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emperor ing b

B.O.X. Emperor Ing | It uses physical attacks, such as ramming and jumping at Samus, but also attacks by creating swarms of Nightbarbs or of an unnamed flying white creature. In this form, it uses several melee attacks with its tentacles. Queen Metroid | The eye starts out as red/orange - shoot a Super Missile while it is exposed, and it will shift colors to either dark purple or white. Samus can damage the tentacles with a variety of weapons. Dark Samus |

It is known through direct dialogue with U-Mos, as well as scannable rooms and lore, that the Ing are organized in a form of tribal or clan system. The Emperor Ing was the first of the dark Ing race to be created on Dark Aether when the meteor ripped open the dimensions.

Nettori, Other Once all the tentacles have been damaged or destroyed, the creature’s out shell retracts, revealing a glowing "eye" of almost-pure energy surrounded by a protective shell. It continues the pattern seen in the last two, since you want to start by going from the top-left pore in the section down to the bottom-left pore until you're covering it, then back up to wiggling around the top-left. The hole can be seen quite well during its death cutscene. Waiting is absolutely critical since going too early (killing him while he's in the middle of his light beam attack) can crash the game.

Timing is key. Kraid | It will leap into the air and cause a wake which you must double jump over.

The tissue around these holes is softer than the surrounding shell and can be damaged by explosives, though the shell loses no actual structural integrity until all of the weak spots have been destroyed. If so, you will just have to improvise. Gorea | Keep in mind that you are walking a fine line since you don't want to wait so long on pressing B that you actually land from the screw attack. If done well, you should eliminate all 4. Now you are dealing with a new section of 4 pores. The Emperor Ing is a boss from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. In the first phase of the boss battle, the Emperor will try and protect his Eye. The beast will fire beams and the opposite beam will damage him - such as when it fires a dark beam, the Light Beam will damage the Emperor. All original content © Metroid Database 1996-present. The Emperor Ing is the absolute leader and commander of the Ing Horde, their alpha and omega. The Ing Horde is the name given to the main military and governing body of the Ing species during their war with the Luminoth. This is its final form., The Emperor is described as the "Alpha and Omega" of the Ing, similar to how, The Emperor, with his name and the nature of the Ing, makes him very similar to, The fact that phase one of the battle has the exposed Eye of the Emperor can make him similar to. If you don't, just get away from him, line up again, and do more screw attacks under his body. Start the fight by locking onto his mouth, strafing once to the left, then waiting two seconds. It is important to note that, rarely, Emperor Ing will start the fight by jumping at you instead of waiting. Draygon | As of yet, the Emperor is the only one of the Ing the Luminoth never met.

While immobile in this state, the beast is far from helpless; it produces a thick fog of highly toxic purple gas, can spawn Inglets from a structure atop the shell, and attack with short tentacles through small holes in the shell. You can also use the Annihilator Beam on them, but it is risky since the Beam uses up ammo quite quickly. It continues to use its melee attacks and the dark energy attack, but it gains two new attacks: it will now pound on the ground with its tentacles, leaving them quite vulnerable to Power Bombs, and will begin using transdimensional teleportation to send its tentacles throughout the room in an attempt to attack Samus. The creature's energized heart is unstable. Little is known about the Horde's internal structure, politics, or governing methods, although the Emperor Ing appears to be the ultimate leader.

Omega Pirate | Leviathan | Mother Brain | When the tentacle holes are damaged, the Emperor Ing will be reborn.

After all weak points are damaged, the Emperor Ing emerges from its shell and the next phase begins. It is also believed to be the guardian of the Leviathan seed that landed on Aether, which caused it to split in two. This fight can be pretty durable, and Samus must conserve ammunition. Finally, go back up to the top-right one and start wiggling around it. Whether it’s for your private or professional needs, ING has a tailor-made solution: daily banking, lending, savings, investments, insurance and retirement. While it commands the Ing Horde from its lair in the Sky Temple, it also works to absorb as much Phazon and planetary energy as it can, mutating its body and becoming ever more powerful. Phaaze | If you don't, you might get knocked down by the randomly spawning Inglets. Overloading the heart with energy may cause it to exceed critical mass. It is also capable of firing a sustained blast of light or dark energy, with Lightblast- and Entangler-like effects. You have to shoot his tentacles in his first form while they’re either (a) being swung at you for huge damage, unless you do some creative dodging and jumping; or (b) being held above his head, which means you’ve gotta aim above him and keep backing up to see all of him. If you don't one-round him, he will come back with 8 tentacles instead of 4. King vs Emperor . Keep repeating the process of doing charge shots followed by an immediate uncharged shot for the remainder of the fight. The eldest and strongest of the Ing, as well as leader of the Ing Horde military government, it resided in its personal Sanctum within the depths of the Sky Temple, from where it presumably gave orders to its troops.

