If you can't stay focused on this method for at least 6 months or a year, it could not be for you. This is due to the nervous system potentiation that the eight sets of singles or doubles accomplished. Plus, only benching once a week is really making it hard for me to improve my bench press at the minute. I like being able to make slow steady progress without killing myself. Entering this bout of Hepburn, the starting weights used were 190 lbs for bench, 145 lbs for OHP, 325lbs for DL and 165 for bent over row.
If Joe were to deload and peak on this lift, he would probably be looking at a performance of at least 210 lbs. How do you know if you are picking the right exercises?
This split works well for those requiring extra recovery and some extremely strong individuals. I just started a routine based off of this method about 2.5 weeks ago and can already see visible hypertrophy from the 8x2-3, 3x6-8 rep scheme. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This is due to the principle of post-tetanic facilitation and is quite common on this routine.
The more motor units you can recruit, the better.
He was also as big as a tank. are all recommended.
Recap: Awesome!
Its just hard to do any aesthetic-based training with Hepburn, if that matters to you.
However, Hepburn’s weight wasn’t always healthy; in fact, she spent much of her youth battling starvation. Doug Hepburn’s training program is already quite taxing on the central nervous system, and many trainees will find this split too difficult to recover from.
This is fine, Joe just can’t increase the weight until he gets all five sets of five with the same weight. The Hepburn Method is one of my absolute favorite set/rep schemes for busting through training plateaus on specific lifts. I'm in my 4th month running a Hepburn progression, and I really enjoy it. I had some hamstring tightness the first couple of weeks as a result, but consistent foam rolling and stretching seems to have fixed that. I don't use it for all my lifts, and currently I don't run Hepburn but I do use his principles for a few lifts.
Does anyone here use it or have used it in the past? Taking a total of 12 sets basically to failure every day after hitting a bunch of doubles or triples is ridiculous and unsustainable. The Hepburn Workout This is my interpretation of Hepburn’s famous A workout. Or for people to tell /u/WeaponizedSleep to eat more.
He had three workouts that he used in rotation; A, B and C, which all followed very similar principles. Guys, I have been running 531 for slightly more than 6 months now but I have been reading about the Hepburn method and the slow burn seems to fit my training style a lot more. Exercises and rep/set ranges?
You should coax your body into getting stronger, not forcing it to prematurely adapt to loads that are too heavy. It allows for body parts to be trained on a once every five days frequency with extra attention given to the upper body. You should be able to come in to the gym and hit your reps each and every session no matter how tired, sore, or sick you feel. But, Doug wasn’t just strong. Workout A would be focused on somewhat higher reps (say 7-8). That is, lower reps are performed first in the workout for relative strength, followed by more moderate reps for functional hypertrophy.
I chose not to do squats during this time, but it simply was not part of my goals.
I tested my lifts after 3 cycles. Training in this manner takes advantage of the principle of post-tetanic facilitation. Hepburn was the first lifter to bench press 500 pounds and also squatted 600 pounds at … This split also perfectly accommodates the A1/A2 system for training antagonistic body parts. This will help with creating maximal nervous system related adaptations on this routine.
In a nut shell, it means performing relatively low repetitions – between one and five – with a moderately heavy weight and making sure that your rests are long enough that at no point do you have to grind out the last couple of repetitions of your set. You just have to be very consistent and boring.
For more information on how to determine your neurotransmitter profile and design training routines based on this information, click here. What was your split, frequency and volume per lift, including accessories if any? This is done for just Squats/Deads/Bench/Press. These are near-maximal singles (or doubles), but you should not feel like your spleen is coming out of your left eye on the majority of these sets.
Doug believed whole-heartedly in these principles to the point that he based his entire routine around them.
Thanks for this. Doug Hepburn had a unique training style that he used to become beyond the shadow of a doubt the strongest man alive in the 1950s. The only rows I built into it come as part of a superset, which is why I like to have an extra day for accessories. Also read /u/Gary_Oldman_AMA 's post below which is a great writeup. Routine can be found here.. Recap: Joe Average picks his starting weight (165 pounds) based on 87.5% of his 1-rep max on this lift (200 lbs). The ‘power’ routine would have you start out with a weight that you could handle for five singles. Frankly at the start of each mesocycle when you bump the weight up you are doing tons of doubles with plenty of rest in between sets so sometimes you can feel like you’re not doing enough.
What does the program do well? Recap: Another solid workout in the books. He was also as big as a tank.
