Here's the build as I plan it at the moment. Even with AAM, I'd still have 5% ASF in full plate unless I'm missing something? Pretty straightforward dirge bard. You only really need Still Spell so you've got more options for when you do get Spell Critical, or for otherwise swift or immediate action spells, which you get to cast on the rounds when you're meleeing as well. Can anything be done to it. Especially early on. Forgot to mention that. We actually hit so well that you might consider switching to Disorienting Injury. Bad thing is there is only so much AC stacking you can do, so she does depend on gear quite a bit. With that, I have about 2900 gp left for scrolls and minor equipment.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough and Guide, Perception (max), Use Magic Device (all spare points), Mithral Plate, Tower Shield, Bastard Sword, Opportunist’s boots, Rogue - Accomplished Sneak Attacker // Combat Trick > Shatter Defenses, Fighter - Skill Focus: Persuasion // Improved Critical: Bastard Sword, Fighter - Greater Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword // Greater Shield Focus, Fighter - Skill Focus: Perception✝ // Intimidating Prowess, Mobility 3, Knowledge (Arcane) 5✝, Persuasion (max). Easy as that.
3 - Arcane Strike I won't get a ring of protection right now, because I have a ring as bonded item and I'll start enchanting it myself when I get to level 7.
Won't work often, but I figure if an enemy with low fort save is out of reach so I couldn't do much anyway, it might be worth a shot. Also, take Greater Weapon Focus. Nothing to write home about, but solid enough when coupled with Mirror Image and/or Displacement. Mithral Plate, +AC gear, +Stat gear, Opportunist’s Boots. Even "just" stilled Mirror Image would be reason enough to keep that school. Making a great Eldritch Knight build I have always been a fan of the EK conceptually, combining martial with casting though I have yet to find a build that works well enough. Personally, I'd do away with weapon spec and weapon focus spells, but I know that missing is very very bad. *** This comment was removed by its author. Dragon Disciple - Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Eldritch Knight - Improved Critical: Bastard Sword, Eldritch Knight - Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword, Eldritch Knight - Greater Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Shield, Enlarge Person, True Strike, Corrosive Touch, Magic Missile, Haste, Resist Energy (Communal), Displacement, Heroism, Animate Dead, Protection from Energy (Communal), Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Waves of Fatigue, Geniekind, Angelic Aspect, Vampiric Shadow Shield, Heroism (Greater), Transformation, Dispel Magic (Greater), Waves of Exhaustion, Legendary Proportions, Firebrand✝, Perception (max), Use Magic Device (spare). You can stick with Heart of Valor for the whole game wtihout much problems if you don't get Mithral heavy +5; it's not a big deal. Or just swing away with your great sword while your spirit guardians do the work. With that approach, I'd definitely take AAM but I'm not sure if it can even work. So get Furious Focus. But Enhancement looks like I might find the occasional use for the level 1 ability.
The reason for the 4 levels of fighter so u can qualify for Critical Mastery.
Even if you skip out of AAT, it means you can only swift on actions where your casting and not when doing an attack (unless you don't use AS...which kinda means your not really maximizing your feats). If I really wanted to specialize tho, I would pick from evocation, divination, abjuration. Not trying to be argumentative, I just don't understand the choice. I'd also consider working towards getting the Spell Prefection feat by level 15, but that depends on how you want to play. 15 - Dazing Assault, [Critical Focus]. 6 - [Still Spell] 2. Divination is just too good. Bonus Feat. I'm not sure which to get first. and they're hitting more often. Ur crits will give the sicken condition as well as the exhausted condition along with being able to do weapon crit damage and EK's special ability of casting a spell as a swift action when u crit. You’ll be fine. The magus combo works quite well for EKs if you are willing to invest in a spell storing weapon: Intensified Spell
Of course, that only grants as much base armour bonus as a Mage Armour spell, so in many ways you'd be better off going un-armoured and casting that until you can qualify for AAM. ;) ). So I'm also thinking about switching STR and INT, leaving STR at 16 and increasing INT on all level ups. We really don’t give a damn about alchemist spells, but if you get your hands on an Herbalist’s Cape, a bit of True-striking might happen. Eldritch Knight is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. She’s your source of shaken. You can cast it before you enter a dungeon). Using Verbal only spells and Stilled Spells also has the advantage that I don't need to care about how much ASF my armor has. Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Valerie Builds. There is just no way she’d hit anything reliably, so might as well make it so enemies can’t really hit her either. And has just enough AB to discourage too much movement on the field. Mithral heavy>Singing Steel, Arcane Protector>Oppressor, Most AC shield > Walls of the Sanctuary, Cha hat > Paragon of Defenders(+Oppressor), +Stats(endgame Star soldier+Devil’s sash), Charon’s touch, ring of evasion, +6Cloak, Honor of death, Gyronna, Manticore boots, Lesser quicken rod, pet, lantern.
