutes and 3 seconds long. I didn't know about the cards or battle system in this at first, so when I watched your video and saw the battle scene, I thought I turned dyslexic for a second. Baten Kaitos: Origins was released in America in September 2006 as a prequel to Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. But yeah, the first game is ridiculous, and I don't think we'll ever see a run of it. So yeah you read that right. This is a 59 minutes and 53 seconds improvement over the previous run.
(Edit: I just looked at the old thread and Maur/VE said some fights would take 1-2 hours at low levels? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P-6ye3NKHw&index=26&list=PLNpDam3KKferI0Hn8_4wtB1y-4YfBDMaS, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNpDam3KKferI0Hn8_4wtB1y-4YfBDMaS. Good luck!
XD, You're probably referring to the rotating numbers around the cards. If you wonder why it is so long to 100% this game, you may want to read the FAQ.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music.
Advertisement (Log in to hide). I did the search function, and there was a bit of discussion in this about this game in the BK1 topic, but that was 2 years ago and it would probably be better not to bump. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This first vent in the cloudvents is pretty weird...it always starts blowing right and it always takes a …
Yes, speedrun. Baten Kaitos Origins Gameplay (Combat) Dolphin 1080p - YouTube It's a bizarre coincidence that I have stumbled into this topic. You know, trying to improve your runs, going as fast as possible even if it takes 2 weeks, rerouting, finding new strats, timing it all. I was actually talking about the first game. As far as I can tell, that card's availability there is a myth, so I advise you to be absolutely sure that you can get it before you make concrete plans. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNpDam3KKferI0Hn8_4wtB1y-4YfBDMaS. It's gonna take a few days tho, because my internet is really bad.
Not to mention I had some problems with the route draft so far (only up to 7 segments, but already got useless items like Fulgadrum). If you really need that MJ than you may consider getting a Mother-in-Law's Secret in Diadem, because that affects drops. I'll see if I can beat the rest without Aphelion...but I'm not sure. Leaderboard Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games.
Moderated by: Baffan Baffan You might need another RD, I dunno. I would be very glad to explain more things to you! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNpDam3KKferI0Hn8_4wtB1y-4YfBDMaS. :( <3 <4, Good to see most of the people here focused on the Twitch suspension, which is something not interesting really. In addition, players will learn about the origins of the world itself and why the Lost Ocean is returning. Just ugh. This category is dead now, right?
Add a combo to the start, doing 500-1200 damage, and it instantly kills my whole party no matter what.\rFellstar Gleam is also very deadly (instantly killing whoever it targets), but it has two positives. 2003. And of course if you have a question that is not answered in it, feel free to ask here! Even if this time, we got the 24 hours suspension from Twitch, for Non-gaming Content. So yeah you read that right. Not even saving 1 hour. Believe it or not, this is one of the fastest times I've ever got the vent to stop.\r\rI timed going the long way around, basically segment 27 in reverse, yet that was around a second slower, and involved a greater deal of enemy and vent manipulation. Advertisement (Log in to hide). I don't think you need super power moves, because I didn't use them and I don't think battles took that long. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed.
This first vent in the cloudvents is pretty weird...it always starts blowing right and it …
So for now on this YouTube playlist you only have the Bonuses, and mostly the Ending. So because of the circumstances there are long periods of time when you aren't playing. Other people did things way more impressive. Baten Kaitos series Games Streams Forum. So yeah, 20 minutes to save is totally possible.
The Ending, by the way.
This category is dead now, right?
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