He has completely destroyed his old record of 188 lbs. That's not how you should run any program. Getting used to the movements again will already give good results. Essentially, you train four times a week alternating between a Squat/Bench day and a Deadlift/OHP day. I followed a similar Bench/Squat, Press/Deadlift scheme. As most of the articles and other posts suggest, this is a great program for individuals who aren't in a rush. And takes forever for one lift. I paired up squats/OHP one day and DL/bench the other day, with the goal of getting in 4 workouts per week. That's my most lagging lift, and I feel like benching heavy twice a week would do wonders. I am the creator and owner of Revolutionary Program Design. There is much to learn from this patience-centered approach. This week's topic is: Do you have any recommendations for someone starting out?
The secret to his herculean strength was the modified Hepburn method! I sometimes read that people in this sub follow a beginner program until they are near their old maxes again. Doug Hepburn (16/9/1926 to 22/11/2000), full name Douglas Ivan Hepburn, was a Canadian weightlifter and strongman who won the gold medal at the 1952 World Weightlifting Championships and was inducted into Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame (1953).. Hepburn was dominant in the strength training world during the 50’s and was touted …
Joe Average has a best behind the neck press of 185 lbs.
I love the Hepburn method . Thinking of doing something similar but with pullups.
By lifting heavy but not hard, you can be assured that you make progress week on week for long periods of time, never push yourself so hard that injuries become likely and minimize your risk of suffering burnout.
He was born with a right club foot and a vision problem called esotropia that nearly left him blind. This is not to say that he only ever performed two exercises in a given workout, or that doing more is counterproductive. He was the first natural lifter to bench press 500 pounds, and he could squat 600 pounds for reps at the age of 54. I feel like my muscle s are all "you fucking idiot, why werent you doing this sooner!!". In this way, this differs from popular powerbuilding programs of today that frequently program 3-4 accessory movements outside of the primary compound lift.
However, his performance on the functional hypertrophy work is improving. How then did Doug Hepburn become so strong? Since you should start with your 8RM and you progress relatively slowly, how does this method work for people who are coming back from injury?
Use the Hepburn Method to destroy your previous limits!
He separated the Power and Pump schemes, running only Power for 4 months then switching to only pump for 4 months.
We will feature discussions over training methodologies, program templates, and general weightlifting topics. If you follow up the Modified Hepburn Method with another intensification routine, you WILL burn out and regress. If five sets of five is too demanding, then three total sets may be a better choice.
Body parts and lifts are hit roughly once every 3-4 days. Joe has already blasted past his previous best on this exercise (188 lbs) and still has a couple workouts left to go. The Hepburn Method : Increase Your Strength and Power.
TLDR: periodizing volume and intensity in a way like the Hepburn method lets you keep kicking ass week after week for the long haul. This is similar to Josh Bryant’s principle of compensatory acceleration training.
Principle #1: Focus on only two exercises per workout. Another thing I was thinking about is using the Hepburn A (8x2-3) as a beginner weightlifting program.
I did it for a while... the only problem with the routine is if you have routine ADD and like to switch methods a lot.
Deadlifting 2x a week is something that was new for me, and was probably the biggest challenge. The Hepburn Method : Increase Your Strength and Power.
Principle #2: Train for relative strength, then functional hypertrophy. I love training in the 2-3 rep range now then switching to 3-5 after that stalls, like Hepburn recommends. How do manage recovery/fatigue/deloads while following the method/program style? It should be followed up with a higher-rep accumulation workout. With the Hepburn Method it is the total volume of work that is most important, not just the effort on any one individual set. A hybrid of Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding.
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It is by far the fastest and most effective means for individualizing training programs.
Hepburn set dozens of records using this very simple form of training and many old school lifters used similar approaches to great success. I've been adding 10lbs to each exercise every month, but I'll probably drop to 5lb increases (at least for bench and OHP) before long. It may be helpful for you to see how training loads are progressed for a trainee over a six workouts progression.
I'm also very fond of the same lifts he prescribes as well as accessories like chins, dips, heavy rows, etc. It's fine.
I sandbagged my starting percentages ~70-75 % rather than the 80 you normally start with for 8x2-> 8x3, but would try to do the sets with shorter rests when I was doing fewer total reps.
The programs you’ll tend to find from Doug talk of doing a ‘power’ routine followed by a ‘pump’ routine. Wave loading and cluster sets would be two great examples. Recap: Now this is what we’re talking about! Workout B would be focused on more moderate reps (say 4-6).
During all his years training, Doug seldom performed anything other than a few basic lifts and used a type of training often referred to as “easy strength”. The only thing I'd be concerned about is a lack of accessory work - such as pullups/chins. The old routines were simply too much to recover from and took way too fucking long.
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