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how to start an accredited bible college

Identify additional capital you may need. Include your bible college's website URL in the catalog.

Decide on the number of degrees that your college will offer and name these degrees. CFCI Bible College is accredited by Accreditation Service of International Colleges (ASIC). Meet with your insurance agent. Reach out to local churches. Review prices, coverage amounts and types of available insurance. Advertise for students to join your school.

Note whether the course is mostly instruction and curriculum, or interactive and hands-on. She has more than 17 years of business, human resources and project management experience and decades of book, newspaper, magazine, radio and business writing experience. It should include a virtual chat room, an email server, online course rooms, messaging services and an online course and grade area. Include course name, credit hours and costs per credit hour.

Refer to the Small Business Administration's "Writing a Business Plan" document in the resources section of this article to review sample business plans. Supply the location for your college and the level of degrees you will offer. Review the available grants by due date, subject and funding amounts. Help students obtain financial aid. If you are a pastor considering how to start a Bible College in your own church, Trinity International University of Ambassadors may be able to help. Attend the financial aid administrators training.

Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language.

An example of a turnkey Bible college franchise is Freedom Bible College and Seminary, which offers franchisees the ability to grant 48 different accredited degree programs at an affordable price, with tax-exempt status granted from day one. Decide if your college will be a general college or if it will offer specialized degrees. Bible education is in high demand in many parts of the world, and online Bible schools are gaining popularity as a convenient and affordable alternative to traditional institutional settings. Keep in mind that you can also apply for your EIN over the telephone by calling the Business and Specialty Tax Line at (800) 829-4933. Bible college graduates with extensive theological teaching experience will be required to administer courses, grade exams, and provide feedback and interaction to students. He has earned a Bachelor of Arts in management from Walsh University. Use other colleges as a guide. Note whether the course is mostly instruction and curriculum, or interactive and hands-on. Apply for an institutional or programmatic accreditation. A typical Christian liberal arts college or university requires 6-12 semester hours of Bible. Bible education is in high demand in many parts of the world, and online Bible schools are gaining popularity as a convenient and affordable alternative to traditional institutional settings.

Develop a website with your web master. Each degree should have a specific number of credits assigned to it. Seek accreditation with a reputable organization.

Write a mission statement for your school. Post job openings for experienced instructors with degrees at job boards such as Career Builder, Monster and Simply Hired. Typically, the programs focus on Scripture, theology and evangelism. See disclaimer. Even without Rockefeller's money, however, following these steps will … Include researched items on other bible and religious schools in your area as well as online ministry schools. Upload course descriptions and requirements to the website. Create a financial idea with your finance planner.

How To Start A Bible College With TIUA?

Start a Church Bible College Starting a Bible College or a training program with Vision Christian College is not expensive, and it is a straightforward process. Check with Christian companies such as Guide One that specialize in meeting the insurance needs of churches and bible colleges. Hire qualified instructors. Contact the U.S. Department of Education. Develop curriculum with your planner. How to Start a Bible College Online colleges are becoming popular as people seek to get degrees from their homes. State accreditation is typically not granted for schools offering only Bible-based curricula, but there are nationally recognized private entities dedicated to granting accreditation to schools adhering to strict standards of quality. For example, the American billionaire John D. Rockefeller endowed the University of Chicago, Spelman College, and Rockefeller University. Whether you are searching for a Bible College, Christian University, Theological Seminary or Christian College - you have come to the right place!

Pay applicable fees, and work with the commission to meet eligibility standards. Accreditation Board for Bible Colleges and Seminaries, Freedom Bible College: Info for Franchisees. Complete the regional accreditation by meeting with regional evaluators to conduct your school's quality assurance review.

Hire teachers to teach the courses that you have developed with your curriculum planner.

Research tuition costs for nearby bible colleges and universities. You may also wish to include courses in apologetics, advanced theology, world religion comparisons and hermeneutics, along with practical courses such as creative Bible teaching and church administration. Base the curriculum ideas around the list you have gotten from the accreditation office to ensure you are planning curriculum that will be accredited. Notify the accreditation agency that you are going to start offering courses and ask them to evaluate your school. Design your course catalog.

