Black History Month begins in Boston with a kick-off celebration at City Hall. During the month of February, there will be special events hosted around Boston celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of the Black community.
The Boston Public Library (BPL) will observe Black History Month in February with a series of music, films, and activities for all age groups. Notes of pride, honor and unity rang throughout the Council Chamber as Sean Skeete from Berklee College of Music provided the … In addition, last month Mayor Walsh, in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Diversity; Arts and Culture; Boston Public Schools; and media partner Boston25, announced an open call for student artists to submit artwork inspired by landmarks related to Black history in Boston, in honor of Black History Month. Notes of pride, honor and unity rang throughout the Council Chamber as Sean Skeete from Berklee College of Music provided the music that set the tone for a vibrant and lively event. Special events around Boston will celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of the Black community, and will acknowledge the trailblazers, activists and leaders who have fought so hard for diversity, inclusion … He is also the director of the William Monroe Trotter Collaborative for social justice at the school's center for public leadership. If you need to visit a department, you must make an appointment. Zoom/Unzoom Mayor Walsh and Commissioner Emily Shea gathered an estimated 600 black seniors from all over the city at Roxbury's Melnea Cass Recreation Center for a celebration of good music, good food, and good people.
Former State Representative Marie St. Fleur was the keynote speaker. At this year’s Black History Month Event, "The Diaspora: A Celebration of Black Immigrants," Councilors Campbell, Edwards, Janey and Pressley welcomed a host of individuals to celebrate those whose history comes from all parts of the world, but have chosen Boston to call home.
BNN is now making dubs of your favorite Boston City TV programs. Today, Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the City of Boston's Black History Month Committee, and the entire City of Boston will begin a month-long celebration in honor of Black History Month. Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the City of Boston's Black Employee Network (BEN), and the entire City of Boston will hold a month-long celebration in honor of Black History Month. The City of Boston will continue to celebrate Black History Month in February with the following events: Portraits of Purpose: The Next Generation featuring Don West, Thursday, February 1 - Wednesday, February 28. For the latest updates, please visit our coronavirus (COVID-19) website: City Hall is open to the public on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Mayor Walsh honors Cornell Brooks, a public leadership and social justice professor at Harvard Kennedy School. Dion Irish, Commissioner of the Boston Election Department, Black History Month Committee, City of Boston. This month of celebration will begin with a kick-off event today at City Hall, honoring Chief Justice Roderick L. Ireland. The list of honorees included Yvette Modestin, Jean Bonnet, MD, Dr. Natalicia Tracey, and Deeqo Jibril, all leaders in their respective communities, but also contributors to the fabric of Boston’s Immigrant community. For the latest updates, please visit our coronavirus (COVID-19) website: City Hall is open to the public on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. During Black History Month, Boston's Age Strong Commission sees the meaning of "Black Excellence" in the people it serves. Boston honors this historic month through a wide variety of community events and programing. Saturday, February 17 - 9:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. BCYF Recreation Center at Madison Park, 55 Malcolm X Blvd., Roxbury, Together We Rise with the Elderly Commission. City Hall kicks off Black History Month with a celebration featuring songs, performances and moving speeches. In addition to the City of Boston event series, Boston's arts and cultural community honors Black History Month by elevating narratives of racial identity and cultural equity. Each hosting Councilor chose a member of the community to honor, not only for their contributions to the City of Boston, but for their dedication to the country as migrated Americans, who share the same pride and joy as those born and raised here. Black History Month. In partnership with ArtsBoston, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the City of Boston will host a series of free events to celebrate Black History Month, which will start with the Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration on Tuesday, February 2nd at 12:00PM in Boston City Hall on the 3rd floor mezzanine. Today, Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the City of Boston's Black History Month Committee, and the entire City of Boston will begin a month-long celebration in honor of Black History Month. Thursday, February 22 - 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Russell Auditorium, 70 Talbot Ave., Dorchester. St. Fleur shared stories of her past, talked about the importance of understanding our history, highlighted her journey as a leader of color in the city of Boston, and emphasized the importance of working together as one people. Mayor Walsh honors Cornell Brooks, a public leadership and social justice professor at Harvard Kennedy School. In addition, the BPL has published its annual “ Black Is” booklist , a compilation of recent works by and about African Americans. To close the event, a dance performance by the duo 2 Lit 2 Quit was delivered to “Freedom” by Mary J. Blige. Although, February is Black History Month, heritage should be celebrated year-round. She then joined the councilors in honoring State Senator Linda Dorcena Forry for her years of dedication to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Across America, February is recognized as Black History Month - an annual celebration of achievements and advancements by African Americans, and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in U.S. history. Boston City TV, Boston Public Schools (BPS) and Boston Neighborhood Network (BNN) are producing a high school sports to bring you Mayor Martin J. Walsh's "Game of the Week" featuring Boston High School sporting events throughout the school year. More information is available on Thursday, February 22 - 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building, 2300 Washington St., Roxbury. At this year’s Black History Month Event, "The Diaspora: A Celebration of Black Immigrants," Councilors Campbell, Edwards, Janey and Pressley welcomed a host of individuals to celebrate those whose history comes from all parts of the world, but have chosen Boston to call home. Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the City of Boston's Black Employee Network also known as BEN, and the entire City of Boston kicked off a month-long celebration in honor of Black History Month. It'll be a great time to come together and celebrate our vibrant community."
Tuesday, February 27 - 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont St., Roxbury Crossing. If you need to visit a department, you must make an appointment. This event was sponsored by Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Special events around Boston will celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of the Black community, and will acknowledge the trailblazers, activists and leaders who have fought so hard for diversity, inclusion and equality. City Hall kicks off Black History Month with a celebration featuring songs, performances and moving speeches. I encourage all residents to attend the events we have planned. A look at events happening in Boston to mark Black History Month.
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