Hep once told me he did 405x5 off the rack in the training hall that week and now do not doubt that he did. The problem was whenever I loaded up some extra weight to try a limit single I was never able to do much more than my max for fives. During a public exhibition in Vancouver on November 19, 1950, Doug cleaned and pressed 341 pounds (which was weighed out on scales). In it he recommends the Big Three (bench, squat, power clean) done 5x5 ramping up for beginners, but straight across for the more advanced. Doug drank milk during his workouts, with no apparent ill effects. Doug was a weightlifter by public pressure, not by personal choice. This routine was rotated around for three months. It wasn’t until the beginning of 1949 that he began to incorporate heavy squatting into his program. But what was most impressive was the speed of execution. Many thanks! He was also as big as a tank. What I was soon to discover was how fast and easy that lift looked when shown at normal speed. Each workout, you’… He won a weightlifting gold medal at the 1953 World Championships. But for those that can tolerate this twice-per-week frequency, nothing works better. As far as I remember, Hepburn trained often and with heavy weights.
* Also check out this great video below on the great Doug Hepburn: ← Older Post He performed 8 sets of 3 reps in all the exercises except the squat.
An absolute goliath in the training world, Douglas Ivan Hepburn or Doug for short, was one of the most respected athletes of the mid-twentieth century. Doug Hepburn was a Canadian strongman. Doug spent the holidays in New York City, making new, lifelong friends. August 31, 2019, Should this Website use Disqus or Facebook Comments System? Powered By Shopify, RIP Bodybuilding Legend Franco Columbu - Passes away at 78 Years Old. The split & frequency would probably be the same as any other one. Doug Hepburn (16/9/1926 to 22/11/2000), full name Douglas Ivan Hepburn, was a Canadian weightlifter and strongman who won the gold medal at the 1952 World Weightlifting Championships and was inducted into Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame (1953).. Hepburn was dominant in the strength training world during the 50’s and was touted … Strength gains were there, but inevitably slowed down. Should this Website use Disqus or Facebook Comments System.
Image size was obvious.
My Golgi tendon organs were not getting the stimulus needed to enable their muscles to adjust to the heavier weights. But I’ll need to find the article and reread it to be sure. When pressing I always think of Hepburn and his awesome overheads, so for inspiration I decided to re-read Bill Starr's seminal book The Strongest Shall Survive. Certainly it would have boggled the mind! Many of you will have seen this on YouTube. He arrived there on Saturday, January 6, 1951. That inspired me to look up the half-forgotten Hepburn bench routine I saw in Starr's book. Ramp up with about five sets of warm-ups, then hit five singles at about 90-92% of 1RM. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. And I was probably also getting psychologically over-awed by the heavier weights.
During his competitive days, Doug attempted to get a minimum of 9 hours of sleep each night. The first clean was made from the floor and second from the hang. The ‘power’ routine would have you start out with a weight that you could handle for five singles. Hepburn just answered "Yeah, that's about it, more or less."
When he was capable of performing six singles with a maximum poundage, he would add ten pounds and work to get six singles with the next max. His combination of sets and reps was quite simple.
Thus, cleans and other fats that required a forward lean of the body or an exceptional amount of support from the tibia are rather restricted due to a lack of flexibility in this area. Shortly thereafter an invitation was extended to Doug by Joe Weider to come to New York for a visit. Doug split cleaned the weight, then set himself, got the clap, and pushed the weight straight up, no back-bend, no monkey business at the start. Newer Post →, 2019 Mr Olympia Winner is Brandon Curry Mike helped get Doug started on the road to weight training. Doug also accomplished a press behind neck with 305, a right-hand military press of 165, and a one-hand snatch with 180.
Charlie recalls his impression of Doug Hepburn when he saw him for the first time, among the last of the passengers coming through the gate: “So broad was he, so massive, so striking in appearance, that everyone around stopped, stood, and stared.
However, as mentioned previously, he did drink large quantities of milk and thought nothing of having six or eight eggs at a meal.
The quality of this near six decade old, black and white film is not that good, but the quality of such a lift still is.
