In the comics, Drax is not only much stronger than his on-screen counterpart, he was essentially … Dormammu wishes to use his power to conquer every dimension of the Multiverse, but his efforts to destroy the Earth were stopped by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, who took measures to prevent him from entering our dimension by constructing the Sanctum Sanctorums. Close. If Ego assimilated the whole universe, I doubt he would have stopped there and started conquering other realities. Classification: The Cosmic Conqueror, the Destroyer of Worlds, The Intent of All Evolution, The Why of All Existence, Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Immortality (Type 1), Large Size (Type 2), Non-Corporeality (His head/body is composed of space-time), Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Reality Warping, Absorption & Fusionism (Absorbed dimensions into the Dark Dimension and plots to absorb all realities and dimensions into it. If it's just a straight-up power vs power match up, Dormammu would make mince-meat out of Thanos. The dark dimension is still in the universe, it’s just another dimension. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Sure, Thor can cut down spaceships with Stormbreaker, but Captain Marvel did that with her bare fists. She can, of course, beat down his minions. Dormammu exists as a Lovecraftian horror. RELATED: How Mysterio Crossed Dimensions in Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man. What evidence, though, do we have that Dormammu will return? They might think Thor is stronger or Thanos is stronger. So, if the heroes of the MCU want to stop him, they'll need to pool their skills together to overcome this unstoppable obstacle. Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) (MCU) vs Dormammu (MCU)# Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) (MCU)Thanos = multi galaxy level (destroys half the universe) Dormammu = multi universal (is described as a cosmic conquer) Thanos only wins via bringing the Time Stone into the Dark Dimension. Dormammu is a powerful extradimensional being older than time itself. Dormammu would ultimately strik… All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Should be concept arts considered as canon and should words "Possibility" or "maybe" confirm it ? Archived.
I kinda want to watch that, The first round is thrown in dormmamus favor, assuming mcu works like comics, the gauntlet is useless beyond its universe. If you remember Doctor Strange, Strange managed to defeat Dormammu not by fighting, but by introducing an unknown element into Dormammu's universe: time. Posted by 2 years ago. The Elder Scrolls metaphysics & philosophy, The Cosmic Conqueror, the Destroyer of Worlds, The Intent of All Evolution, The Why of All Existence, Absorbed dimensions into the Dark Dimension, and plots to absorb all realities and dimensions into it. Dormammu vs Thanos? Rl: Thanos with his gauntlet but without the ability to snap, with all stones, and he can't trap Dormammu in a time loop.
Also described as, Granted Kaecilius and his Zealots vast power, Attracted his three remaining Zealots into the Dark Dimension, Constantly plots to absorb all the infinite realities and dimensions of the Multiverse into his Dark Dimension, Dormammu was able to absorb many other "worlds", He's "a being of infinite power and endless hunger". Doctor Strange could match Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet for a good while before Thanos ultimately bests him. There is a character so titanic in strength that no one has come close to bruising them. Dormammu vs Thanos? Dormammu wishes to use his power to conquer every dimension of the Multiverse, but his efforts to destroy the Earth were stopped by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, who took measures to prevent him from entering our dimension by constructing the Sanctum Sanctorums. Most of the guesswork hinges on one thing: is Dormammu a physical being? It is impossible to comprehend the full power of this entity. He carries the Deviants gene, and as such shares the physical appearance of the Eternals' cousin race. Which means, now that the Time Stone is gone, nothing will keep this Universal Conqueror away from the MCU. Dormammu was unable to defend himself against time, a concept that was foreign to him, forcing him to agree to Strange's terms. Dormammu than banished himself and Kaecilius's forces from the Earth, sealing the interdimensional portal between Earth and the Dark Dimension. Dormammu vs Thanos? That giant face was merely how he conversed with Strange. Dormammu is a powerful extradimensional being older than time itself. It depends! Dormammu(MCU) vs Thanos(MCU) Battle. This thread is archived.
He regularly invades and corrupts universes with his dark energies, stripping the dimensions of reality away until all is as he is: timeless, eternal and beyond comprehension. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. It is too much for him. They might think Thor is stronger or Thanos is stronger. In a rather brilliant sequence, Strange managed to convince Dormammu to leave Earth, or else he'd be trapped in an endless loop where Strange would let Dormammu kill him again and again. Archived. Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic (Superior to Doctor Strange), Stamina: Unknown (He's "a being of infinite power and endless hunger"), Range: Low Multiversal (Absorbed dimensions into the Dark Dimension), Intelligence: Gifted.
