But, I doubt any of them thought they would send their elementary school students to a school atop a CVS on one of the busiest intersections in the city, and with a postage stamp of outdoor space. The trust and relationships he built prior to these closures helps him navigate these new waters with teachers, students, and families. A small donation would help us keep this accessible to all. Dr. Haynes was very involved with service to her community, starting at a young age through her church. Our new graduate profile will drive the decisions we make across our Pre-K through 12th grade curriculum and the defining learning experiences and opportunities every student will have as an E.L. Haynes mountain lion. “She was so warm. Reflecting on leaving the classroom, he thought deeply about ways he could not just impact the students in his classroom, but students throughout the school community. After speaking with the team at KIPP, they directed him to the Capital Teaching Residency Program (CTR) since he did not have any formal teaching experience. In 1966, Dr. Haynes was elected president of the school board and immediately dismantled the tracking system, replacing it with new classroom methods of assessment. Harold Haynes died in 1978. After five successful years teaching, she became assistant principal. While at Stanford she sometimes felt othered. She helps me become a better person…in math. Now he is one of our #HaynesHeroes, as a member of the DC Fire Department. I felt prepared to approach problems and find solutions in a critical way. I feel super blessed that I can walk into work and just love everyone I come in contact with every day. These critical resources are even more important now, as the COVID-19 pandemic presents additional challenges to alumni well-being. She advocated constantly for equal opportunity for the poor and the abolishing of segregation. Understands the social, cultural, intellectual, and emotional settings that shaped people’s lives and actions.
“I love E.L. Haynes. And I say, ‘I think you know how to spell it.’ And when they figure out they can sound out a word, tap it out, read it, spell it, and then write it out. Now she finds herself preparing her students for an AP test that is vastly different from the original—one that will be done in 45 minutes and not hours, and accessible on a cell phone. Our conversations centered on three key attributes—Community Member, Learner, and Leader. She suggested he looked into the Capital Teaching Residency. We are so lucky to have her in the DC teaching community and particularly at E.L. Haynes.”, The founding of the E.L. Haynes High School was intense—all classes were held on one floor of the building, while they were finishing construction and classes also occupied trailers. Supporting childcare, pick up and drop off at school.
He sees the big challenges facing our students and knows that the key lies in the power of the relationship between students and their teachers – “students really miss being able to interact with their teachers in person.”, Ever the optimist, the current reality keeps him grounded in the work. “It was my introduction to growth mindset, the idea I could contest the belief in a fixed intelligence, and what it takes to learn from and not be defeated when your sense of self and identity are questioned so intensely.”, Her time at math camp made her realize that she too wanted to have that type of impact on others, and she continued to return to the math camp, for two more years as a participant, and then three years as a counselor. In recognition of her work engaging students in history in and out of the classroom, she was named DC History Teacher of the Year and received the Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2014. Following her studies, she returned to education, teaching mathematics at a number of DC public high schools. Whether it is STEM, exploratory and applied learning, extracurricular activities or athletics, these opportunities help them build skills like teamwork, responsibility, and a sense of community, and they also boost school attendance, academic success, and our students’ aspirations for continuing their education past high school. Later, she earned her Master’s degree in education from the University of Chicago in 1930. Serendipitously, Marcus ended up at E.L. Haynes because of the two interview days that CTR offered, he could only make one of them, which happened to be the E.L. Haynes’ interview day.
A first generation college student, Marcus had to navigate the post-secondary landscape on his own, but tutoring and mentoring remained a constant in his life. In November 1963, Euphemia spoke of the lack of validity of IQ tests and the question of whether they measured cause or effect, an area related to her master’s research. It has challenged me as a leader and has driven me to think about what I need to do to make a greater change…”. My student loves seeing him, and I can’t help but have a better commute to work on those mornings.”. When we opened our doors in 2004 to our first 139 students, we had a vision for a school that did more—that served all students, no matter their backgrounds, and prepared them to succeed in college. We instill a college-bound culture throughout students’ experience at the school. “Marisol told me she was moving to DC and was looking for a school that represented her values—a deep belief in all students, the importance of teaching within a strong professional community, a true partnership between families and schools, and the concept of learning as an authentic and engaging process. Ms. Ty’ease taught me what it means to be a teacher, how to get a child to not just learn a skill, but to understand the skill, and how to apply it in life.”, Later in that first year as a resident, he truly realized he made the right choice deciding to teach. “It reminds me how oppressive and rigid traditional learning can be, and I want to explore how I can replicate this flexibility in the walls of E.L. Haynes when we return. Her mother was active in the Catholic Church. While there, she further honed her teaching craft and then ultimately moved to DC. “The kids, man. Born Martha Euphemia Lofton, Euphremia (she rarely used Martha) was a fourth generation Washingtonian, her father was Dr. William S. Lofton, a prominent Black D.C. dentist and financier of Black businesses in the area. Maura Marino, the CEO of EdForward DC, who taught with Marisol in East Palo Alto and who had historically helped Marisol with job searches, recommended she apply to be a founding teacher at E.L. Haynes High School in 2011. She grew up in Washington DC, earned a bachelors degree in mathematics from Smith College in 1914, a masters in education from University of Chicago in 1930, and a doctorate in mathematics from the Catholic University of America in 1943.
Thank you for creating a legacy we can follow.
In addition to bearing witness to these important sites, students also meet with activists currently engaged in furthering the work that started more than 50 years ago.
One of these students was Alaunte. Following graduation, Marcus followed his passion to working in youth development and served as a college counselor for St. Nick’s Alliance, a non-profit organization back home in Brooklyn. You were constantly energized, but you also felt like you were drinking from a fire hose.”, Marisol reflected on the importance and power of Advanced Placement courses: “If we are really going to honor the rigor of Advanced Placement, we need students to elect to take them,” and the biggest challenge we face is “how to hold ourselves accountable such that the kids who take AP reflect the demographics of our school.” Further, she asks, “Am I really offering a class that meets our mission, or am I inadvertently designing a segregated space?” and “How do you work within the AP system to change it and make it more equitable?”. Finally, at the age of 53, she earned her Ph.D. in mathematics from Catholic University of America in 1943.
In 1966, Dr. Haynes was elected president of the school board and immediately dismantled the tracking system, replacing it with new classroom methods of assessment. Euphemia graduated as valedictorian from M Street High School in 1907, and enrolled at the Miner Normal School, now the University of DC, and graduated in 1909 as a certified teacher.
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