So I'm thinking of changing my VGC Heatran's Heat Wave to Flamethrower. Also keep Heat Wave with Overheat, you're best off with both. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I personally wouldn't run a Heatran without heat wave, but what moves does yours have currently? Fire Blast is a bit behind in DPS, but also less efficient as a 1-bar move.
I think you can viably run it as a 4th move in place of Flash Cannon (Flamethrower is rising in popularity as a 4th move on Zard Y), but Heat Wave, or the ability to hit both targets with a strong STAB move, is a big part of what makes Heatran Heatran.
Heatran with Flamethrower has the 2nd highest TDO after Reshiram. @Skywalkered and @TulipsRenegade already covered PvP applications quite well, so I’ve nothing to add there. It previous must set was: fire spin + stone edge + iron head, because FB takes 80 energy to use, and against fire weak contenders fire spin alone suffice. Getting Flamethrower has convinced me to do that, at level 38 so far…not likely to get a second move any time soon, overall I think it will help though.
Il a un corps marron tacheté de gris et d'orange. Agree, having one of each powered mon I have to say I used heatran more than charizard, moltres and the stuff only because of it’s TDO and typing, is amazing how many moves it resists. /r/Stunfisk is your reddit source for news, articles, analyses, and competitive battling discussion for Pokémon VGC and Smogon. Fiche stratégique du Pokémon Heatran (Heatran). level 2 Roll on VGC17! Ne possède pas d'attaques de soin. Surely it’s more competitive TDO-wise than some of its peers though. Ce Pokémon a changé de tier depuis la dernière mise à jour de cette fiche, les informations ne sont donc plus forcement justes ! Bug Bite is the worse move in the situations where Heatran is useful.
I don't understand why it wouldn't be viable, makes perfect sense to have it instead of Heat Wave. Fire spin and Flamethrower would make it a very useful pokemon in PvP. It doesn’t dive into Heatran’s performance as a Fire-attacker now that Flamethrower is its new charge-move. I read the article on new move changes. Now with a cheap option, you have the chance to go between charged moves and keep opponents guessing. Fire Spin and Flamethrower is Heatran’s optimal mono-Fire attacking set.
From Gamepress DPS / TDO chart. You probably want to use a trick room user with overheatran.
I’m hoping that this weekend sees some new moves for Ho-Oh. It is one heck of a tanky bird and could put in some serious work…if it ever gets some better moves.
Très vulnérable au type Sol, courant en OU. So while it won’t surpass the likes of Moltres, Blaziken, or Chandelure on DPS, Flamethrower Heatran will have high TDO and anchor your Fire team quite effectively. Reason being it does more damage to a single target (without the Sp.Atk loss from Overheat) and doesn't trigger any unnecessary Flash Fires/run into Wide Guard issues. Earth Power is necessary on this set because it provides Heatran with a way of disposing of other Fire-types, specifically opposing Heatran. Une excellente statistique d'Attaque Spéciale. Not only the typing, but as BlameScott said, most Fire types are not big on defense and stamina.
Son ventre est gris foncé. At level 100 Life Orb Overheat OHKOs scarf Landorus-T 100% of the time and even has a slight chance to OHKO M Kang. I'll test Flamethrower > Flash Cannon as it's been suggested by you and /u/mewkazamgar and I think it could work. Ses pieds dont les griffes de métal forment une croix sont précédés d'un bracelet de métal. Now with flamethrower it has more flexibility and higher dps, but I don’t know if it surpass moltres or blaziken. It’s not so much that Heatran is tanky, but so many other Fire pokemon are glassy. Want to contribute? Could become actually useful. Sa tête cornue est recouverte d'un masque de métal et il a … Heatran's strongest moveset is Fire Spin & Flamethrower and it has a Max CP of 3,754. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But as of right now, one has to get lucky and get Hidden Power:Fire to give it a decent fire moveset. Also, it quarters the damage of any STAB type that it can hit supper effective with. We encourage original content and questions for all official battle formats. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.
At level 100 you're best off using Overheat to OHKO Aegislash in Blade form and Amoonguss, at Level 50 Fireblast might get those KOs I haven't calced. Didn’t change my heatran to flamethrower yet, but im planning to do so. Avec le combo Vortex Magma + Provoc et son accès aux Piège de Roc, Heatran est un excellent, Ce set d'Heatran avec les Restes son investissement en Défense Spéciale lui permet d'augmenter son. Didn't know about MegaZardY using more Flamethrowers.
I like having Flash Cannon despite other people's preferences, as it gives coverage against Dragons, dents Sylveon better, and is a reliable STAB for neutral damage. EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that 2 Overheats in a row is stronger than 2 Heat Waves in a row, even on a single target. PvP is a direct improvement. I just find I'm using Heat Wave to KO one target or do some damage before going down, and the 90% accuracy screws me over more often than I'd like. In PvE, Flamethrower on Heatran seems to be a modest improvement over Fire Blast, as well as adding a bit more flexibility, but doesn’t really change its position in the … Un large. I don’t think its too big of a change, but I just want to make sure I’m right in my thinking. I had a boosted lucky 15/15/13 and 175 Heatran candy from raids and trades, so I was looking for a reason to power mine up. Flamethrower does damage and has a 10% chance of burning the target.Flamethrower can also be used as part of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining extra four appeal points if the move Sunny Day was used in the prior turn. Flamethrower's at an awkward midpoint, though it does guarantee an OHKO on uninvested Mega Metagross. It is vulnerable to Ground, Water and Fighting moves. Drop it here on Stunfisk! In terms of TDO, absolutely. Obviously, Aura Sphere Lucario is broken, Ground moves are decent now, and Kyogre is actually somewhat manageable. Une Vitesse plus que moyenne. Thought Overheat was still its thing. Iron Head is better for attacking Ice and Fairy-types.
Flamethrower is an option over Fire Blast if you prefer accuracy over power, but it should be noted that the power difference is evident if you opt for Flamethrower. Don’t forget about Ho-Oh!
This also makes it incredible for PvP and Rocket battles. I have my usual 500+ max revives, but I really only have 5 or so potions TOTAL…been that way for a while doing rocket battles. So while it doesn’t necessarily improve Heatran’s theoretical DPS, it’s a much more flexible move with better weave DPS and is much less likely to result in energy waste.
La nature modeste est préférée, afin notamment d'OHKO Scorvol avec l'aide du cristal z. Elle permet également de dépasser Magearna Timide.
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