Barbara Heller, director and conservator of special projects at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA), shared the steps her institution took to better protect collections during the planning and hosting of special events. We are halfway through our Agents of Deterioration series and today we're talking all about light! We wanted to reach new audiences to give an intuitive sense why conservation is necessary and technically challenging. A piece of an artifact can be stored separately without a record of its connection to the whole. Sarah Staniforth, 23 October 2018 . Fiber optic?
Fire and water are 2 of these designated “agents of deterioration” that result from disasters and are the focus of disaster preparedness workshops. CONSERVATION INSTITUTE 10 AGENTS OF DETERIORATIONLight- Stefan Michalski✅ Let's connect!
There are three main types of light that can cause damage to cultural heritage objects: Ultraviolet (UV) light, visible light, and Infrared (IR) light. Damage from these forces may be .
Conservators have come up with various lists of 9 or 10 “Agents of Deterioration.” In our C2C collections care and disaster preparedness workshops, we separate these agents out in different ways. We ourselves, our staff, and our visitors—well intentioned and well behaved as most are—present a persistent danger to our collections. Watch and find out?WATCH NEXT○Agents of Deterioration Playlist:○ What is Art Conservation? Unfortunately, the “People” category also includes deliberate human damage such as vandalism and theft. Come back to sign our guest book so we can count you in our visitation stats!". For conservation professionals, the Canadian Conservation Institute’s framework of ‘Ten Agents of Deterioration’ is a familiar and well-established way of describing risk factors to cultural heritage. The Canadian Conservation Institute has created the ultimate resource for these, and it’s freely available on their website, but I wanted to make videos that summarised everything because… well that’s what I do! Remember, those most likely to steal from the collection are the researchers, staff, and volunteers who often feel deep connections to the pieces and have ready access. IIC-ITCC: PREVENTIVE CONSERVATION FOR TEXTILES . SUBSCRIBE TO NEVER MISS A VIDEO SUPPORT DIG IT WITH RAVEN which light is best for museum display? Access is always important for collections held in the public trust. AGENTS OF DETERIORATION . 1.
photo from"Wait! In contrast, our collections care workshops highlight pervasive dangers of which the general public, and even museum staff members, may not be aware. Some of these links are affiliate. We identify 6 factors to worry about on a regular basis. Physical forces (shock, vibration, abrasion and gravity) Cumulative (improper handling or support)/ Catastrophic (eg earthquake, war, floor collapse, improper handling):
INSTAGRAM: GEAR○ Zoom H4N Pro audio recorder○ Microphone○ Teleprompter○ Lighting○ Camera: My phone!Music from**************My top archaeology 101 book**************Full disclaimer because I love you all. Collections managers, however, must work to protect artifacts from the dangers that people pose. LED? They can all cause certain types of deterioration so you have to make sure your Lux is as a safe level to project your assets! At other times the artifact cannot be found or its accession number is no longer legible. Another human danger to preservation is what the Canadian Conservation Institute terms “dissociation.” A lack of thoroughness in tracking artifacts leads to this problem. Our job is to help you learn about what you can do to improve preservation conditions. Light People, Temperature Pests, Relative Humidity Pollutants. The agents are: In his book, Priceless, Founder of the FBI Art Crime Team, Robert Wittman asserts that 90% of museum thefts are inside jobs. Sometimes without proper knowledge, vigilance, and caution, even good housekeeping practices like vacuuming can lead to damage. Protecting Collections During Special Events. If you purchase anything from these links I may earn a small commission.○ What is an Art Conservator? agents of deterioration are listed below.
Refer to the CCI web site for detailed information on the agents of deterioration. Webinar Subject Archives: Agents of Deterioration. As a mnemonic device, 3 are environmental and 3 are Ps. The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), who identified the 10 Agents of Deterioration, is a Special Operating Agency of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Canadian Conservation Institute’s [CCI] definitions of the .
We are halfway through our Agents of Deterioration series and today we're talking all about light! If it cannot be matched with its provenance, much of its value to the museum disappears. Earlier posts have discussed several of these factors, especially light, RH, and pests but we need to say more about the most destructive and pervasive threat to our collections—people. Many pieces of furniture in historic houses, for instance, have been marred by cleaners and cleaning equipment. This people category includes handling errors such as dropping, scraping, and touching materials like metals (especially vulnerable to hand-oil damage) without gloves. I am not promoting anything that I do not 100% recommend or would not use myself! Halogen? Created in 1972, it works to “promote the proper care and preservation of Canada’s cultural heritage and to advance the practice, science, and technology of conservation”. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Fluorescent?
In some cases there are fairly simple steps and/ or products to help protect collections from these dangers. The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) has recognized nine agents that lead to the deterioration of materials. The Agents of deterioration are essentially what their title describes them to be: factors that contribute to the deterioration of a cultural heritage object. Fire and water are 2 of these designated “agents of deterioration” that result from disasters and are the focus of disaster preparedness workshops. Incandescent? Thanks so much for your support!, What Historic Sites Have Learned After 25 Years with ADA. In the poster “Framework for Preservation of Museum Collections,” CCI outlines the nine agents, acute and long term results of damage, and methods for preventing damage. Direct physical forces, such as shock, vibration, and abrasion that can break, distort, puncture, dent, and scratch all types of objects. In contrast, our collections care workshops highlight pervasive dangers of which the general public, and even museum staff members, may not be aware. Posted in collections care, collections management, Connecting to Collections, disaster preparedness, storage, workshops, Tags: 10 Agents of Deterioration, Canadian Conservation Institute, Priceless, Robert Wittman.
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