He can only do this on Easter though. Cue the gun show, where the entrants treat their guns like dogs. Stan: Well, we don't take kindly to you. ", Principal: "You did a 20-minute song and dance number, with 47 "yo mama's so poor" jokes, followed by a finale with fireworks. This is sort of horrible to think of in the context of Heidi, Also in the fourth season in the episode ".
A particularly complicated example in which Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, John McCain, and Sarah Palin are all jewel thieves trying to steal the Hope Diamond from the White House. (continues sobbing) his father was taken away by Tooth Decay, who just moments later would be revealed not only to be an actual monster, but THE kidnapper of the Princess of Canada (who apparently had poor dental hygiene). Kyle's reaction sells it. When Kyle is protecting Leslie, he figures that the safest place in town would be the gun show. Cartman's Cupid alter-ego is back, and he is. They are for, "The Stapler", "A Carrot", "Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb", and "Kenny".
", A straight example happens when it is discovered that the City Wok owner, In "Royal Pudding," the various Canadian wedding "traditions" that get increasingly bizarre and disgusting are being acted out by, In "Coon Vs Coon and Friends", Kenny kills himself several times. 'Member a couple of episodes back when the Member Berries were listening to Toto's "Africa" in their tiny car? Butters' Dad: Oh! I saw this chick in a bikini on the beach too. Stan: Wait a minute! All The Tropes Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. In the special about Cartman finding his dad, a TV crew and some other townsfolk are trapped in a studio due to a blizzard and are drawing straws to see who gets to be eaten by the rest....only to find out Officer Barbrady failed to put in a short straw. Mr Garrison is guided around the Pentagon, being told about all the rooms which allow him to breach civil liberties and Garrison cooing about how awesome this is. What the hell is this disgusting crap?! Cartman: Oh, I'll be waiting with bells on, you old horse-bangin' skank. Sheila Broflovski: "That's right, but sometimes a woman chooses to use other things - telephones, staplers, magazines. Photographer: Smile! TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 'Member all those films from the 80s and 90s which had a group of kids as the protagonists? In "Christian Rock Hard" for example, Cartman bets Kyle he can make a Platinum album before him. All the adults in town becoming obsessed with Minecraft. Morgan Freeman reading "The Poop That Took A Pee" in "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs". There was a similar reasoning behind "Pre-school.". ", And let's not even start with "You're Getting Old.". Liane: What is the picture of, Eric? Sheila: It isn't so bad, Kyle, a lot of people think the Jersey look is nice! Mr. Mackey: C, can someone get me some paper towels, m'kay?!? The town all uniting against their common foe, with Randy telling them to get out of their town. Cartman: (sits up and starts walking away cheerfully) Bye, Easter Bunny! Here, let me sing you a little song that might cheer you up: Sometimes you kill your teacher / and you find your sea men in her stomach / and then you- wait, what the, what?! The look on their faces is priceless. Butters: (Jumps out of a closet dressed as Professor Chaos and laughs evilly) Now you know my terrible secret! Michael's reaction to Henrietta telling him that the camp is turning goth kids into emos. Kyle: Yeah, but that sucks, to get your butt kicked by a girl, Stan. Debuting in 1997, the show follows the misadventures of a group of elementary school kids in the titular mountain town of South Park, Colorado. But sometimes the woman lays on top of the man facing the other way so that they can put each other's genitals in their mouths. The whole of "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", when Cartman decides that he wanted to. Why he wants the other nine is never shown.
Cartman singing a parody of Faith Hill with three of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates dancing backup while pulling their shirts out to look like boobs... simply fantastic. Jimmy points out that Nathan uses the word "retarded". You can't help but side with the kids on this, though. Officer Barbrady's confession is about how he masturbated to Game of Thrones. Cartman: I du-don't wu-wanna go to school tomorrow. Kyle: God damn it, Cartman! In "It's a Jersey Thing" 9/11 gets its turn. The Super Adventure Club attempting to use a hypno wheel on the kids. When they start GoFundYourself, the logo is two Washington Redskins logos having sex.
This becomes even less funny after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. So that we can lose our business and everything can go back to old times? In some cases an episode can be produced a matter of days before it airs, allowing for current events to be parodied almost as soon as they happen. He then gets a very malnourished-looking child to speak up for him. children pointing guns and threatening to shoot each other. Butters reveals his secret identity to Stan: "The Death Camp of Tolerance": "Chil'ren... there's a. All of the fake trailers for Rob Schneider movies in "The Biggest Douche In The Universe". Then she locks up Officer Barbrady in the basement to keep him from finding all the bodies in the backyard...and she took his pants for some reason. Butters takes Cartman's statement of the government are always watching you and turns it into a religion, praying to the government and even gets followers. Cartman's obsession with the security company and at one point ranting about how he could have been a white guy breaking in to rape his mother and Mrs. Cartman walks downstair and hears him and then walks upstairs. One girl responds by calling him a "fat fuck", The opening where everyone is at the school volleyball game and people are betting on whether or not the players will sit or stand before the game. In "Major Boobage," whenever Kenny is tripping on cat urine. Later on, all the boys get it from drinking from the same glass as Kenny; Cartman then has to correct the narrator that "it isn't herpes, it's a coldsore". *Steps outside the house and sees that the driveway and paths are buried under leaves* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This doesn't quite go as planned when the president of Finland decides to tell the spacecops about it anyway. And then the obvious reason of why this accomplishes nothing. Kenny has this power. (Ike walks in and looks at them)
Cartman: And while they're gone, we're gonna smear all their walls... with poop. Boom, baby. Stan: Oh my god, Kenny...killed...death! At the end of "Professor Chaos", we are abruptly asked, "Which of these six South Park residents was killed, and will never be seen again?" You see, a man puts his penis into a woman's vagina for both love and pleasure. Parodied in Creme Fraiche when the boys make a terrible job of impersonating Gordon Ramsay. The boys reading and puzzling over the letters back home, owing to Kenny's flowery speech: "'On the morrow?' To fix the problem.
