It's obvious GI is on borrowed time. The Game Informer Show is the best gaming podcast out there, in no small part thanks to Ben Hanson. By supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process.
Wow this is huge! Oh man, that's crazy. Good luck to him tho!
Make the shows better by submitting questions/comments for The MinnMax Show or contribute to our game clubs and get access to our exclusive Discord. The GI Show 500th Episode With Special Guests - Game Informer Thanks to your support on Patreon, Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Suriel Vazquez, Jeff Marchiafava, Ana Diaz, and Leo Vader, and more have created a whole network of shows!
Now some clever person get the OT started!
*a tumbleweed rolls past the desk of Andrew Reiner*.
Comment Comment. A lot of times its better to jump than to wait to be pushed. Interesting. its 100% required for good or ill that every writer, every video producer, every pod caster, every reviewer needs to build a fallowing.
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His videos were the only GS content I consume, so good on him. Email Email.
Good for Ben and the rest of the former GI folks who are joining him in this. It will only be a matter of time before Game Informer is no more. Hanson is still going to be involved in GI's Extra Life event: I’m sure he’ll have success. Really excited for them all and I hope they are successful.
I will absolutely be giving these guys some cheddar change, all of em are great. Hell yeah.
You must log in or register to reply here. Possibly on any hosted podcast. I'm on call for Skype appearances, so I'll be doing that! I'm interested, but I think the pitch is a bit vague. Sad to see him leave GI but this announcement fucking rules. Whatever he is setting up will for sure be great. It was a no brainer to back this Patreon. I instantly backed that patreon.
If his Patreon fails he should establish something regular with Easy Allies >;P. Good for him.
There is/was so much talent at GI and it sucks that it is shackled to GS.
We'll create a monthly show where the cohorts unpack and discuss their favorite shows, films, and podcasts they've consumed throughout the month. Good on him.
I didn't see that, that's great! So hype for this, hope it gets off the ground.
I'm not surprised considering the recent layoffs. But its not like he is completely gone. To be clear: I only helped when Ben was concepting some stuff out early on. While good for him, doesn't that mean there is only a very few at GI left?
Awesome. Also, I wonder what that means for the GI Show podcast? I really hope it all works out for him.
I think Ben is the best host I've ever heard on a game podcast. Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people. Best of luck to them all!
But after seeing that Kyle and Imran (who are some of the funniest and well informed video game guys) are also on board I'm more than happy!
Good luck to him! Hopefully it works out for him, hes a great host with resonable takes. You vote in a poll to decide which game we stream every Tuesday on The Great GOTY Hunt and get access to the exclusive behind-the-scenes Discord channel where you can watch us record episode of The MinnMax Show live and much more!
Good for him! Good luck Ben!
MinnMax creates videos/podcasts focused on games, friends, and getting better.
The fact that its chalk full of Former GI is awesome! I've really grown to like his hosting and the Game Informer Show podcast. Make sure you're registered to vote and know all your options to vote safely!
Thanks to your support on Patreon, Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Suriel Vazquez, Jeff Marchiafava, Ana Diaz, and Leo Vader, and more have created a whole network of shows!
But... what about the A Fire Inside Out Podcast??!?!?!?!?
- Ben Hanson's Pick Up Line Ben "Big Poop" Hanson was the Video Producer at Game Informer. Definitely going to back them, looking forward to everything they do!
nice, i like listening to every single one of those guys from the gi show. Yes, you can easily cancel or upgrade your pledge at any time! I’ll be looking out for it. One of the best podcasters in the business. Whatever he is setting up will for sure be great.
I wanted Imran to do something similar. Last year it was revealed former BioWare general manager Aaryn Flynn joined tech company Improbable as a general manager for its North American efforts. The Game Informer Show is the best gaming podcast out there, in no small part thanks to Ben Hanson. I love the Game Informer show, won't be the same without him.
welcome to the era of personality driven content. I've been loving him on KF.
by Ben Hanson on Apr 05, 2019 at 02:30 PM. :(.
JavaScript is disabled. They are all talented and entertaining. I wish him luck!
Ben has 4 jobs listed on their profile.
It's a very talented team. Also, I wonder if this is still going to be based out of Minnesota?
Congrats Ben!
MinnMax creates videos/podcasts focused on games, friends, and getting better. You also get the benefits of every lower tier.
I don't follow GameInformer, so I'm not sure what they plan on doing.
Just listening to the GI Show right now where he's announcing it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Awesome news, really excited - hope they can pull an Easy Allies on Patreon.
Not surprised in any way shape or form though. I'm sad to see him leave GI but also glad that he's going to do something with Kyle, Suriel and Jeff. Why does the logo/color choice look so bland and boring?
1 month, 20 hours, 45 minutes, 29 seconds.
I'm not familiar with this gentleman or his content, but autonomy is a magical thing. View Ben Hanson’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Sad to hear, loved him on the GI podcast.
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You also get the benefits of every lower tier. Ben Hanson led GI to become a great platform for gaming news and impressions. The GI podcast has felt really deflated since the layoffs, so I am all in this. If you've never checked out the Game Informer podcast or his videos, it's well worth giving this new project a shot. Introducing Profile Pronouns, plus a preview of our upcoming Ticket system. "Do you like word-based board games?"
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