You can cook it into a Flaky Fish meal or Mail them to Jeremy Gill for rewards. If it isn't orange, it's not legendary. Press J to jump to the feed. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. I couldn't sell it at the post just north of the lighthouse where I caught it.
I've tried it with the fish on my horse, and carrying the fish into the post office. Caught the legendary sockeye and wasn't able to send it at Wallace station. Just caught my first legendary fish and I can't mail it. RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors. I cant mail my 20 lb sturgeon, No you only mail the legendary I believe. A little late to the party but wanted to share. They can be tempted to bite by man-made Lake Lures.
A couple things that might help a bug hunter that I noticed: I already had a big fish on the back of my horse (think it was a sturgeon, but can't recall) that I 'replaced' when I loaded the Legendary Muskie onto the back of my horse. Cooking works pretty … It pops up and offers to mail it?? I thought it did when I first caught it, but maybe not, your fish isnt legendary i just spent ages catching a 19 lb longnose gar and took it to the mail office and had no promts to send it, if you check on the map where you caught the fish it will be crossed out as if to say you got it, i just checked mine while im holding my longnose gar and its still un crossed so im guessing this is what happened to you to. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.
Sightings of this fish are common during overcast weather. But I carried it in to the counter and that time it worked for some reason.
Doesn’t offer to send those in. how to cook lake sturgeon rdr2 online. Should I mail or is this part of glitch?
A huge Legendary Lake Sturgeon is rumored to have been spotted around the Lannahechee River delta.
Are you sure it was a legendary? I have started the quest and talked to the Jeremy Gill guy, but I don't get the option to send mail at the post office. Lake Sturgeon are known to be more active during overcast weather. You can take standard fish to either the trapper or a butcher I think.
The Legendary Muskie, located close to Van Horn Post as you can see on …
This beautiful lake has a cornucopia of exceptional fish to be caught. The Legendary Sturgeon is one of 13 Legendary Fish that can be caught in Red Dead Redemption 2. Just random bluegill. I've tried it with the fish on my horse, and carrying the fish into the post office.
I have started the quest and talked to the Jeremy Gill guy, but I don't get the option to send mail at the post office. Not just legendary? You can Click/Tap the Names of Animals, Plants, Fish and even Locations to view more information about them. Lake Sturgeon are known to be more active during Thanks for the feedback! Just caught my first legendary fish and I can't mail it.
The best lures or bait to use when fishing for Lake Sturgeon in Red Dead 2. I've tried interacting with the station clerk at two different windows, and I've tried interacting with where it says oversized parcels, can't get any prompts, I just wanted to add that the fish has to be stowed on your horse and (I believe) has to be near the mail clerk to be able to mail it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the reddeadredemption community. A huge Legendary Lake Sturgeon is rumored to have been spotted around the Lannahechee River delta. Cooking recipes you can use with this animal.
Don't worry - there shouldn't be any trains coming. Catch him yet? Edit.
Thanks anyway for the help though lol, sorry to waste your time. We may use cookies to personalize content, ads, provide social media features and analyze our site traffic. Nada. Learn more at, Located in Southern Lakes & Swamps - Overcast, You can find the Legendary Lake Sturgeon at the Southern Railroad Bridge (Recommended: Special River Lure). It wasn’t legendary.
They can be tempted to bite by man-made Lake Lures. All Rights Reserved, A Patriot's History Of The United States Curriculum, Captain America The First Avenger Full Movie In Hindi Filmyzilla, Difference Between Sloppy Joe And Barbecue, The Equalizer 2 Full Movie Online Dailymotion, What Song Knocked One Sweet Day Off In The 90s, Difference Between Baltimore And Orchard Oriole, How Old Does The Red Heifer Have To Be To Be Sacrificed, What Was Milburn Stone Net Worth When He Died, How Long To Cook Boudin Balls In Air Fryer, Forget about Forex Indicators and Do This, 3 SUPER SIMPLE Ways To Skyrocket Your Win Rate When Trading The Trend. My first catch was a big ol' lake sturgeon (3 stars). Classic editor History Comments Share. You right, you right. Tried leaving it stowed, taking it to counter, and oversized parcel. This extremely long-lived fish has four purely sensory barbels that dangle near its mouth. You catch it independently or as part of the Stranger quest A
Any help appreciated, Have you found a solution for it? View our Cheats for Infinite Ammo, Spawn Weapons and more, View the best weapons and their individual stats using our ranking system, View all the hunting wildlife animal locations information, View all locations in the game and what spawns, Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective companies, publisher and its licensors.
I’m confused. Checked this and realized that my "muskie" wasn't neither legendary fish.. back to the lake! Smaller, and thus easier to catch, the common Muskie weights between 14 and 20 lbs. The map icon for the legendary fish didn't X over until after I'd mailed the fish. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I noticed that it no longer said legendary. Thank you so much I've been looking all over for answers, this is the only explanation I can think of. It will have "legendary" before the name of the fish.
I had this happen with the Legendary Muskie. I also got like 3 sockeye salmon in the same blast.
This happened to me. good luck. Weight Range 1 lb 180 lb Chum Coffee Beans Heaviest Rod 50-200, 100-600 Favorite Bait Catch Chance Cat Food Below Average Minnow Below Average Golden Shiner Good Lake Sturgeon are known to be more active during overcast weather. My first catch was a big ol' lake sturgeon (3 stars). It's happened to me but with my second legendary.
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