According to contemporary protests, they had a most injurious effect on the commerce of the countries where they had their rise. Last 10 years Such cases suggest that we should be more correct in regarding, not albinism as correlated with constitutional defects, but rather pigmentation as correlated with powers of immunity or increased resistance against certain injurious processes. Ordained in July 1840 by the bishop of Winchester, he at once entered on ministerial work in that city, and during his ministry there and under the influence of the missionaries Henry Martyn and David Brainerd, whose lives he studied, he carried devotional asceticism to an injurious length. Deficiency of light is less injurious than might at first be expected, because the plant to be forced has stored up in its tissues, and available for use, a reserve stock of material formed through the agency of light in former seasons. II. While the majority of the Thysanoptera are thus vegetarian in their diet, and are frequently injurious in farm and garden, some species, at least occasionally, adopt a predaceous habit, killing aphids and small mites (so-called " red-spiders ") and sucking their juices. In fact, it is often quite injurious to. Opinions differ widely as to the injurious effect of the habit; the weight of evidence appears, however, to indicate that it is much more deleterious than opium-smoking.
The injurious stunt needed to be performed by trained professionals. 8 or 9 until the clay had ceased to settle down, it is probable that the interstices, at first formed between the puddle and the concrete or rock, would have been sufficiently filled to prevent injurious percolation at any future time. iii.40 (50,4) [Oh, injurious love] Her execution was respited on account of her pregnancy, the effects of her love: therefore she calls it _injurious_; not that it brought her to shame, but that it hindered her freeing herself from it. the book to my brother for a couple of weeks. 82. Find more ways to say injurious, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. From the internal, as distinct from the international, aspect, the absolute quantity of money, supposed as of fixed amount, in a country, is of no consequence, while a quantity larger than is required for the interchange of commodities is injurious, as tending to raise prices and to drive foreigners from the home markets. mimosa pudica Sensitive Plant This thorny plant is injurious to the gut of animals which eat it (Burkill 1935 ). It should be noted that the scene with Burke took place in the course of the debate on the Quebec Bill, in which Fox displayed real statesmanship by criticizing the division of Upper from Lower Canada, and other provisions of the bill, which in the end proved so injurious as to be unworkable. Further, it is a misconception to regard as injurious the passage of money into foreign countries. iii.40 (50,4) [Oh, injurious love] Her execution was respited on account of her pregnancy, the effects of her love: therefore she calls it _ injurious _; not that it brought her to shame, but that it hindered her freeing herself from it. If you say another word injurious to my brother's memory, I'll leave this house and let you starve for all I'll do for you.
He was thereupon interrupted by the earl, who proceeded to defend himself, by declaring that in one of the letters drawn up by Bacon, and purporting to be from the earl to Anthony Bacon, the existence of these rumours, and the dangers to be apprehended from them, had been admitted; and he continued, " If these reasons were then just and true, not counterfeit, how can it be that now my pretences are false and injurious?". are thus enumerated: (1) any premises in such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious to health; (2) any pool, ditch, gutter, watercourse, privy, urinal, cesspool, drain or ashpit so foul or in such a state as to be injurious to health; (3) any animal so kept as to be a nuisance or injurious to health; (4) any accumulation or deposit which is a nuisance or injurious to health; (5) any house or part of a house so overcrowded as to be dangerous or injurious to the health of the inmates, whether or not members of the same family; (6) any factory, workshop or workplace not already under the operation of any general act for the regulation of factories or bakehouses not kept in a cleanly state or not ventilated in such a manner as to render harmless as far as practicable any gases, vapours, dust or other impurities generated in the course of the work carried on therein that are a nuisance or injurious to health, or so overcrowded while work is carried on as to be dangerous or injurious to the health of those employed therein; (7) any fireplace or furnace which does not as far as practicable consume the smoke arising from the combustible used therein, and which is used for working engines by steam or in any mill, factory, dye-house, brewery, bakehouse or gas work, or in any manufacturing or trade process whatsoever; and (8) any chimney not being the chimney of a private dwelling-house sending forth black smoke in such quantity as to be a nuisance. Erroneous observations are in the highest degree injurious to the progress of science, since they often persist for a long time.
injurious affection to neighboring land etc 16. injurious feather pecking and cannibalism were reduced. But since Napoleon introduced the "war of masses" the only alternative to cantoning the troops is bivouacking, which if prolonged for several nights is more injurious to the well-being of the troops than the slight relaxation of discipline necessitated by the cantonment system, when the latter is well arranged and policed. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. View usage over: , Because of injurious possibilities, we had to sign a waiver before we were allowed inside the haunted house. His prose writings, which include prefaces to the works of Kellgren and Lidner, and an eloquent argument against Rousseau's theory of the injurious influence of art and letters, rank with the best of the period. 90. No doctor will ever truthfully tell you he's treated anyone for any long-term injurious effects of marijuana. ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, the name given to the study of insects based on their relation to man, his domestic animals and his crops, and, in the case of those that are injurious, of the practical methods by which they can be prevented from doing harm, or be destroyed when present.