Specify your educational philosophy and how it relates to biblical doctrine, and discuss the school's Christian affiliations and the version of the Bible used in courses. Consider getting additional regional accreditation by contacting your regional accrediting agency. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Use comparable Bible school curriculums, such as Master of Theology or Bachelor of Bible Studies degrees focusing on Pastoral Ministry or Christian Counseling, as a guide when choosing the specific courses to include in your school.

Complete applications and request grants from applicable foundations. Review course offerings at the schools. Set a date for work to be completed and for your school to open.

This article was written by a professional writer, copy edited and fact checked through a multi-point auditing system, in efforts to ensure our readers only receive the best information. ", Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Education, Explore state by state cost analysis of US colleges in an interactive article.

Find your state's fax-in number, and submit your completed application. Visit your state's Department of Revenue website (see "Resources"). Our Premier Status accreditation number is AS73293/0617. Set a calendar for your school including when semesters or quarters will run, whether you will be an all-year school or a semester-long school and which holidays you will take off.

Inquire about employee-related insurance, such as worker's compensation, disability and unemployment, to cover your school's administrators and professors. Team Impact Christian University is an accredited online Christian learning facility that caters for all levels of anointed Christian study. To submit your questions or ideas, or to simply learn more, see our about us page: link below.

Apply for an EIN at the Internal Revenue Service official website (see "Resources"). In addition to basic elements such as contact information, graduate testimonials and accreditation achievements, take the time to offer detailed information on your programs, and include informative details about each of the classes you offer. Contact your bank manager.

Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Contact the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Set competitive tuition rates and fees.

The manner in which you plan to offer your online courses will determine your technological and staffing needs. Apply for an institutional or programmatic accreditation. Build a solid marketing plan including online and offline resources such as targeted press releases and direct mail letters to local churches that you will use to get the word out to potential students about your school's offerings. Consider entering a franchise-type agreement with an existing Bible college to take advantage of an established curriculum, reputation and marketing presence. Include a section profiling your instructors, and incorporate clear and concise information related to course fees and application processes.

Recruit and train teachers, administrative staff and technical staff. Rhonda Campbell is an entrepreneur, radio host and author. Include your bible college's website URL in the catalog. Contact a state or regional accreditation office that specializes in the degrees you will be offering. Reach out to Christian Foundations (see "Resources"). Reference the "Apply for an EIN" link in the "Resources" section of this article. Keep in mind that each regional agency has different requirements and some regional accreditation agencies, such as the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, do not accredit schools that offer only postsecondary certificates, diplomas or licenses. Her works have appeared in leading periodicals like "Madame Noire," "Halogen TV," "The Network Journal," "Essence," "Your Church Magazine," "The Trenton Times," "Pittsburgh Quarterly" and "New Citizens Press. Ask if you can post job descriptions for available teaching positions at your school. Create a specific number of courses that will count toward each degree. Contact the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Online colleges are becoming popular as people seek to get degrees from their homes. Apply for grants through the Department of Education. Our identification, training and support structure has been improved over the years to allow a College to run successfully with a faculty of just three people. Provide targeted spiritual and religious education you have received, including degrees, certifications and seminar training.

Bible colleges offer certificate, undergraduate and graduate programs. Higher a web master to build and run your site, a curriculum planner to help you develop the degrees you are offering and a financial director to help you develop tuition costs. Apply for Title IV school code. Ask the church to make a donation to your school to help you raise funds.

Make any changes that the accreditation agency asks you to make to get temporary accreditation. They will complete the process after they have evaluated your work with students.

You can do this through the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), an authority for handling accreditation for Bible colleges. Technical staff will be vital to ensure the reliable delivery of course materials and the secure handling of student information. 3. International Accreditation. Contact human resources administrators at existing bible colleges and universities. Fax your form to your state IRS office. Fill out loan applications to raise additional capital for your bible college. Choose a non-denominational franchise to ensure that your curriculum will address the entire Bible without unbalanced doctrinal influence, and contact a representative to begin the franchise agreement process.

Getting accreditation. Share your school's mission and course offerings with pastors. As a small-business owner, Ingram regularly confronts modern issues in management, marketing, finance and business law. Note that many states allow users to file forms and pay taxes directly through their websites.

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