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drought sentence

A slight mulching of one-year-old sifted hot-bed manure will be found useful for keeping out the drought and nourishing the roots through a dry season. The drought is expected to debilitate plant growth, so this year will have a smaller harvest than normal. Effects of free proline accumulation in petunias under drought stress. The Indiana Court of Appeals has upheld a Fort Wayne man’s conviction and 40-year sentence in the fatal beating of his girlfriend’s 2-year-old son. The extreme rigour of the climate of Tibet, which combines great cold with great drought, makes the country essentially very poor, and the chief portion of it little better than desert. In recent years it has suffered severely from drought. The biggest enemy facing people isn't drought, but armed rebellion. Farmers and market gardeners have been badly affected by the, 7. In summer the drought is severe, the heat during the day great, the nights cool and clear. The ground is as hard as stone after the. He is introduced as predicting the drought 2 God was to send upon Israel as a punishment for the apostasy into which Ahab had been led by his heathen wife Jezebel. Through fear of drought the islanders removed to Tahiti in 1830, but disapproved of both the climate and the morals of this island, and returned to Pitcairn in 1831. The religious significance of the plague of drought and locusts is expressed in ch. Broadly speaking, the forests here yield to steppes, and the soil is very fertile; but the whole region suffers periodically from drought. Rumania has no canals, and the canalization of its rivers is impeded by drought and floods. Probably, at least half of these represent Australians, impelled to emigrate by years of drought. In times of drought these animals undoubtedly resorted to the same water-courses for drink, and thus their fossilized remains are found associated. Examples of drought in a sentence: 1. The water was turned off for several hours each day during the, 9. Good drainage is essential for drought tolerant plants and so gritty topsoil has been used, mounded up into bunds over rubble filled subsoil. After 1894, in which year the brilliant prospects of a bountiful harvest were ultimately extinguished by untimely and heavy rains, all the remaining seasons of the closing decade of the 19th century were dominated by drought. Secessionist groups maintain a low-level armed struggle Economy: Ethiopia depends heavily on agriculture, which is often affected by drought.

The government might well be congratulated on having through artificial means ensured in that year of widespread drought and famine the cultivation of 27,326 sq.

Similarly in the earlier pre-exilian period of Israel's occupation of Canaanite territory the Hebrews were always subject to this tendency to worship the old Baal or `Ashtoreth (the goddess who made the cattle and flocks prolific).3 A few years of drought or of bad seasons would make a Hebrew settler betake himself to the old Canaanite gods.
If too closely packed, the soil particles present mechanical obstacles to growth; if too retentive of moisture, the root-hairs suffer, as already hinted; if too open or over-drained, the plant succumbs to drought. deep.

An extremely rich dynasty in the Upper Niger was supposed to owe its wealth to a serpent in a well which received yearly a maiden attired as a bride; the cessation of the practice brought drought and sickness (Hartland iii. The strawberry harvest failed because of the, 26. The paucity of fruit was caused by the, 21. The hot drought of 1893 extended over the spring and summer months, but there was an abundant rainfall in the autumn; correspondingly there was an unprecedentedly bad yield of corn and hay crops, but a moderately fair yield of the main root crops (turnips and swedes). In times of drought the Guanches drove their flocks to consecrated grounds, where the lambs were separated from their mothers in the belief that their plaintive bleatings would melt the heart of the Great Spirit. Drought sentence examples.

biotic stress are likely to develop at times of drought. The equable temperature of these cellars and their freedom from drought is one cause of their great success; to this must be added the natural virgin spawn, for by continually using spawn taken from mushroom-producing beds the potency for reproduction is weakened. Drought is also thought to be a factor causing dieback in hedgerow trees, which are not included in the UK crown density survey. secessionist groups maintain a low-level armed struggle Economy: Ethiopia depends heavily on agriculture, which is often affected by drought. He is said to have visited Ceos, where, by erecting a temple to Zeus Icmaeus (the giver of moisture), he freed the inhabitants from a terrible drought. The Weser on the whole is shallow, and navigation above Bremen is sometimes interrupted by drought. It is best adapted for application to clays and fen lands and should not be practised on shallow light sands or gravelly soils, since the humus so necessary for the fertility of such areas is reduced too much and the soil rendered too porous and liable to suffer from drought. At one time the position appeared to be desperate, particularly in view of the fact that the farmers refused to believe that the trouble was due to anything other than the continuous drought of successive dry seasons, but at the present time, after much expenditure of energy and capital, the condition of affairs is once more fairly satisfactory.

