I am now the proud owner of a slightly used chainsaw.
The Division 2 offers a lot of new weapons and callbacks to the original title but which ones are worth it and which should be avoided. No question. However, the M60 definitely offers enough in terms of payoffs to offset these disadvantages. "Just remember what the MPAA says: horrific, deplorable violence is okay as long as nobody says any naughty words.". I may be missing the point with this particular rifle, but it doesn't seem to be very effective in any practical circumstance.
Other than being incredibly easy to use and being one of the few weapons at the age that could penetrate armors for a fast kill. Goodbye, Prettify. By comparison a sword is easy to use, light, and a damned bit more dangerous. The M1911 actually does outpace it ever so slightly when you're talking about straightforward DPS, but the D50's impressive per-shot damage makes it the more effective weapon when it comes to crunch time. Fuck, even NAMBLA exists... A subreddit dedicated to the TV show *South Park*.
Cookies help us deliver our Services. Sadly, the ending to the episode "Good Times with Weapons" is true about our society spoiler spoiler At the ending of the episode, the adults are more upset that Cartman took off his clothes and walked around naked than they are about Butters getting injured and almost dying. It had a good message about violence in the media vs sex in the media, but the anime theme is what I think made it popular. Boasting high RPM and one of the higher DPS ratings among shotguns, it may lack the solid, per-shot stopping power of quite a few of its brethren, but it kicks out shells fast enough to end up a lot more useful than most of them. Thus, assuming all possible technical tweaks like putting teeth on every link instead of normal way, reinforcing the bar, adjusting the housing to not to jam on minor flesh patches, the chainsaw might make the weapon, the wrumming of which would whiten the face of hardened warband soldiers. It's not impossible, just unlikely. How well would it do against swords and shields? Press J to jump to the feed. While this means that you'll also be emptying its remarkably small magazine very quickly, it features an incredibly quick reload time that will keep you in the fight.
But this makes it perfect for the frenetic, run-and-gun gameplay where most players will end up finding their comfort zone while still retaining enough punch to lend a little extra reach to that style.
What would happen is that you swing the blade down on a sword, shield, or armor, it doesn't slice through like a light saber, and the chain's motion causes it to bounce back towards you. The Vector is probably one of the most popular PVP selections in the game, kicking out blistering burst DPS numbers that will absolutely melt other players in record time. Directed by Trey Parker. The nobles (=officers) where trained as well of course. One gatling gun could best your entire army of chainsaw wielders. It also lags behind in terms of reload speed and has what is probably the lowest damage per shot in class. That can be a pretty grave mistake, especially when it comes to picking out your favorite shotgun. The Palm Buckler (Blocking With Anterior Arm), Modern Body Armor for Medieval Style Weapons. Log in sign up.
Dungeons & Dragons: Which Class Should You Play Based On Your MBTI®? Even though it has considerable DPS potential, and as such is a popular choice, the MG5 lags behind the rest of its LMG friends in a lot of departments. You'll want to tip the blade in a material strong enough to cut through metal. Good Times with Weapons disutradarai oleh Trey Parker, sementara naskahnya ditulis oleh Trey Parker. The improvements made to the gunplay and handling definitely feel awesome when you've got a great weapon to experience them with, but setting out with one that isn't quite up to par can produce the exact opposite effect.
She may be from outer space. While its damage output is actually pretty "middle of the road," the magazine size is a little too short for comfort, and the downtime for reloading isn't exactly impressive. It really sounds like he is in pain. @Sky I edited to add a "how to fix them" section. Many shields are rimmed with metal (or would at least be spiked with nails) which would defeat a chainsaw if they were a common weapon in battle. Those break very easily in my experience. But being heavier made the mace inferior to swords, even the most mighty warrior would damage and eventually break his tendons for stopping a mace swing in mid air to change manoeuvre while a sword user could do it faster and with no side damages.
if a blade get stuck you get very little mechanical force acting at the "swordblade". However, the lack of range compared to any missile weapon of the same size and weight does make them kinda silly. There existed many bands of mercenary troops which were hired by one noble or another as the political landscape changed. Now you have a heavy noisy metal box with two nice handles. Spears have an incredible range, they were the safest weapons in a battle.
