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celtic sun god

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. ‘Lugh’, ‘Belenos’, ‘Teutates’, ‘Esus’, ‘Taranis’ were all epithets of the same solar deity who conducted the souls of the dead in their Otherworld destinations.

The conjecture I should like to raise again is this: That the Atlantic Europeans before the Romans had a principally duotheistic religion comprising of a god and a goddess who each had a ‘triple’ identity. If what ye sing be true, the shades of men seek not the dismal homes of Erebus or death’s pale kingdoms; but the breath of life still rules these bodies in another age…” Lucan –Pharsalia 1stC AD.

The son of the Dagda and river goddess Bionn, Aengus (or Aonghus) – meaning ‘true vigor’, was the Celtic deity of love, youth, and even poetic inspiration. The irish Etain is also a female figure speculated to be a remnant of a solar goddess, so it appears more likely that, like the norse, ancient celts invisioned the sun as a woman, not as a masculine god. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of, Rare Sphinx Seal Belonging To Roman Emperor Discovered In India Confirms Existence Of Legendary Muziris, Excavations Of 2,500-Year-Old Water Cistern In Croatian Village Lumbarda – Completed, 1,300-Year-Old Paintings Depicting Eight Buddhist Saints Revealed By Infrared Cameras, Stone Tools In Lapa do Picareiro Cave Reveal Modern Humans Reached Western Parts Of Europe 5,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Thought, Göbeklitepe-Like Kahin Tepe Is Oldest Worship Place In Black Sea Region – Interesting Finding, Unexplained Ancient Wars In America – Knowledge Of Ancient High-Tech Weapons? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Birth Totem is: Raven/Crow In the same way, the branch is a symbol of fecundity for more arable-agrarian societies, and was widely used in Greek and Roman iconography. This energy manifests itself especially in the number of skills he had, according to legend, mastered. Balor had an evil eye capable of killing whomever looked at it. But what about ‘Belenos’? Wings for that matter are also branched, as are bolts of lightning and rivers. Descriptions and brief explanations of early Celtic deities. A horned Alexander from a coin of the Sequani (Jura mountains, France). It was stored in a vat of water at night to keep it from catching fire and scorching the earth. Ametrine is one of the rarest and most va... Read more, The Mental Balancer Stone

Worshiped as the sun god, he symbolizes enlightenment as he brings light to the world. The Fomorians were finally defeated and Lugh’s brave accomplishment helped to bring freedom to the Irish people. So – the god of wealth and fertility whom Caesar likened to Mercury and had ‘many images’ made of him was represented using the traditional image of Alexander with a cornucopia attached to his head. Spirit: To operate judiciously It is linguistically possible…. Secondarily he mentions that they also worshipped Apollo, Mars, Jupiter and Minerva. Today, people remember the figure of Lugh with a festival which commemorates the beginning of the harvest in August. I understand that there is an etymological suggestion that the name is related to ‘Heles’ and ‘Helios’ through aspiration of the principle ‘V’… This would explain his apparent solar characteristics, although the conflation/conflict with Perun is confused by the Christianisation of the myths which emphasise the ‘Solar’ in one and demote the ‘cthonic’ aspects of the other. Lucan was a clever lad, and the gods (no doubt Mercury himself) were to receive him into Elysium at a young age – a ‘rock and roll’ life and death. The ‘abstract art’ that replaced earlier naturalistic (cave paintings), is in my opinion, representational of Cosmic events (no longer active – but some of which are reproducible in plasma experiments see Peratt and petroglyphs) and the identification with such events as part of the revealed nature of world and existence or the attempt to integrate such experience as our structure of consciousness. Caesar’s statement about the ‘many images’ of Mercury is interesting when one considers the most prevalent images created by the Celts were not apparently statuary idols, but coins. After the god Nuada was killed in the Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh, Lugh became the leader of the Tuatha De Danaan (the term for the gods and goddesses who descended from the goddess Danu).

Lugh was also the spiritual guide of his son, Cuchulainn, and fought in his son's place in order to give him rest during his lone and very tiring combat. The ruler of Libra is Ven... Read more, Blessed Samhain

According to Celtic mythology, Lugh was the son of Cian and Ethlinn. The horse depicted is also sometimes winged. It is said that the Spear never missed its target and was so bloodthirsty it would often try to fight without anyone wielding it. What even of the ancestor-god Caesar remarked upon as being called (or like) Dis Pater…. All rights reserved. For the Celts, who lived in central Europe, Lugh was a Sun god. In fact, there was a tale that related Lugh’s myriad abilities at arts and crafts. Might they all be one and the same? Lug (like Belenos) appears in placenames and inscriptions from all across the Atlantic European world, and into the reaches of the Danube river basin. The Crystal Wind Oracle Mobile App (Free Demo), Mercury Retrograde October 13, 2020 - Changing Plans, Preparing for First Contact - The Arcturians, Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday October 1, 2020, Monthly Astrology Forecasts for October 2020, The Voice Of Spirit Is Calling - Archangel Michael, © 2008-2020 Lugh possessed several magical weapons, including an invincible Spear, one of the treasures of the Tuatha de’ Dannan. Mercury was also the psychopomp who conveyed the souls of the dead on their mystical journey – something which was of core interest to Celtic religion, and upon which Lucan remarks. Since this is primarily a Celtic web site, I will focus mainly on those of early Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Ergo, equations between Apollo and celtic gods cannot render the latter solar deities, especially in the light of syncretism with clearly non-solar gods like Veles.

Large Earthwork At Wichita Site In Kansas – Is It Long-Lost Native American City Of Etzanoa? Carlisle (England) was once Luguvalium, a town near Hadrian's Wall in Roman Britain and in Wales, Lugh was worshiped as Lleu, while in the regions of Gaul as Lugus. Read more, Birth dates: September 22 - October 22

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