For this asperger troper, the fact that they relate aspergers to being like the matrix were priceless, especially having to hammered off liquor to "function" against the system (whuch they kept changing every mention along with a "fuck you" at the end). Tropes A-D HERE! Chef: Cartman is your friend, whether you like him or not! Trey and Matt, in their commentary for. He tries to flirt with Cartman, then when Cartman rebuffs him, he goes to a gay bar for a one-night stand. Cartman: The last time when Butters spent the night, I was being really nice to hiiim, and I was gonna take a picture of him for his mom to have! Also, Randy ranting to Stan about how he thinks Jaden Smith is way cooler than him because he's not controlling over his parents and is an actor who can sing, which ends with him saying that he and Sharon only irritate each other. Stan: So what should we do? It turned out, in the episode "201", that Cartman got half his genes from Scott Tenorman's father.
The movie based on the series had a short (for Hollywood) turn-around time as well. Casey/Sky/Kevin. As Mr. Garrison claims America needs a wall to stop Canadians from entering, it turns out they already built a wall first which leaves Mr. Garrison furious. SINGLE. Boy: We're playing Harry Potter.
You don't shoot a guy in the dick. Sharon calls Stan and Kyle out for not doing their homework on American history in "I'm A Little Bit Country". Retard alert, class! And as it turns out, he's only a few inches taller than the tallest person in the group that was confronting him. Sheila believes him and he's forced to act out his fake fetish to keep cover. Cartman? Stan: N-no, we're friends. he sat on the couch and ate chips while Jimmy came up with the actual joke, Cartman remembers it as being the other way around, nobody on the Internet has commented on this because everybody focused on the episode's treatment of. (It's actually a picture of Kyle with a penis on his forehead.). Cartman happens to be there since he does Cash for Gold now and accuses them of trying to fuck him. And for the rest of the episode, we're treated with the return of Nathan and Mimsy and their attempts at ruining things for Timmy.
"It's like they were actually on the expedition, except I didn't actually make the crew sing a song about me." Eric: I'm just saying you're just a little wuss.
The scene where, in a parody of ISIS beheading videos, the Yelpers "behead" the Whistlin' Willy's mascot by pulling the mascot head off to reveal the person underneath. Gerald Broflovski: "Okay boys. It royally pissed off a lot of people, but in hindsight, airing a Terrence and Philip "special" instead of the second part was one of the funniest practical jokes ever pulled on an audience. Randy Marsh: "That's right. Cartman: Aw dude, you shot him in the dick. Cartman: The note will inform them that a problem has come up and they need to see me right-away, back at my office. Cartman then has some fun at Stan's expense. It initially relied on Toilet Humour (especially in the first season) but became more intelligent and satirical as time wore on, and even won a Peabody Award in 2006. Stan promptly suggests a much simpler option. Liane (Cartman's mom): Eric, what's the matter? Cartman: {{[[[Large Ham]] singing}}] Who would have thought such a miracle could be?
↑ Episode 807: "Goobacks". The preview for this episode had PC Principal telling the students that the new POTUS had someone who could help end the gender wars. That whole episode is one big Funny Moment. You are gonna get it, mister! When Mr. Garrison, Principal Victoria and Caitlyn Jenner are sneaking into South Park, they all don disguises, but Caitlyn Jenner refuses to wear a fake moustache. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. "Medicinal Fried Chicken": Randy and his buds, after purposely getting testicular cancer in order to get some medical marijuana, riding their swollen testicles like Hoppity Hops to get around town. Cartman trying to stop the crime at the Red Cross. Officer 2: Crazy son of a bitch... Jared: But I won't stop there. His rendition of All For One's "I Swear" on a jumbotron was icing on the cake. an "equation" for gold revolving around selling grossly overpriced tacky merchandise to gullible seniors and then buying it back for pennies on the dollar. Randy warns Garrison, Victoria, and Jenner that they can't get into PC Principal's frat house as it's a safe space right now, and it's impossible to get into it. (pulls down pants and starts shitting in hand) Every time Randy goes to Wholefoods, he's guilt-tripped into making a $1 donation. to the rest of his Sarcastaball team, and eventually a bunch of professional atheletes as well. Tropes W-Z HERE!
Cartman: You shut up, [backhand slap] ass-logger! Specifically: how strange Kenny looks wearing a princess wig and dress over his parka (even more so with. Their feelings matter for another ten months, damn it!". "McCormick" was spelled "McKormick" in both the season 5 opening and in "Kenny Dies". Scott Malkinson, for Christ's sake.
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