(Greeting from friend), "I wonder if there're any Dragon Veins here?
", "I love seeing places like this. Here, I will protect you.
Lately, I've been asking myself that more often than I'd like to admit... To defend life, to resist oppression... Is that not a use of power, just like taking what you want by force? Wailing Soul Corrin
Corrin (カムイ, Kamui) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros.
", "I was just thinking about my siblings. Can I please have a Thanos with an Infinity Guantlet but all the Corrins instead please and Fallen Corrin as Thanos saying “Reality can be whatever I want”? If there's one person who can help me to find the right way to wield this power, it's you, so—Rrghh... Graagh! Fire Emblem Fates
(5-6 stats up), "Gradually, I get closer to achieving my ideals.
", "I've come with greetings from Friend.
(Mod Toto) DW XD Request as much as you want!! Azura's heart has been wounded by people like that.
(Upon reaching level 40), "I want to bring a smile to Azura's face. The beast inside is...growing restless!"
In Hoshido, we use ink and brushes to write down our goals for the new year.
Feel free to use them! I'd like to just keep you where I can see you, but people would call me overprotective.
There is no value to strength unless you use it to help people. If this power hurts any of my friends, I don't want anything to do with it!
Corrin’s had a far from normal life, being pulled between the rival kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido, only to find her destiny in the shadowy kingdom of Valla, which orchestrated the conflict between the two. Finally, we can be together here. ", "If I hurt Azura again, I don't think I'll be able to live with myself, much less face the others...", "What do you see when you look at me?
But if the two of us are together, nothing can stop us! ".Gloom Breath can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery.Gloom Breath can be upgraded with the additional effect "Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of target's stats. If I protect her and give those wounds time to heal... then perhaps she can grow stronger and find a way to live on her own someday.
Appears in Fire Emblem Fates. WHERE...ARE THEY?
Save yourself! (3-4 stats up), "It seems I didn't get much stronger..." (1-2 stats up), "Let's see what I can do now!" ", "No one can say what the future holds.
Fallen victim to a certain someone's curse?
(1-2 stats up), "Thank you for thinking of me.
", "What a lovely summer memory. Edit Summoned Edit "Happy New Year! At start of turn, grants Atk+2 to adjacent allies for 1 turn. An enchanting princess raised in Hoshido who sings in battle to help her allies. If you're looking for a great warrior, I'd suggest one of my siblings instead...", "I pledge to be someone who believes in people, and works for their betterment. Likes & Reblogs appreciated!
", "Happy New Year!
(5-6 stats up), "I'll protect all of you... That's a promise!" Need a Halloween icon lmao.
It's called kakizome. ", "You must pursue your ideals in friendship as in all else. If there are exactly five male Heroes in the plaza, we'll have good luck in our next battle!
There's so much to do there. Tell me about yourself! ", "Hey there!
", "I've never had a chance to swim in an ocean before! Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community.
Fallen Corrin F: Don’t do it! ", "I grew up in a fortress, where I was…never allowed outside. (Greeting from friend), "Some people find pleasure in attacking those who can't fight back. (Mod Toto) Sorry for the delay!! There'll be no stopping her. ", "If I can do my part to help protect someone I care about...if they're smiling...who I am doesn't matter. What a lovely castle you have here!"
(Upon reaching level 40), "It's a Hoshidan tradition to wear this kind of kimono for the New Year.
Your faith gives me the confidence to move forward!" I've felt...overprotected my whole life, so it's a strange feeling to want to do it myself.
But without it, I could never hope to shape my future as I might now.
It's a new year, so I'm trying to look at everything with fresh eyes. ", "I've come with greetings from Friend. For stat values between level 1 and 40, see this page.
", "I’m certain that you’ve chosen the path of peace. Could I get Fallen Corrin saying "I'm about to end this man's whole career" with damaged Surtr next to her? I promise...", "When I'm at your side, it's easier to...stay myself.
Let Sharena Introduce You! I'm really glad to be spending the New Year with you.
I brought it from Friend." Thanks!
damaged fallen f Corrin: No—. I want to become a Hero who can make all your wishes come true.
(5-6 stats up), "I will aim ever upward, and my strength will become everyone's rock." ", "I've never seen tropical fish before so I got, "Do you know of any nearby Dragon Veins?
(3-4 stats up), "Perhaps my thoughts of the ocean distracted me..." (1-2 stats up), "Thank you! (Greeting from friend), "What is this power of mine, I wonder?
(New skill learned), "I chose a path, and it ended the war.
If I could take you shopping, I'm sure we'd find one that suits you perfectly. I can be with my brothers and sisters once again. ", "I may not look it, but I am no stranger to war. If this hasn't been done yet, could I get both male and female Corrin saying "Who are you?"
I also have Adrift Corrin, so I like to boost her with that further +6 Atk/Spd, on top of her +12's. Joke goes: Iago in his neutral pose, "Oh, you approach me?" A greeting from Friend!"
If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. Now that I'm with you, you'll never have to cry anymore. I’m very fortunate.
", "Hello. ", "Having trouble sleeping? I’ve got quite a few. ", "I must keep going.
", "I have so many siblings, I couldn't be more fortunate", "The small things really count with friends, even a little smile can make a big difference. ", "As I grow stronger, I too inch closer to my ideals!"
It grows restless.
Do you have any brothers and sisters? I can see the crystal-clear water and blue sky every time I close my eyes. ", "I was thinking of my many siblings. ", "Thank you very much for looking out for everyone. (1-2 stats up), "Which path will this power lead me down, I wonder?" Legendary Effect raises Arena Score As a Legendary Hero, you will gain a Wind Blessing when summoning Legendary Corrin (F).
As part of the Dark Burdens banner, Male Corrin, Lyon, Julia, and Ike present a more violent side to their usually-heroic personalities. (5-6 stats up), "I'll become more powerful than I was last year." There was something, "A...Legendary Hero?
I'll be happy to come by and give you a pat on the head. I'm glad you called out to me, and I'm glad I answered.
Fire Emblem Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I want to stay by your side, after all. I have a New Year's gift for you from Friend."
", "I always celebrated the new year in Nohr, so greeting it in a kimono like this is a new experience for me. comfort.
This place is every bit as wonderful as that island. ", "This cape sometimes gets tangled up in my leg armor... Never you mind though. I will fight for you with my Yato blade and dragon power! Male Corrin (use his fallen versions damage art, since he looks real pissed and it fits), "I can't beat the shit out of you if I don't get closer."
(Greeting from friend), "I consider myself blessed, but that wasn't always the case. Swimming, delicious food...! We've spent so much time together, I'm uneasy when you're not around. This set of values, after being multiplied by a rarity factor, determines how much each stat will increase from level 1 to level 40, see stat growth. Get it over with and let other people get their chance now.
(Greeting from friend), "Thanks for spending so much time with me. It’s not my place to make any pivotal decisions.
At launch, it provides what is essentially Darting Blow 2, which is considered to be a mediocre effect even at launch.
It allowed us to meet.
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