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denver water lantern festival

Finally just after dark celebrate life with the breathtaking display of the water lanterns. Causes event in Thornton, CO by Water Lantern Festival on Saturday, June 19 2021 with 3.6K people interested and 221 people going. Copyright Notice – Most content on this website is protected either by our own or 3rd party copyrights. On their Facebook group, that's where they changed the date to April 8," said Danielle Tran. Here is how you can request a refund from that website. Causes event in Thornton, CO by Water Lantern Festival on Saturday, June 20 2020 with 2.3K people interested and 145 people going. This Festival is a free event except for those that wish to buy a lantern. The new event Tran is referring to, is a new post about a Sept. 30 Denver/Colorado Springs event at one location, but the one location has not been selected yet. To get a refund, The Lantern Fest organizer told us to tell you to email Minutes. 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Denver Family Events May 27, 2019 by Alannah. i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r;

Water Lantern Festival in Denver Colorado Thornton. Tickets are on sale for the Denver Water Lantern Festival presented by One World. Don't miss the Water Lantern Festival. The Colorado Motor Speedway and Pikes Peak International Raceway in Fountain did not have the event on the calendar for Saturday. May 27, 2019 by Alannah. Don't miss this amazing event. Unique lantern lights shine fest","sharePrompt":false,"social":{"customURL":true,"description":"","image":{"file":""},"title":"Denver, CO - July 21, 2018","url":""},"ticket":{"date":", ","header":"THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT","location":"Event information available at","logo":{"file":"water-logo-450 (1).jpg","fullPath":" (1).jpg?1525129838702"},"name":"Water Lantern Festival","sponsor":{},"sponsors":"Sponsors"},"url":""},"inventory":[{"path":"","itemKey":"","total":10000,"quantity":6475,"sold":3525}],"confirmation":{"content1":", Click here if you are not automatically redirected after 10 seconds.\n, ","copyConfirmation":false,"emailBcc":"","emailContent":". If you discover any errors please 8 posts in the discussion. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW BEFORE THEY SELL OUT! Water Lantern Festival is a floating lantern event that is all about connections. a.async = 1; Please try again. Enjoy a fun day at the park filled with yard pong, corn hole, face painting, good food, music, vendors, and then relax by the fire pits with your friends and family as you write your messages on lanterns to say goodbye to a departed loved one, make a wish to the universe, or write down and release something that’s been weighing you down. Experience the magic of over 1000 lanterns as they light up the water. No emails have been sent out. Tickets are on sale for the Denver Water Lantern Festival presented by One World. First, some history. }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); They will be immediately recommended to interested users. Stronger winds and concern for fire stopped the lanterns from being lit and sent off on that Sunday, so the event was postponed. Get your tickets now before they sell out! Magical nights in cities across the U.S. include food, games, activities, vendors, music and the beauty of thousands of lanterns adorned with letters of love, hope and dreams reflect upon the water. the festival is about bringing people together and experience the Water Lantern Wonders. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Music event in Denver, CO by Lighthouse Water Lantern Festival on Saturday, May 23 2020 with 418 people interested. Water Lantern Festival was Voted #1 Best Cultural Festival by USA TODAY! })(window, document, 'script', '//', 'ga'); He said he requires a meeting 30 days out, and he checked the group's website one month ago, but there was no reference to an event at PPIR. Get your tickets at One World Water Lantern Festival is an amazing experience where you'll witness the magic of lanterns as they light up the water while enjoying food trucks, music, and festivities. ga('create', 'UA-585604-15', 'auto', 'wbx'); m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) Parking information will be sent out one week before the event. Contact host, If you wish to delete this event continue, CASA University Class Six (Online Session), 5 Love Languages for Couples (Couples Night), PIGS: Canada's Pink Floyd Tribute Band “In The Flesh” Tour, Carpenters Tribute Concert: A Re-creation of the 1976 UK Tour,, CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System Education Services,, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The Lantern Fest was held in October at the Colorado Motor Speedway in Dacono. Once the department adopts the 2015 code, which is expected around June, sky lanterns will be banned. Come experience the Water Lantern Festival with your friends and family as the floating lanterns reflect messages of love, hope, and happiness upon the water.

return window.twttr || (t = { _e: [], ready: function (f) { t._e.push(f) } }); i[r] = i[r] || function() { Provide some basic detail about your purchase, so you don't end up in a back and forth about whether or not you really bought tickets. js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src= ""; a.src = g; Water Lantern Festival As the sun begins to set on the evening sky, the Water Lantern Festival begins to shine with the launch of the lanterns onto the water as we Light The Water together. Water Lantern Festival was Voted #1 Best Cultural Festival by USA TODAY! Fountain Fire would have staffed the event with two or three fire trucks, six brush trucks, a structure engine and an ambulance.

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