Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH), Changes in the course of the semester and examinations, Examiners and examination dates in the summer semester 2020, notes on the Master's examination Experimental Physics, notes on the Master's examination Theoretical Physics. registration for examinations (all study programmes), Master Organische und Molekulare Elektronik, Studies and examinations in times of Corona, Updated continuously (latest updates on 19.6. for BaMa HISQIS inscriptions). Click at „Kursangebote“ and choose: Technische Universität Dresden. Sollte eine schriftliche Anzeige vorübergehend nicht möglich sein (z.B. You can find your login on your matriculation sheet. Die Prüfungsanmeldung erfolgt in der Regel online über HISQIS im entsprechenden Anmeldezeitraum. Studienbüro Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Last modified: TU Dresden is co-financed by tax funds using the budget approved by the Landtag of the Free State of Saxony. wegen Krankheit), so genügt zur Fristwahrung vorab eine Anzeige per E-Mail (pruefungsamt.jura@tu-dresden.de) gegenüber dem Prüfungsamt. Willers-Bau, A-Flügel, A304a The number of modules you select must be in accordance with those mentioned in the Study Regulations. Prüfungsamt The HISQIS system system is an online tool of the Examination Office. If you intend to cancel your name from one or more of the enrolment lists you must do this within the time span provided for enrolment. Selbstbedienungsfunktionen für Studierende und Prüfer der TU Dresden: Go Back Login-Informationen; As of the winter semester 2015/16, changes of address can also be made through our new student portal. ... TU Dresden is co-financed by tax funds using the budget approved by the Landtag of the Free State of Saxony. Please use only e-mail for all requests. Go to HISQIS (Online service of examination office), registration for examinations (in your program), withdrawal from examinations you have already applied for, simple record of grades plus examinations you have applied for, Online enrolling in the optional compulsory modules of the Bachelor Course Forest Sciences (except for 1st semester students), and the Master Course Forest Sciences including various profiles, as well as the Master Course Forest Products Technology and Management (This extends to geographers who attend Bachelor modules as an additional area.). Physik. Please use only e-mail for all requests. Jan 08, 2020. Dresden. Send encrypted mail School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Regular withdrawal of examination entries, Account record showing the current status of your examinations, Simple records of grades including examinations for which you are registered, Changing your home address and your telephone number. Es wird nur der HISQIS-Server … TU Dresden is co-financed by tax funds using the budget approved by the Landtag of the Free State of Saxony. TU Dresden is co-financed by tax funds using the budget approved by the Landtag of the Free State of Saxony. Now go to „ Lehr- und Lernangebote der TU Dresden “, then to „Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften“ and „Fachrichtung Forstwissenschaften“ where you find the modules listed. Hint: Please check the login at Opal a few days in advance to test whether username and password are ok. Last modified: ), Examination Office Physics Master, Master OME, and Biology, Willers-Bau, A-Flügel, A305b The following operations are possible with HISQIS: Registrations for examinations Regular withdrawal of examination … Die Nutzung des Systems ist freiwillig und erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko. The schedules will be updated during the semester. Go to https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/ and log in – (you have to select the login of TU Dresden, NOT the “Forst” login of Tharandt). Studienbüro Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften Prüfungsamt Physik, 01062 list of your examination performances. The following operations are possible with HISQIS: Last modified: Zellescher Weg 12 - 14, 01069 Die TU Dresden wird auf Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushalts aus Steuermitteln mitfinanziert. Zellescher Weg 12 - 14, Due to the limited presence operation, there will be no consultation hours until further notice. Wenn du die App deinstallierst werden alle Daten gelöscht. Technische Universität Dresden Prüfungsamt der Philosophischen Fakultät und der Fakultät SLK. Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH). Registration for examinations in the Bachlor/Master programmes is done online through the HISQIS system. via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only). Go to HISQIS (Online service of examination office) Functions: registration for examinations (in your program) withdrawal from examinations you have already applied for. Examiners and examination dates in the summer semester 2020 as well as notes on the Master's examination Experimental Physics and notes on the Master's examination Theoretical Physics (as of 18.6. Registration dates for registration are announced here and on the bulletin boards at the examination offices. via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only). Der Betrieb des HISQIS-Systems für Studierende an der TU Dresden erfolgt zunächst als Pilotprojekt und unter Vorbehalt. All changes in the semester schedule and examinations in physics studies as a result of the corona pandemic can be found on the following page: Registration for examinations in the Bachlor/Master programmes is done online through the HISQIS system. Jun 18, 2020. Jun 30, 2016. Attention: Please use only your TUD e-mail address. The HISQIS system system is an online tool of the Examination Office. Due to the limited presence operation, there will be no consultation hours until further notice. You can access our new student portal via: https://portal.slm.tu-dresden.de : Registration dates for registration are announced here and on the bulletin boards at the examination offices. Die Anmeldeinformationen für das HISQIS werden nur lokal auf deinem Handy verschlüsselt gespeichert. Die Noten-App für TU Dresden Studenten 100% lokal - 100% studentisch - 100% OpenSource Aktuelle Features: - Benachrichtigung bei neuen Noten - Notenziele Setzen - Mehr kommt bald...!
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