That being said, I'm also bothered by the fact that our Wizard doesn't do much else than Blasting and - thankfully - the occasional haste. Kineticist - Armor Focus: Heavy // Elemental Whispers: Lizard, Kineticist - Shield Focus // Dazzling Display, Kineticist - Outflank // Dazzling Infusion, Kineticist - Fire > Dreadful Carnage // Water: Water, Rogue - Shatter Defences // Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast, Fighter - Improved Unarmed Strike // Crane Style, Kineticist - Persuasive // Kinetic Healer, Rogue - Improved Critical: Kinetic Blast // Combat Trick > Blind Fight, Fighter - Skill Focus: Persuasion // Improved Initiative✝, Perception (max), Use Magic Device (max), Athletics/Stealth (all spare points).
Zolthux's Guide to the Eldritch Knight (Updated: 08/12/2014) I. CL * d6 on one strike per battle 3 - Arcane Strike
But yeah, 15 is too high level to have it be that useful. Even then, the save is still doable for many things you fight at those levels that are a challenge, so it is more of something you do to mooks then anything against bosses. It sounds like you're planning on making sensible use of various non-AC related defensive spells, so armour may not be that much of an issue anyway. Fighter 1/Wizard 5/EK 9 (level 15 because that was the cap expectation), Level 1: Fighter: 3 feats (Additional Traits:Reactionary, Magical Knack, Weapon Focus (Falchion), Power Attack). with the books youre using, I think Arcane Armor Training is not a bad idea. I'm not sure I can live with that for the rest of the AP.
Bard - Improved Unarmed // CT>Crane Style, Dragon Disciple - Crane Riposte // Improved Initiative, Bard - Weapon Specialization: Bastard // CT > Improved Crit: Bastard, Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Vanish, Unbreakable Heart, Mirror Image, Heroism, Cat’s Grace, Cure Moderate Wounds, Sense Vitals, Good Hope, Cure Serious Wounds, Haste, Featherstep (Mass), Delay Poison (Communal), Greater Invisibility, Echolocation, Cure Critical Wounds, Break Enchantment, Heroism (Greater), Dispel Magic (Greater), Joyful Rapture. With mithral full plate and a Dex of 12 you're hitting an AC of 20, with a Shield spell running you hit 24, so it's getting up there, but you'll still be taking plenty of hits. Level 15: EK9 Take Spell Perfection (true strike).
Generally speaking quicken spell is wasted for the EK. Something completely different? It looks like you will be doing it at level 6. Her ranking is still lower than Nok-Nok, but don't let that fool you: it's only because I rank characters compared to what they could be and not what they can do compared to each other. You do not get to pick when the bonus kicks in. Burn yourself as you please. Also, remember you're going to be behind on BAB. You have a BAB of 12/7/2, but you can make the third attack of the turn a +20, before adding any bonuses due to stats, Greater Magic Weapon, whatever. I'm actually allowed to use the crafting feats of the group when buying my equipment. I gradually upped the ranking for her over time and now I am at the conclusion she is one of the strongest companions in the game. While you won't be blowing a swift action every turn to use them, they do mean you can confidently cast on those rounds you are spellcasting without stripping off your armour. Right now, IF I'm going the AAM route, I'm planning to get an Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Belt of Giant Strength +2, Mithral Breastplate +2, Cloak of Resistance +1, Falchion +1, Headband of Vast Intellect +2. 1.0, How to break the game with Animal Messenger (starting at level 3), The Social God: A guide to an optimized party face, Bellator Arcana: The Eldritch Knight's Guide, Magic Initiate: A guide to an underestimated feat, End-of-Book Hiatus (and Holiday Ornament), Reduced Pre-Order Shipping Rates to Canada and Europe, If this is your first visit, be sure to ✝or Dreadful Carnage✝✝Can be swapped to Thug for more Crowd Control should you feel you need it. Right now, i'm trying to build a Pure Melee Eldritch Knight, with Wizard and Fighter as the only classes before Eldritch Knight. I might even increase INT instead of STR. You're right on the Mithral Breast Plate - I'd generally consider that the best option for an AAT/AAM ElK. Pretty ok by the virtue of being kineticist(so long as you don’t compare her to actual kineticists).
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