Guided Day Trip Rates For The Canyon Section of the Lower Fraser, Mission, Chilliwack and Agassiz trips. tag White Sturgeon, and record and transfer data. Please include the following info in your email: 1) Dates you're looking to fish.
“This sturgeon is most likely a female and is well over a 100 years old, and is estimated to weigh roughly 800 lbs.”.
The picture doesn’t really show the color as crazy as it was. Check out the yellow pale head and yellow scutes. 3) Do you need accomodations. A 19-year-old angler from Atlanta, Ga., fishing with his father for the first time, is the fourth person in less than two years to catch a giant Fraser River sturgeon. Thank you gentlemen for a great day on the River.
See HERE for article in the Chilliwack Progress.
The picture actually make him/her look bigger than was in reality.
Giant 12 foot Sturgeon caught on Fraser River Home Giant 12 foot Sturgeon caught on Fraser River July 20, 2012 – Chilliwack, BC — In June 2009, a retired couple from Salisbury, England flew to Canada and fished on the Fraser River with a BC fish guide charter company for two days. Check this Albino Sturgeon from today’s trip. The largest sturgeon ever recorded caught in the Bay Delta watershed, according to perhaps less than reliable reports of the time, was a 16-foot, 1,500 pound fish hauled out of the Sacramento River in the 1880s, caught on a meat hook with a rabbit as bait. Information on purchasing licenses, permits, tags and other entitlements, can be found on CDFW’s Online License Site. They are very rare to see and actually can’t remember last time we had an albino dino. We will be seeking donations to keep this group together and fighting.
We use gear that is aimed towards Dino’s on the larger scale.
We pride ourselves on having landed many world record Sturgeon in the past.
However, some are landlocked in the Columbia River Drainage, Montana, and Lake Shasta in California, with reported sightings in northern Baja California, Mexico. It took 40 minutes, but eventually they reeled her in.
If your interested in helping please email 2) How many people will be attending. Not all that often we get to see tiny babies.
Rare Albino Sturgeon on the Fraser River with Sturgeon Slayers Guiding Company. When they are big and albino, even better.
“Those measurements make this tied for the largest ‘tag and released’ white sturgeon on the Fraser River,” explained a Facebook post from Lang’s Fishing Adventures. The group measured the sturgeon at 345.44 centimetres in length, which is more than 11 feet, and 154.94 cm in girth.
It took 40 minutes, but eventually they reeled her in.
White Sturgeon are native to the West coast of North America, where they may be found in coastal waters from Ensenada, Mexico, to Alaska.
Over the last decade, we the Society have made great progress identifying and addressing issues that affect the recovery of white sturgeon in the Fraser River watershed using critical data collected through our award-winning, volunteer-driven monitoring and assessment program. Donate HERE. This monster was also Untagged, measuring 8’4 1/2 fork length. In many cases, fighting for opportunity. The group took a few pictures, tagged it for the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society’s monitoring and assessment program and released it back into the wild.
Sturgeon Fishing in BC with Sturgeon Slayers, Board of Directors, Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society. O, and they got a bigger fish than this an hour later! Every once in a while, this happens! It took 40 minutes, but eventually they reeled her in.
Winter tires are now needed to travel most of BC’s highways, A pair of new COVID-19 cases for Interior Health, Nurse fired, coroner to investigate after dying Indigenous woman taunted in hospital, BC man who met young boys through church now facing 13 charges in 'historical' sexual assault case, American man arrested after boating to BC marina to pick up Canadian girlfriend, Active COVID-19 cases in Interior Health dips back into the teens. Chilliwack angler Chad Helmer took 2 1/2 hours to land the albino sturgeon on the famous Fraser River in British Columbia, Canada, a destination known for its massive white sturgeon.
Money goes towards the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society program to help keep the tagging program going. Record-tying 800-lb sturgeon reeled in on BC river. Inspired by Honourary Chair Rick Hansen, we deploy our resources and talents towards conserving and protecting Fraser River white sturgeon and their habitat.
Email us for more info and shoot us some dates that your looking to come out.
By January 2018, volunteers had conducted 149,257 sampling events (6,673 in 2017), tagged and released 68,375 sturgeon (1,648 in 2017), and documented 74,583 recapture events of tags applied by FRSCS volunteers within the core assessment area in the lower Fraser River (4,938 in 2017).
For anglers seeking epic battles with the world’s largest and most powerful freshwater game fish, the Fraser River outside of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is the premier destination on the planet! We look forward to connecting with you soon! It was only then that they discovered the true magnitude of their catch. You going to let another year go by without coming out? Fraser River white sturgeon need your help!
Do donate to the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society please visit the website HERE. Its very exciting. In a full lifespan of over 100 years, it grows by a couple of inches each year, to more than 14 feet long and over 1000 pounds making it more difficult to catch when fishing for them. They are very rare to see and actually can’t remember last time we had an albino dino.
It took 40 minutes, but eventually they reeled her in. 8 hour guiding trips for Sturgeon, Salmon and trout and only an hour from Vancouver in Beautiful British Columbia.
