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denmark water pollution

Steffen Foss Hansen, Dr. Techn. The high price of water deters unnecessary consumption, helps conserve water and led to a significant drop in water consumption over the last 20 years. Plastic waste in the ocean and microplastics in our environment is a growing issue for both Denmark and the rest of the world. NatMus will investigate how plastics degrades over time in coastal and marine environments e.g. Page Air pollution sources Air pollutants are emitted from a range of both man-made and natural sources including: Page Air pollution Air pollution harms human health and the environment.

"To understand plastic pollution and suppress it, we need coordinated efforts that utilise the overall expertise in the best way possible. MarinePlastic will consider plastic pollution from several angles, and among other things accumulate information about the types, sources, occurence, spreading, breakdown causes and the consequences. In the 1960s, polluted water, especially around the capital in Copenhagen, made up the majority the country’s aquatic substances. A consumer survey by the utility association DANVA in 2006 showed that satisfaction with water suppliers, water quality and security of supply is very high. We are therefore very pleased to support the establishment of the new research centre, bringing together competence and competent researchers in the development of new knowledge as well as innovative and concerted solutions," says Ane Hendriksen, Executive Director of VELUX FONDEN. T (+45) 39 57 09 57 Located on Northern Europe’s Jutland Peninsula and surrounding islands, Denmark can be thought of as both a cultural and geographical bridge between Western Europe and Scandinavia.

MarinePlastic will be officially launched on 1 February 2019. Researchers from Aalborg University (AAU), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Roskilde University (RUC), Aarhus University (AU) and the National Museum of Denmark (NatMus) therefore join forces to develop knowledge and solutions., Senior Adviser, Head of programme, VELUX FONDEN. The aim is to increase our understanding of the societal consequences of plastic. AAU will develop new analytical techniques that subsequently will be used by all the researchers in the project to examine plastic pollution. Read more about our focus on the marine environment. Contact:Torkel Gissel Nielsen, Professor at DTU Aqua,,+45 25 58 06 57. However, there is a need for comprehensive knowledge about types of pollution, effects on the ecosystems of the sea, spreading of the pollution, sustainable alternatives, etc. For the next for four years the researchers will work intensively on developing a research-based understanding of types of pollution, sources, frequency and the environmental consequences of marine plastic pollution. The aim is to bring our shared knowledge and expertise into use for the benefit of the world by developing targeted technological solutions and beneficial initiatives in cooperation with decision makers," says Jes Vollertsen, director of MarinePlastic Center, based at Aalborg University. and associate professor at DTU Environment,, + 45 29 72 32 38. The Danish centre for research in marine plastic pollution. The centre will gather researchers across universities and academic disciplines. – Related news: Removing Marine and Aquatic Debris for Good AAU will also collaborate with AU to develop new techniques to qualify and quantify yet undetected microplastics and nanoplastics in the sea. Water prices have been historically high in Denmark. VELUX FONDEN wishes to contribute to a sustainable balance between the use and the conservation of marine resources. Result of survey about air pollution, water pollution, greens and parks satisfaction, light and noise pollution, etc. Contact:Jakob Strand, Senior Research Scientist at AU,, +45 87158654, Mikkel P. Tamsdorf, Head of Section, AU,, +45 41915666. In the 10thcentury, the country was unified under a monarchy and ruled over parts of Sweden and Finland. Although MarinePlastic will fundamentally contribute new knowledge, the aim is also to develop targeted solutions, says Jes Vollertsen: ‘We need new knowledge and a better understanding of the problem to develop solutions and battle marine plastic pollution before it becomes an environmental disaster. Its nine waterworks tap 90 wells to supply 15 million cu m of potable water annually to 250,000 consumers, at €5 per cu m (RM20.20). why and how does a carrier bag release microplastics and how are the particles spreading. In Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city, water supply and wastewater treatment is handled by Aarhus Water, a public limited company fully owned by the municipality. The new centre is made possible due to a grant of DKK 20 million from VELUX FONDEN. DTU and RUC will investigate the influence of legal and societal actions to reduce plastic pollution and create new knowledge describing the damaging impact of microplastics on the environment. Result of surveys about air pollution, water pollution, greens and parks satisfaction, light and noise pollution, etc.

RUC will in collaboration with DTU investigate the effects plastic pollution has on the surrounding environment and on the food chain that comprises sea animals and plants.

The whole population has continuous access to an improved water supply and improved sanitation.

Jes Vollertsen, Director for MarinePlastic and Professor at AAU,,  +45  28 95 91 95, Mikkel Klougart, Head of Environmental program, VELUX FONDEN,, +45 23 28 36 74, Tobaksvejen 10, 2860 Søborg A grant of DKK 20 million from VELUX FONDEN has enabled the establishment of the centre. A collaboration between AAU, DTU, AU, NatMus and RUC with headquarters at AAU in Aalborg. Responsible for research in sociatal regulation of microplasticism. The remnants of that autocratic past can be seen in the co… A new Danish centre for research in marine plastic pollution 7 December 2018 A grant of DKK 20 million from VELUX FONDEN will enable the establishment of a new centre for research in marine plastic pollution. In Denmark, strict regulation requiring businesses in the city to clean up their own pollution such as treating waste water quickly followed and the government began seeking partnerships with private companies to clean up the country’s water. Contact:Jes Vollertsen, Director for MarinePlastic and Professor at AAU,, +45 28 95 91 95. Contact:Tine Bonde Christensen, Communications officer, the National Museum of Denmark,, + 45 41206144. Professor Jes Vollertsen from Aalborg University will head the research centre. Plastic debris polluting the sea is a growing environmental problem that calls for efficient and climate-neutral solutions.

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