There's a reason for this and it's because that's what the media perpetuates. It feels natural, it is effective, and it's really difficult to use incorrectly. This is literally 'shoulder to shoulder' to allies and 'face to face' with enemies, in such conditions swinging a longsword is highly problematic hence a variety of weapons with smaller swing has appeared. Hopefully also a dead switch so if it's forced out of the soldier's hand back on him it won't injure him. A polesaw is a chainsaw with a pole between the engine and the blade, rather than placing a regular chainsaw on the end of a stick.
The first use of the chainsaw on this armor and the chainsaw is immediately useless and leaves the user open for counter attack. Spears have their uses as do swords and maces and axes. nice. It boasts some of the highest possible damage per shot ratings.
And if mechanisms of bloodshed are considered and only limitation on gunpowder is imposed, I believe, a civilization with access to combustion or electric engines, needed for the above discussed tools, would quickly abolish the weaponized tools in favour of Da'Vinci's mechanised mowers. For a head of a palace guard (staying mainly inside the palace), is an estoc a realistic weapon of choice? Spears>swords>maces, and there were reasons for that. While it doesn't have the smallest magazine capacity between them, it's a bit on the low side. Here is news link, it is in russian language. Sure, it's definitely a classic. The sound, smell, and visceral impact of such a tool would impress quite a few folks. That process is cutting down poor, defenseless, stationary, unarmored trees. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. I just watched this episode! Have you used a pole saw, or are you just envisioning a regular chainsaw on the end of a stick? site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. But unfortunately, it doesn't really hold up to the plethora of other, better assault rifle choices that you could make here.
Don't let that spoil your fun in a fantasy story though!
Episode ini merupakan episode ke-112 dalam sejarah South Park. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They are only effective in melee fighting. The AUG is an incredibly well rounded SMG, striking a great middle ground between damage and RPM. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. As would ablative armor for the wielders to protect them from kickback. Yes, at a gladiator arena, they might be popular. The accuracy is abysmal, and you're going to find yourself reloading more often than you find yourself doing anything else.
When Cartman turns Kyle into a fucking chicken I lose it every single time. Just not an effective personal armament, swap to a sword and shield before you charge a band of pikemen! Burst fire weapons are a point of contention when it comes to The Division 2's selection of firearms. They give no manoeuvrability, it can only do a few predicable offensive actions and can't defend, while most weapons could both parry a hit and 0,05 seconds after counter attack from any direction. Pole saws are safer, but only to an extent. The ACR is another well-rounded weapon, and you'd be incredibly wise to give it some much-deserved attention – especially if you're new to the game and still figuring out where your exact niche is.
Yes, you'd need a secondary weapon. Hopefully we get it back, More posts from the SoulCaliburCreations community, Continue browsing in r/SoulCaliburCreations. Absolutely. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Half-moon teeth improve some issues, but cause others.
Why is the episode 'Good times with weapons' so popular? In case of battlefield it would be even less effective due to armor and so on. This event monster functions somewhat like Kulve Tarroth — in that it’s only available in-game for limited times. Sometimes south park just fucks with you. The best way to use chainsaws as a weapon is probably to cut down a tree on top of the enemy... (or, on a serious note, cut timber to build siege weapons), I like the expression "the world's most awkward club". What isn't subjective, though, is the fact that the M700 can be an absolute monster when put to use by the right hands. They might breakdown, but for fear and awe in the first few minutes of battle, nothing beats the chain saw. They are the most deadly tool you can use without a license. Disregarding the problem with fuel of course. And even if indestructible, a wall of pikes (8' - 12') will keep attackers at bay far better than chainsaws, as the pikes are easier to manage, easier to use in formation, and have far better range. Haha I used to play as these in SCV.
It just asks if chainsaws would be effective in combat back then. First time i watched this i shit myself from laughing. You'll want to include safeties so that if the chain does break it contains it as much as possible. Could the development of a body armour that completely stop any small arms' fire make a civilization go back to medieval-style combat? Seriously, if you decide to give this thing a try, stick with it for a while.
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