It is also believed to be the guardian of the Leviathan seed that landed on Aether, which caused it to split in two. She finds more about the Sky Temple and how it could be breached.

When searching Sanctuary Fortress, Samus first learns of the Emperor Ing's existence through Luminoth Lore. | The shell protects the Ing ruler while it mutates and regenerates. Alpha Metroid | The Emperor Ing will generate tentacles in these weak points if Samus comes near to knock her away. Go right so that you are on the top-left pore in this new section, then go down to the bottom-left one until you are covering it. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After about twelve hits, the Emperor will gasp for air and then die. Despite its formidable power and military strength, the Ing Horde met its end when Samus destroyed the Ing and their homeworld. There are 11 pores, and an ideal fight will kill them with exactly 3 power bombs, killing in the order of 4-4-3. Keep trying to predict the colors it shifts into and look for opportunities. Like Warrior Ing, it can fire trans-dimensional energy beams, but unlike them, it can fire multiple beams simultaneously. Once each tentacle is destroyed, the head will retract, revealing its eye.

The Emperor Ing first appears in a similar way to Metroid Prime - he hangs from the ceiling in his palace and it jumps down in a gigantic dark pool to swallow the Light of Aether. The Emperor is elevated to such a status that his offspring worship him as a deity, and his lair is elevated in the sky above the Dark Temple Grounds, showing how heavily guarded it is. They use brutal methods such as fighting amongst themselves to attain rights and to climb up the ranks. There are about twenty holes and this is the most challenging part of the fight because of the rapidly rising gas and the damage Samus can sustain from Ing attacks and the gas. To understand the difference between a King and an Emperor, one must first know the difference between a kingdom and an empire.Both King and Emperor are titles that refer to the ruler of a particular area, but depending on the area where their reign is, the title differs. It is the eldest and most powerful Ing and resides in the Sanctum within the Sky Temple, guarding its Energy Controller, from which it siphons energy. Metroid, Samus and all related likenesses and names are © Nintendo Co. Ltd Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Crocomire | Then, immediately go down to the bottom-right pore until you have fully covered it with morph ball. The Emperor Ing is the controlling force behind the Ing Horde in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Finally, lay a power bomb in the middle, and wiggle around the one remaining pore on the right. A one-hit kill without Emperor Ing jumping.

The eye is covered with a rotating shield that is impervious to weapons, but that has two vulnerable gaps on a single axis that Samus can fire through. Poisonous gas fills the room, but the shell is magnetically charged, allowing Samus to cling to the shell using her Spider Ball. During the Luminoth-Ing war, many attempts were made to breach the infamous Sky Temple by finding the Keys, but all Luminoth died in their attempt and the mission was deemed futile. The Emperor Ing is the controlling force behind the Ing Horde in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. This is its final form. Be patient and accurate. The Emperor Ing was the first of the dark Ing race to be created on Dark Aether when the meteor ripped open the dimensions. Vorash | There is also a small, secret hole on the very back of its head. All Phazon on Aether was swept into Dark Aether and the meteor itself entered Dark Aether. Low%: Start the fight with a charged light beam shot, and fire an uncharged shot right afterwards as you begin charging your beam again. Sylux | Here are the best methods for each category: A one-hit kill without Emperor Ing jumping. It was the first Ing to come into existence, and the most powerful. After you have waited two full seconds, jump once straight up, space jump straight up slightly before you land, then hold forward and press B to initiate screw attack.

The Emperor became similar to Metroid Prime because Metroid Prime originally was just a Metroid brainwashed by Phazon, and Emperor Ing was an ordinary Inglet that was brainwashed into protecting the Leviathan.

If you do see it, lay into it with everything you got (Annihilator Beam). Mutated Emperor Ing. Like other Ing, it is a metamorph, and Samus battles it in multiple forms.

Phantoon | In this second phase, the Emperor is inside a black cocoon bursting with Ing Tentacles and swarming with Inglets. To start, there is a section of 4 pores. If need to farm ammo, there are two ways to replenish: shoot either the white projectiles it vomits or the Nightbarbs by using rapid fire Normal Beams, and then use the Gravity Well from your Charge Beam to suck in the drops. After enough hits, usually about four charged shots, the Ing Emperor will morph into a cocoon. Chykka | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Emperor Ing is by far the most difficult battle in the game - ESPECIALLY on Hard Mode. The Emperor Ing is possibly the hardest final boss in Metroid history.

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