Emission of huge amount of air pollutants as a result of crop residue burning in South Asian region. Water, Peace and War: Confronting the Global Water Crisis, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham.
Wirsing, R., Jasparro, C., and D.C. Stoll (2013), International Conflict Over Water Resources in Himalayan Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, New York. Burned land can be sold at a higher price illegally, and eventually used for activities including oil palm and pulpwood production. The land rights of traditional communities that live on land classified as forest cannot be registered and are generally unrecognised by the state. [6][7], Most haze events have resulted from smoke from fires that occurred on peatlands in Sumatra and the Kalimantan region of Borneo island. Indonesia has 265,500 km2 of peatland, which comprises 13.9% of its land area. Its pollution is one of the major causes of concern for both, the government of Philippines as well as for the world.
Moreover, it is inequitable distribution or weak governance that is a more certain path to conflict than is scarcity in itself. 8. The fires also incur significant firefighting costs and carbon release to the atmosphere. Research shows that the most common cause of fire was related to competition and conflict about land tenure and land allocation. Her thesis explores the water interactions between India, Nepal and Bhutan. Much of the pollution comes from rivers which carry mismanaged plastic waste to the ocean. Global Warming and Water Pollution. [25] These studies found dose-dependent effect of PSI on the risk of development these conditions. Also, since this region is overpopulated there are too many people already. She loves writing on topics related to space, environment, chemistry, biology, geology and geography.
In an increasingly unpredictable world, we must secure nature to secure our water, Diverted opportunity: Inequality and what the South-North Water Transfer Project really means for China. In this picture taken on March 18, 2017, a worker collects garbage from the Marilao River in Bulacan, north of Manila, the Philippines. Hill, D. (2009). Another headlining river in the region is the Citarum river that flows through the Indonesian province of West Java. Rapid economic development and urbanisation has resulted in degradation and depletion of natural resources, including water and related ecosystem services. This method costs about Rupiah 30 - 40 million per hectare. Burning wood is a huge contributor to the indoor pollution to the country. (2013). When asked about what else can governments do to curb this issue and to make the region’s rivers clean again, Yasmin explained that “we need to step up on enforcement and increase the penalty for any violation of the river areas.”. The Mekong, which is also the 12th longest river in the world is known to be a major water source for drinking, fishing and agricultural needs for millions of people. Search. The first of these overlooked aspects is that inequalities often shape access to and control over water. x��\mo�H�� ��?�J��!��7 0�8�l���ĸ���~`lZ&����l���_U�{�M�X�'��������z��O��~�v��3K//٧�W���e��y�R����*&�2��h�$/����w? There appears to be increased susceptibility amongst the elderly and those with past history of heart disease and diabetes mellitus. [22], The transboundary Southeast Asian haze has been linked to various cardiovascular conditions including acute ischemic stroke,[23] acute myocardial infarction[24] and cardiac arrest. [14] Therefore, these communities do not really have the ability to enforce rules at the village level and exclude outsiders such as oil palm plantations, logging companies, residents of other villages, migrants, small-scale loggers or transmigrants. Water Diplomacy: A Negotiated Approach to Managing Complex Water Networks, RFF Press, New York. ��)|aI�1R�%��>������I2V� ����\Q�t#�/�T��{�W�du�4��"IkvS��?_�}u�{���Z�;�{lכ|5�����.Vݸ�VlϾ�������`��xd�~]������_��
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Which water uses should take priority when demand outstrips supply? Paula can be contacted at paula.hanasz@anu.edu.au. Water First: Issues and Challenges for Nations and Communities in South Asia, Sage, New Delhi. © 2020 . Create. The government could also provide fiscal advantages to support companies’ investments in fire management. 2 0 obj
(And Do They Mate With Other Species). (and Are They Good For Them), Causes, Effects and Solutions of Marine Habitat Loss and Destruction, 7 Terrible Effects of Industrial Pollution, 25 Amazing Ways to Prevent Water Pollution, How Do Birds Mate?
The views expressed in this article belong to the individual authors and do not represent the views of the Global Water Forum, the UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance, UNESCO, the Australian National University, or any of the institutions to which the authors are associated. In fact, the pollution that is currently taking place in the region has stemmed from centuries ago. The child above is in water. The challenges of water governance in the 21st century, Paula Hanasz, Australian National University, Australia. Singh, R. (2008). Haze related damages can be attributed to two sources: the haze causing fire and the haze itself. The Citarum river is an important resource which aids in agriculture, water supply, industry, fishery, and production of electricity. Please see the Global Water Forum terms and conditions here. Eutrophication and Water Pollution. [8][9], Undisturbed humid tropical forests are considered to be very resistant to fire, experiencing rare fires only during extraordinary dry periods.[10].
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