Testing is easy and should only take a little of your time.
There are many sources of indoor air pollution in any home. Most multi-purpose cleaners will not remove lead in ordinary dust.
If possible, take plants and pets outside when applying pesticides to them. Particles, released when fuels are incompletely burned, can lodge in the lungs and irritate or damage lung tissue. Please complete the fields below to send your friend a link to this product.
Combustion gases, including carbon monoxide, and particles can be back-drafted from the chimney or flue into the living space if the combustion appliance is not properly vented or does not receive enough supply air. Let us quote you our best price; Toll Free (877) 571-7901; International (732) 728-2590; Chat with Us.
If they are poorly designed, operated, or maintained, however, ventilation systems can contribute to indoor air problems in several ways. The process of solving indoor air quality problems that result in health and comfort complaints can be a slow one, involving several trial solutions before successful remedial actions are identified. More often, however, investigators will need to come to the building to conduct personal interviews with occupants, to look for possible sources of the problems, and to inspect the design and operation of the ventilation system and other building features. Learn how asbestos problems are created in homes. Levels in Homes: Based on a national residential radon survey completed in 1991, the average indoor radon level is 1.3 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). Levels in Homes: Particle levels in homes without smokers or other strong particle sources are the same as, or lower than, those outdoors. Finally, ventilation systems can be a source of in door pollution themselves by spreading biological contaminants that have multiplied in cooling towers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, or the inside surfaces of ventilation duct work. May cause cancer. The effectiveness of these devices is uncertain because they only partially remove the radon decay products and do not diminish the amount of radon entering the home. Air cleaners are generally not designed to remove gaseous pollutants. Stop smoking and discourage smoking in your home. Ventilation, a common method of reducing exposure to indoor air pollutants, also will reduce but not eliminate exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
If you prefer, or if you are buying or selling a home, you can hire a trained contractor to do the testing for you. Install and use exhaust fans that are vented to the outdoors in kitchens and bathrooms and vent clothes dryers outdoors. Maintain moderate temperature and humidity levels and provide adequate ventilation. For most indoor air quality problems in the home, source control is the most effective solution. Stop smoking and lower your radon level to reduce lung cancer risk. Operates Monday to Friday from 8:30a.m. This information is based on the most credible scientific evidence currently available. A glossary and a list of organizations where you can get additional information are available in this document. However, building materials rarely cause radon problems by themselves. While pollutant levels from individual sources may not pose a significant health risk by themselves, most homes have more than one source that contributes to indoor air pollution. Levels in Homes: Average level in homes without combustion appliances is about half that of outdoors. (404) 488-5701, Office of Information and Consumer Affairs The item you are trying to purchase is currently out of stock.Please enter your name, email, and phone number below. In addition to improved air quality (less allergens! The federal government recommends that homes be weatherized in order to reduce the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. If you are installing new carpet, you may wish to take the following steps: Building a new home provides the opportunity for preventing indoor air problems. Open windows or use exhaust fans. 0 reviews | Model: CPS IAQPRO. Often a resident can take the appropriate action to improve the indoor air quality by removing a source, altering an activity, unblocking an air supply vent, or opening a window to temporarily increase the ventilation; in other cases, however, only the building owner or manager is in a position to remedy the problem. Ventilate the attic and crawl spaces to prevent moisture build-up. Homes with one or more smokers may have particle levels several times higher than outdoor levels. Insist on a proven record of competence and customer satisfaction. Do not finish a basement below ground level unless all water leaks are patched and outdoor ventilation and adequate heat to prevent condensation are provided. It has also been shown to cause cancer in animals and may cause cancer in humans. Other pressed wood products, such as softwood plywood and flake or oriented strandboard, are produced for exterior construction use and contain the dark, or red/black-colored phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin. PROFESSIONAL INDOOR AIR QUALITY METER. Be sure the retailer requires the installer to follow the Carpet and Rug Institute's installation guidelines. Formaldehyde is an important chemical used widely by industry to manufacture building materials and numerous household products. Website: www.who.org, Your Local American Lung Association (ALA) Contact the local health department or the water supplier to find out how to get the water tested. Indoor pollution sources that release gases or particles into the air are the primary cause of indoor air quality problems in homes. Some biological contaminants trigger allergic reactions, including hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic rhinitis, and some types of asthma.
Never mix household care products unless directed on the label. Local bathroom or kitchen fans that exhaust outdoors remove contaminants directly from the room where the fan is located and also increase the outdoor air ventilation rate. 1740 Broadway [(800) 767-7236] Reducing Exposure to Formaldehyde in Homes.
Express your concerns about indoor air quality to your architect or builder and enlist his or her cooperation in taking measures to provide good indoor air quality. Water-damaged carpets and building materials can harbor mold and bacteria. Because so many Americans spend a lot of time in offices with mechanical heating, cooling, and ventilation systems, there is also a short section on the causes of poor air quality in offices and what you can do if you suspect that your office may have a problem. When radon becomes trapped in buildings and concentrations build up indoors, exposure to radon becomes a concern. ), you’ll also see a decrease in your monthly electric bills and energy usage. Indoor air pollutants can be circulated from portions of the building used for specialized purposes, such as restaurants, print shops, and dry-cleaning stores, into offices in the same building. Opening windows and doors, operating window or attic fans, when the weather permits, or running a window air conditioner with the vent control open increases the outdoor ventilation rate. The control program should list specific names of pests to be controlled and chemicals to be used; it should also reflect any of your safety concerns. (Because some old gaskets in woodstove doors contain asbestos, when replacing gaskets refer to the instructions in the CPSC, ALA, and EPA booklet, Asbestos in Your Home, to avoid creating an asbestos problem.
Medical and government personnel may call 800-858-7377. If no such collection days are available, think about organizing one. Asthmatic children are especially at risk.
Table-top air cleaners, in particular, may not remove satisfactory amounts of pollutants from strong nearby sources. Albany, NY 12210 If a professional company is hired to conduct a building investigation, select a company on the basis of its experience in identifying and solving indoor air quality problems in nonindustrial buildings.
Make sure that children wash their hands before meals, nap time, and bedtime. Use trained and qualified contractors for control measures that may disturb asbestos and for cleanup.
Indoor levels of dust mites are higher than outdoor levels. Use proper fuel in kerosene space heaters. The rate at which outdoor air replaces indoor air is described as the air exchange rate. Pollens originate from plants; viruses are transmitted by people and animals; bacteria are carried by people, animals, and soil and plant debris; and household pets are sources of saliva and animal dander. Blocked, leaking, or damaged chimneys or flues release harmful combustion gases and particles and even fatal concentrations of carbon monoxide.
Use "exterior-grade" pressed wood products (lower-emitting because they contain phenol resins, not urea resins). Room N-3647, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Most well and city water does not usually contain lead. These investigations may start with written questionnaires and telephone consultations in which building investigators assess the history of occupant symptoms and building operation procedures.
Federal agencies with indoor air quality information may be contacted as follows: INDOOR AIR QUALITY - Information Clearinghouse (IAQ INFO)
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