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denmark air pollution

In a large study of Danish children with relatively low exposures, we estimated increased odds for traffic-related pollutants (NO2 or particles) for autism and Asperger diagnoses but not for more broadly defined pervasive developmental disorders. Alterations of circulating endogenous secretory RAGE and S100A9 levels indicating dysfunction of the AGE-RAGE axis in, 51. ORs (95% CI) from conditional logistic regression models for ASD per IQR, 1. This station is part of a sensor network. Danish air pollution modelling system DEHM/ UBM(THOR)14­16 (see supplementary file for further details). Utilizing the Danish nationwide population-based registers and individual-level air pollution exposure measures, we assess the influence of early life exposure to air pollutants from traffic as well as other sources during critical periods of fetal and child development on ASD risk. Talbott EO, Arena VC, Rager JR, et al. Jensen SS, Larson T, Deepti KC, Kaufman JD. However, a study using the same NATA model in North Carolina and West Virginia found no effects for metals but positive associations (ORs between 1.4 and 1.8) with ASD for the solvent methylene chloride and for quinoline and styrene exposures.7 Furthermore, a Pennsylvania study that focused on exposures at the census tract/zip code of birth for NATA derived neurotoxicants9 reported an increased risk of ASD with the highest quartile of exposure to styrene, chromium, lead, arsenic, methylene chloride, and PAHs. Childhood, 17.

Ketzel M, Jensen SS, Brandt J, et al. Within subtypes of ASD, positive associations were observed for all pollutants in children diagnosed with AD, and with Asperger while among children with a PDD-NOS diagnosis, only SO2 effect estimates for infancy exposures showed increases (Table S3; Developing brain as a target of toxicity.Environ Health Perspect19951037376, 40.

Furthermore, the associations were specific for the third trimester in models that examined trimesters of exposure.13 This together with the estimated effects being somewhat stronger in boys was interpreted as in line with what is currently known about brain pathology relevant to ASD etiology38–40; however, we did not see consistent gender-specific effects in the Danish population.
McFadden K, Minshew NJ. Berkowicz R, Ketzel M, Jensen SS, Hvidberg M, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Case parents did not differ from control parents in terms of mean maternal or paternal ages, but a slightly higher proportion of parents were older than age 35 when the affected child was born (Table 1). Located Magnolieholm, Etta Camerons Vej, Sluseholmen, Copenhagen, Copenhagen Municipality, Capital Region of Denmark, 2450, Denmark. Increased IgG4 levels in children with, 52. Stoner R, Chow ML, Boyle MP, et al. Please try again soon. Furthermore, a validated air dispersion model based on a nationwide emissions inventory provides estimates for nitrogen dioxides (NO2)/nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) at high temporal and spatial resolution at individual addresses. Patches of disorganization in the neocortex of children with, 42. Allen JL, Liu X, Pelkowski S, et al. In order to ensure the highest level of data quality, the. For immediate assistance, contact Customer Service: James SJ, Rose S, Melnyk S, et al. In humans, early studies of ASD and air pollution were relatively small in size (several hundred cases) and relied on crude exposure models such as county-level estimates for hazardous air pollutants including metals and volatile organic compounds or simply on proximity of residence to roadways.7–11 More recent studies have modeled traffic-related sources of air pollution at finer scales and also used criteria pollutant air monitoring data—primarily focusing on particulate matter PM2.5 or PM10.8,12–15 Results from epidemiologic studies of any type of ASD were recently summarized in two meta-analyses.16,17 Both reviews supported the notion that ambient air pollution increases ASD risk but also pointed out that to date there are relatively few studies that evaluated different pollutants and that most were relatively small in size for air pollution studies. Watanabe N, Kurita M. The masculinization of the fetus during pregnancy due to inhalation of diesel exhaust.Environ Health Perspect2001109111119, 48. When you bicycle, the air clearly smells of diesel fumes. An alternate explanation is that this study may have assessed the wrong exposure period because it investigated only prenatal exposures. Although air pollution has decreased in Denmark over the decades we investigated, ASD diagnoses rates increased which has partially been attributed to children being diagnosed at earlier ages.61 Whether this ASD increase reflects an increase in diagnostic sensitivity at the expense of specificity is not clear. Exposure to. Brandt J, Silver JD, Frohn L, et al. Neuropathological consequences of gestational exposure to concentrated ambient fine and ultrafine particles in the mouse.Toxicol Sci2017156492508, 45. Even though ambient air pollution—especially particulates—exhibits neurodevelopmental toxicity in experimental studies, evidence from epidemiological studies of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) remains equivocal. When examining trimester-specific exposures, we restricted to children born at term (at least 37 weeks of gestation). Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. In contrast, a smaller study that identified 245 ASD cases in the US nationwide Nurses Health Study (NHS) cohort supported associations with pregnancy exposures only when coadjusting for all exposures to PM2.5 from 9 months before to 9 months after birth.13 Given these inconsistent findings, there is a need for larger studies that allow further explorations into the types, levels, and timing of air pollution exposures when assessing ASD risk. Modern Epidemiology2008Philadelphia, PALippincott Williams & Wilkins, 32. An early study which relied on a few hundred autism cases born between 1997 and 2008 in Los Angeles reported a higher risk with residency within 309 meters of a freeway in late pregnancy and early infancy compared with those living further away.11 For these same children, researchers also estimated high odds ratios (ORs = 1.8–3) for autism with third trimester and first year of life traffic exhaust exposure measures derived from a line-source dispersion model (CALINE4) as well as NO2, PM2.5, and PM10 from ambient monitoring stations.15 For 7603 autism cases and ≈70,000 controls born in Los Angeles between 1995 and 2006, we previously generated traffic-related exposures (NO2) at birth addresses from an LUR model and for PM2.5, PM10, ozone, CO, and NO2 from routine air monitoring12; we estimated a 7%–12% increase in autism risk per IQR increase in LUR-derived NO2 and monitored PM2.5 throughout pregnancy but did not assess pre- or postpregnancy exposures. Air pollution levels did not differ more than minimally between cases and controls excluded due to missing covariates (results not shown). Evaluation and application of OSPM for, 27. Furthermore, trimester-specific exposures adjusted for pre- and postnatal exposures were not associated with ASD either (Table S2;