But that still establishes Dormammu as an unstoppable force of power. The thing is, the Soul Stone seems to temporarily force Strange into this state during Infinity War. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! To handle Dormammu, Earth's Mightiest Heroes would need to become increasingly creative. Dormammu probably consumed his whole dimension eons ago and is now actively devouring others.
But one often neglected fact is that there is a character already introduced in the MCU that far outclasses every other character to have ever appeared in the series. Carol Danvers cannot punch Dormammu into submission, nor is she equipped enough to reason with him. After all, the one thing that could annoy him into surrender is gone. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. RELATED: Disney's Star Wars Plans Prove It Learned From Solo's Blunder. Rl: Thanos with his gauntlet but without the ability to snap, with all stones, and he can't trap Dormammu in a time loop. This works for physical forces opposing her, but when it comes to something more beyond the material realm? The Ancient One effortlessly defeated the Hulk with just a single strike. save hide report. Dormammu Thanos It depends whether Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet or not. They could only delay him for awhile. 8. I am answering this for the gazillionth time. Dormammu vs Thanos? Close. People have wrongly assumed that Captain Marvel is the strongest character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but people tend to give the title of "strongest MCU character" to the most exciting character from the latest movie. And what does the Dread Lord Dormammu care about honoring promises with a human?
Doctor Strange's not a fighter but a wise advisor than could prevent civil wars like the one from Captain America's third film instead. But one often neglected fact is that there is a character already introduced in the MCU that far outclasses every other character to have ever appeared in the series. If he's a physical thing that can be hurt by brute force, Thanos should have more than enough raw power to kill him. There is the possibility that Dormammu's threat will be contained to Strange's universe and that Strange, rather than overpower Dormammu, will be forced to conceive of a creative solution. 8. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Dormammu is a powerful extradimensional being older than time itself. When you compare him to the comic book character he's based on, he's incredibly weak. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Dormammu is the strongest character in the MCU, bar none. There is no one who comes remotely close. Thanos was born on Saturn's moon Titan. Captain Marvel, in regards to raw, unaided power, is stronger than both of these characters, or, at the very least, on par with them. He is the malevolent ruler of the Dark Dimension. Again, Strange didn't defeat Dormammu in a battle, because Strange knew he'd stand no chance against Dormammu. The world of Doctor Strange features reality-bending humans who can distort and manipulate existence with ease. J.J. Abrams' Justice League Dark Deal Includes Multiple HBO Max Series, The MCU's Greatest Threat Will Return - And Captain Marvel Can't Stop Him, How Mysterio Crossed Dimensions in Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man, Yes, Captain America Has Children -- Only Not With Peggy Carter, Disney's Star Wars Plans Prove It Learned From Solo's Blunder, BLACK: Warner Bros. Lands Rights to Comic About World Where Only Black People Have Superpowers, To All the Boys I've Loved Before: A Timeline of Lara Jean & Peter's Love Story (in the Films). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. On a cosmic scale. Is Ant-Man 3 REALLY Setting Up the MCU's Next Big Threat? Dormammu wishes to use his power to conquer every dimension of the Multiverse, but his efforts to destroy the Earth were stopped by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, who took measures to prevent him from entering our dimension by constructing the Sanctum Sanctorums. share. There is a new message for the community. He has vast experience, formed an alliance and manipulated Kaecilius and his Zealots to his advantage, gaining their loyalty and admiration through deception, Fusion Zamasu (Dragon Ball) Zamasu's Profile (Speed was equalized), Bass.EXE (Mega Man) Bass.EXE's Profile (Bass.EXE had access to his various transformations, and speed was equalized), Dormammu in the guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dormammu attacking Doctor Strange with projectiles, Dormammu constantly defeating Strange, and manipulating his Dark Dimension, Dormammu turning his Zealots into mindless ones and attracting them into his Dark Dimension. Since the attacks killing Strange were coming from all around him including the ground, i feel its safe to say the whole dimension is just an extension of himself. Written for The Mary Sue, ScreenRant, The Anime Feminist, The Gamer, and Vocal. Captain Marvel might be powerful, but she has no chance against Dormammu. She's incredibly powerful. The most the heroes have done is annoy him into leaving. Again, different story. Loves different varieties of coffee. As far as I can tell, Dormammu is basically the whole dimension the same way Ego was the whole planet. Takes place in Dormammu's home dimension. 90% Upvoted. No doubt she'd be able to take someone like Kaecilius down, but to handle this force of unrelenting malignance? 11 months ago. Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Constantly plots to absorb all the infinite realities and dimensions of the Multiverse into his Dark Dimension, which is another universe, Dormammu was able to absorb many other "worlds" and dimensions and into it. share. He is the malevolent ruler of the Dark Dimension.
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