Alan Urmeneta, Darren Auramenko, Brant Craig and Frank Koch were fishing on the Fraser River near Mission on Friday when they hooked a monstrous white sturgeon. Recently, a lobby group like nothing before has been formed to fight for the recreational angler. Alan Urmeneta, Darren Auramenko, Brant Craig and Frank Koch were fishing on the Fraser River near Mission on Friday when they hooked a monstrous white sturgeon. Access KamloopsBCNow using your Facebook account, or by entering your information below. You will receive an email update if/when they are caught again.
As an environmental stewardship and research organization, the Society brings together a diverse community of stakeholders – leaders, all areas of government and First Nations, commercial and recreational fishing sectors, research and education – to work together and make a difference for Fraser River white sturgeon. They are an anadromous fish species ranging in the Eastern Pacific; from the Gulf of Alaska to Monterey, California. We appreciate your consideration and any contribution you can provide. The group was part of a fishing trip with Lang’s Fishing Adventures and with the assistance of their guide, Darren Mulrooney, they reeled the creature in. Part of my Director duties for the Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association is to go to many high level meetings involving First Nations, Government and user groups. A fishing group on BC’s Fraser River has just broke the record for catching the largest “virgin sturgeon” — reeling in a monster that has escaped tagging for … The group measured the sturgeon at 345.44 centimetres in length, which is more than 11 feet, and 154.94 cm in girth.
We can do it. One boat to multiple boats and large Corporate groups.
Our heritage as many of you know, is slipping away. I can say over the last 9 years, I can count on one hand the guys who have been going to these high level meetings, dedicating significant time to fight for not only rec anglers but other guiding companies, that we actually are competing against. Thank you in advance for reaching out. Sturgeon Slayers delivers a seamless trip from booking to accommodations right on through to that memorable picture. The group was part of a fishing trip with Lang’s Fishing Adventures and with the assistance of their guide, Darren Mulrooney, they reeled the creature in.
Alan Urmeneta, Darren Auramenko, Brant Craig and Frank Koch were fishing on the Fraser River near Mission on Friday when they hooked a monstrous white sturgeon. Support local journalism by clicking here to make a one-time contribution or by subscribing for a small monthly fee.
Check this Albino Sturgeon from today’s trip. – Rely on help from the sport fishing, recreational fishery, First Nations, government and community leaders, environmentalists, conservation experts and the public community. The picture doesn’t really show the color as crazy as it was. “Those measurements make this tied for the largest ‘tag and released’ white sturgeon on the Fraser River,” explained a Facebook post from Lang’s Fishing Adventures.
Kevin is excited to continue on his protection of Sturgeon on another level.
For any dino’s that we get to tag, clients have the opportunity to adopt the Sturgeon for $100. – Have captured the imagination of hundreds of students and future ‘sturgeon stewards’, through the HSBC Fraser River Sturgeon Education Program grades 4-7.
Visit our web site at for more information. It’s a thankless job but imperative to staying knowledgeable and giving input for recommendations on fisheries. We are proud and honored to announce President of Sturgeon Slayers, Kevin Estrada has been brought on as a Director for the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society.
Priority areas include: mortality, habitat erosion, technology and recruitment of juvenile stocks. – Have survived two ice-ages; are living in the Fraser River.
However, the largest white sturgeon caught by a fisherman is believed to … Winter tires are now needed to travel most of BC’s highways, A pair of new COVID-19 cases for Interior Health, Nurse fired, coroner to investigate after dying Indigenous woman taunted in hospital, BC man who met young boys through church now facing 13 charges in 'historical' sexual assault case, American man arrested after boating to BC marina to pick up Canadian girlfriend, Active COVID-19 cases in Interior Health dips back into the teens.
White Sturgeon fishing charters mean excitement and "wrestling" with prehistoric giants.
Somehow, the massive fish had never been tagged before, which is a rarity for a sturgeon that’s anywhere close to that size.
Enjoy this slideshow or BIG sturgeon and ACDC. The group took a few pictures, tagged it for the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society’s monitoring and assessment program and released it back into the wild. For those of you who know Kevin know he has deep connection with the most amazing species on the planet. Of course he/she was untagged so we tagged, recorded, and release.
We look forward to introducing you to the worlds best Sturgeon Fishing on the Fraser River. Join us on our Guided Sturgeon Fishing Adventures and learn about the Tagging Program, Adopt a Sturgeon, enjoy BBQ meal shoreside and remote fishing in one of the most beautiful nature inspiring place in the Universe.
Somehow, the massive fish had never been tagged before, which is a rarity for a sturgeon that’s anywhere close to that size.
It was only then that they discovered the true magnitude of their catch. Their spawning habits, slow growth rate and the age they live till is something so unique and magnificent. At over 250 million years old they have remained nearly unchanged.
Guided Sturgeon Fishing on the Fraser River in British Columbia, provides the big game fishing enthusiast with phenomenal battles of man vs fish.
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