Last 50 years II. Only the first error is very injurious, and I dare say a clever reader will notice what is wrong. in expanse, and forms one of the most noisome and injurious of insect pests. injurious example sentences. 19 Unselfish or magnanimous lies serve as sort of social lubricant; 20 Firstly,[] the owner must believe that the release of the information would be advantageous to his rivals or, 21 This legislation makes it an offence to sell or keep for sale food which is unfit or, 22 It is invalid unless it is reasonable as between the parties and not, 23 Through its strong associations with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes,( abdominal obesity in particular is, 24 I could not have gone without her goodwill, as it could have been, 25 Use your imagination, but ensure that it is not, 26 According to the economic use, soil animals are divided for edible, medical, feeding, oppositiog the, 27 Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and, 28 The condition or quality of being highly dangerous or, 29 Put like this , it was no different from other work, neither immoral nor, 30 Objective To inquire into an effective treatment for with. European Influence Injurious to Eastern Art, 161. Luther believed that the sales were injurious to the morals of the townsmen; he had heard reports of Tetzel's sermons; he had become wrathful on reading the letter of recommendation of the archbishop; and friends had urged him to interfere. The after-effects are, if anything, rather pleasant, and the habit of ether drinking is certainly not so injurious as alcohol- ism. 2. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! The high temperature characteristic of this condition is no doubt injurious to the body itself, but it is frequently more so to the microbe which has invaded the organism; and thus fever, instead of now being regarded as a morbid condition to be suppressed by every means in our power, is considered to be a reaction of the organism tending to protect it by destroying the infection. Since Exist A wet soil is good in summer, but injurious in winter, and to prevent surface wet from injuring old plants left in the open ground, remove the mould round their necks, filling up with about 6 inches of white sand. 4. 52 sentence examples: 1. Such movements of antagonism to the errors or abuses of ecclesiastical authority may be so permeated by defective conceptions and injurious influences as by their own character to deserve condemnation. In the treatment of disease his practical innovations came at a fortunate time, when the excesses of the depletory system had only partially been superseded by the equally injurious opposite extreme of Brown's stimulant treatment.
Hodges testifies to the futility and injurious effects of these regulations. How to use injurious in a sentence is shown in this page. But in many, perhaps most cases of naturalization (see Appendix below) there is no evidence of a gradual adaptation to new conditions which were at first injurious, and this is essential to the idea of acclimatization. The subdivision of a poem like the Iliad or Odyssey among different and necessarily unequal performers must have been injurious to the effect. The defendant argued that the jury was improperly instructed on the standard of fault required for commercial disparagement aka injurious falsehood or trade libel, since that tort requires actual malice and the jury was instructed that negligence was sufficient. 3. Causing physical harm or injury; harmful, hurtful. Where the plant is wild the thrushes spread it about by wiping the seeds off their bills on the bark, and where plentiful it is very injurious to fruit trees and timber.
insidious. Its physiological effects are much more persistent and injurious than sulphuretted hydrogen, producing temporary paralysis of the olfactory nerves and inflammation of the mucous membrane. The ticks (Ixodes) are not only injurious as blood-suckers, but are now credited with carrying the germs of Texas cattle-fever, just as mosquitoes carry those of malaria. 4.
In relation to human society, and the rules it imposes on its members, action that ought not to be done is crime; a habit which is injurious to a man's own moral nature, especially if it involves evil physical consequences, is described as vice. p. 326, uses the learned word sutile; which Mrs. Thrale has mistaken, and made the phrase injurious by writing 'futile pictures.'. The fever was over, and Emma could harbor little fear of the pulse being quickened again by injurious courtesy. The perpetrator faced serious jail time because the attack proved injurious to his victim. P. sylvestris in Britain is liable to many insect depredations: the pine-chafer, Hylurgus piniperda, is destructive in some places, the larva of this beetle feeding on the young succulent shoots, especially in young plantations; Hylobius abietis, the fir-weevil, eats away the bark, and numerous lepidopterous larvae devour the leaves; the pine-sawfly is also injurious in some seasons; the removal of all dead branches from the trees and from the ground beneath them is recommended, as most of these insects lay their eggs among the decaying bark and dead leaves. High risk of injurious feather pecking and cannibalism, thus beak trimming is often necessary. metalloid arsenic are phytotoxic to plants as well as injurious to human health. anthraces, which withstand temperatures of loo C. and upwards, can be killed by exposure to rays of reflected light at temperatures far below anything injurious, or even favourable to growth.
How to use incurious in a sentence. All Rights Reserved. ...substances that are injurious to health.
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