The arboreous forms which least require the humid and equable heat of the more truly tropical and equatorial climates, and are best able to resist the high temperatures and excessive drought of the northern Indian hot months from April to June, are certain Leguminosae, Bauhinia, Acacia, Butea and Dalbergia, Bombax, Shorea, Nauclea, Lagerstroemia, and Bignonia, a few bamboos and palms, with others which extend far beyond the tropic, and give a tropical aspect to the forest to the extreme northern border of the Indian plain. In honour of the Horae a yearly festival (Horaea) was celebrated, at which protection was sought against the scorching heat and drought, and offerings were made of boiled meat as less insipid and more nutritious than roast. " What was once a large river is now a tiny rivulet because of the drought. drought severity are the accumulated runoff totals since October 2004. Now, a two-year drought that has left creeks dry and forced ranchers to sell livestock is increasing the ecological damage. With regard to the occurrence of plants, such as Juncus effusus, which possess xerophytic characters and yet live in situations which are not ordinarily of marked physiological dryness, it should be remembered that such habitats are liable to occasional physical drought; and a plant must eventually succumb if it is not adapted to the extreme conditions of its habitat. 1902 a nd the number of sheep and cattle in Australia had of P greatly diminished, but the year 1902 was one of veritable drought. But the appearance of males seems to be as much associated with those of summer drought as of winter cold. There is little snow, no severe winter cold, and no summer drought. An inch falling in a single day on a saturated mountain area will nearly all reach the rivers, but if it falls during a drought seven-eighths may be lost so far as the period of the drought is concerned. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact.

At Crannon in Thessaly there was a bronze chariot, which in time of drought was shaken and prayers offered for rain (Antigonus of Carystus, Historiae mirabiles, 15). If your area is under a drought watch, observe local ordinances dictating when you can water and for how long.

There are no navigable streams. The over-dependence placed on one product caused waves of depression to alternate with waves of prosperity, and the depression following the fall in the price of vanilla was aggravated by periods of drought, "agricultural sloth and careless extravagance.". Yet, conventional farmers use genetic engineering to take advantage of increased tolerance to pests, disease, and drought. The agriculturist has many enemies to contend with, the tax-gatherer being perhaps the most deadly; and drought, earthquakes, rats and locusts have at all periods been responsible for barren years. Raiding has always been used as a strategy to restock herds during or after a drought.

A fearful drought in 1862-1864 greatly depressed it, and especially discouraged cattle ranching. The district suffered from drought in 1897. Drought and famine came in 1860, and then upon the impoverished state came the strain of the Civil War. Will grow 30cm tall in sun or shade, and is tolerant of drought too !
The fact that the wheat plant requires less water than other cereals, and therefore does not suffer so much from drought, is one of great importance to the cultivator, and furnishes one reason for the greater proportionate culture of wheat in the eastern than in the western counties of England. The effects of a season of drought on the dry portions of the state need not be adverted to; and as there is no rain or snow of any consequence on the mountains during summer, a succession of dry seasons may almost bare the ranges of the accumulated stock 1 During the interval from 1850 to 1872 the yearly rainfall at San Francisco ranged from 11.37 to 49.27 in. Despite the many obstacles it had to meet, including drought, commercial depression and the hostility of many of the ex-burghers, the crown colony administration had achieved remarkable results. They split drought (Vritra) and bring rain, and cause earthquakes. It is quite possible for a hot dry season to be associated with a large yield of corn, provided the drought is confined to a suitable period, as was the case in 1896 and still more so in 1898; the English wheat crops in those years were probably the biggest in yield per acre that had been harvested since 1868, which is always looked back upon as a remarkable year for wheat.

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