Raaschou-Nielsen O, Hertel O, Vignati E, et al.
This website uses cookies. We relied on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to determine the causal structure for our models, identify relationships between exposures, covariates, and outcomes, and guide the selection of variables needed to control for confounding.32 We selected the following covariates as potential confounders: maternal and paternal age (<19, 19–25, 26–30, 31–35, >35 years), location of residence (Copenhagen, its suburbs, and large cities [Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg], provincial cities and rural towns/communities), neighborhood socio-economic status (SES) employment (community-level ratio of unemployed to employed families based on the adult with the highest reported income in the birth year), neighborhood SES housing (% of council rented housing in year of birth), and maternal smoking during pregnancy (yes/no); the matching variables gender and birth year were the basis for risk sets in conditional logistic models. Open Weather Map, combined with qweather™ improvement algorithm, Contains modified Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Information, Some of the icons made by Freepik from, Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 62. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without Windham GC, Zhang LX, Gunier R, Croen LA, Grether JK. An integrated model study for Europe and North America using the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model with focus on intercontinental transport of, 26. We conducted stratified analyses according to decade of birth (before and after the year 2000), child gender, and place of residence at birth (Copenhagen, suburbs, and large cities versus provincial and rural towns/communities), and also distinguished between subtypes of ASD (AD, Asperger, and PDD-NOS). Additionally, we restricted in sensitivity analyses to children diagnosed before age 5 (AD) and age 10 (Asperger), to those who received diagnoses from specialized psychiatric hospitals, and to nonmovers (in pregnancy) only to compare results to previous reports. Perinatal exposure to hazardous air pollutants and, 8. We used an average of hourly air pollution concentrations during the past 3, 6, and 12 months before the index date for which the case and matched controls were identified. Sorry, the specified email address could not be found.

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