Routine two, but he substituted the clean & jerk for high pulls on Fridays. Seems to me the Bulgarians know something about this too. It was a well established fact that, even though Doug won the World Olympic Weightlifting title, his efforts in the strength/power lifts were superior standards of performance. In addition, Doug also performed 16 full squats with 460, eight full squats with 500, and one full squat with 560 pounds. Sometimes on occasion he devoted entire workouts to one or two exercises such as curls and presses, or bench presses and squats, or other combinations. 450lbs STRICT overhead press is his best (and the best ever). If he trained only three times a week, he worked out from 1-1/2 to 2 hours, with very little resting between exercises. Surprisingly, his squats were not affected by this condition. Doug ate four or five “average size” meals daily and drank lots of liquids, which included tomato and other vegetable juices and lots of milk. Doug Hepburn has become synonymous with brute force and sheer simplicity.
Hepburn Method Powerbuilding Program Spreadsheet. At first glance, one would think Doug was fat. Joe Weider had given the job of picking Doug up at the station to Charlie Smith.
Doug Hepburn has become synonymous with brute force and sheer simplicity. He also felt Marvin Eder was one of the strongest men in the world, especially since he never weighed much ofer 200 pounds. This helped some as the body slowly adapted to heavy pressing after a fourty year lay-off. The Doug Hepburn Workout For Size And Strength Reprinted from t-nation.com Long before steroid abuse became common in the weight-training world, legendary strongman Doug Hepburn was proving by example that the right combination of smart training, nutrition, adequate recovery, and determination can dramatically increase your strength, size, and power. I had seen that lift before, but always in slow motion.
This allowed him to progress continuously for … Below there are essentially 2 programs, each with a power phase and a pump phase. Pound for Pound, Doug felt that Tommy Kono as the best lifter in the world, and the most efficient was Norbert Schemansky. He was the first natural lifter to bench press 500 pounds, and he could squat 600 pounds for reps at the age of 54. It was received around the latter part of October 1950, in which he listed his strength feats and complained that no one believed him. Poliquin talked about it in an old Q and A. He was also as big as a tank. Joe Weider gave Charlie Smith, an employee, the responsibility of checking this out. I always regretted the loss of that lift from competition so I decided that I would indulge my sense of nostalgia on a lift I still could do. Doug never pushed himself in training, nor did he specialize in any one lift for any length of time. Doug felt the fundamental reason his records in the Olympic lifts were inferior to his power lifts was because of insufficient emphasis on the technique involved in cleaning and snatching, lack of condition due to the latter, overabundance of nonessential bodyweight, and a related lack of flexibility/speed of reflex and coordination. Another was that it was shown to an audience who knew the quality of the lift they were watching, since they were all long-time lifting people who remember the press. He never enjoyed doing the three Olympic lifts. This is reflected in his programs, which focus entirely on compound strength movements and do not explicitly recommend any direct accessory work. So don't ignore the heavy singles. The program outlined in the MuscleMedia q&a adds a single each workout so that’s how Hepburn fits in. And he was extremely strong. During one training session Doug pulled 405 pounds in the clean so high that it came down with such force, it knocked him on his back.
He won a weightlifting gold medal at the 1953 World Championships.
Starr recommended doing this only once a week but I have been doing twice or more with no fatigue. At birth he had two handicaps: a mild clubfoot condition in his right leg and an eye ailment known as “cross-eyed.”. His weight-trained muscles were capable of military presses in excess of 200 pounds. Olympic Weightlifting, Strength and Conditioning. Hey all. Now fast forward to the last year when I decided to junk the machines get back to some real lifting like I did in my youth.
Review of The Doug Hepburn Method of Strength. He had a very simple and methodic system revolving around doing only the big basic lifts using smallest possible measurable progression from session to session.
I do seem to do better after such a rest. He was never a big meat eater and consumed only normal portions of meat at his meals. During the months of March and April 1951, Doug performed some superhuman feats while training: a push press with 410, six reps in the bench press with 380, a limit bench press of 430 (touch and go), and a 410 bench with a three-second pause. At 63 I'm too slow and tight to do any decent quick lifts so I decided to concentrate on the presses. In his early career, Doug devoted himself exclusively to bodybuilding, even entering a physique contest. Doug Hepburn also insisted his bench (500-plus) helped even his overhead lifts.
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