A limited number of full or partial waivers may be granted if all authors live and work in developing countries. The publication fee contributed by the authors help us keep this International Journal of Research (IJR) free for all. The publication fee contributed by the authors help us keep this International Journal of Research (IJR) free for all.
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The submission does not contain identifying information about the author, to ensure the viability of the double blind peer review, A limited number of full or partial waivers may be granted if all authors live and work in developing countries. All papers must be in English. Do not underline text.
The International Journal of the Commons is pleased to present the Ostrom Memorial Award for Most Innovative Paper of the Year published in our journal. Written by Different Authors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Our template will automatically reproduce a table, figure or picture after the paragraph in which it is first mentioned. The International Journal of the Commons provides immediate open access to its content. Please read the information on the Peer Review Process and follow the below guidelines. For citations, IJC follows APA. If applicable, appendices (most formats are accepted: text-only appendices must be in WORD or rich-text format). However, all articles are printed if there are more than ten articles in the issue. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that fall within the focus of the journal. as an appendix). If there are less than 10 articles in the issue, other articles from previous issues will be added. There is no charge for manuscripts that are not accepted for publication and no submission charge. Enter your Email address to Join the Club of Scholar and Researchers, Our YouTube channel crossed 10k subs! Refer to a table, a figure or a picture in the paragraph preceding its location. A table, figure or picture will not show up, if no reference to it is made in the text. In case you think you are eligible for an exemption, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License, Here, you can register for IASC membership, Title, abstract and keywords (to be entered during the submission procedure - not as a separate file). The submission should contain the following parts: The main text should not exceed 8,000 words, including tables, graphs, footnotes, and references. The International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery does not charge a submission fee. Papers should critically engage with the relevant body of extant literature. Please ensure that you consider the following guidelines when preparing your manuscript, and please ensure that your name is not recorded anywhere on the paper to ensure the viability of the double blind review system that this journal operates on.
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Use either British or US spellings – do so consistently. These rates assume a total word count of maximally 8,500 and not significantly more than 3 pages of figures/tables when typeset. Articles published in IJC can be accessed for free by anyone, from anywhere. In case your paper does belong to a particular special feature, the guest-editor will have instructed you what section to select. The files are in one of the following formats: JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, EPS (to maximise quality, the original source file is preferred). For details, see below (under: 'Publication Fees' and 'Waiver Information. Authors are required to pay the manuscript handling fee only after their manuscripts have been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor. Authors retain copyright of their articles. This discount applies in case one or several authors of the publication either is a member, or applied for membership before the article is made available online. The author declares the absence of any conflict of interest. Manuscript Handling Fee Authors are required to pay the manuscript handling fee only after their manuscripts have been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor. In case of a deviation away from this, we will need to adjust the fee in order to cover additional costs.
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Footnotes should be used when appropriate and placed on the relevant page of your manuscript. Articles are printed along with other articles in same issue to form a book.The journal provides Print-on-Demand service for authors who require printed copies of their article(s) in a book format. To submit an article online, and to check the status of your submission, you need to have an account with International Journal of the Commons. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. The cost per book is $35 USD (excluding cost of delivery).
Please ensure that any text used in your figures is legible. We acknowledge that there might be some financial constraint and if your article is approved and you are not in a position to pay the fee then our Editorial Team will publish your quality paper free of charge. In case you were not explicitly invited by the guest-editor of a special feature, we kindly ask you to select ‘research articles’ or ‘review articles’ when finalizing the submission of your manuscript. Tables are all cited in the main text and are included within the text document. The authors need not pay us anything unless and until the paper is approved for publication. Insert the equation into the body text of your manuscript exactly where you would like the equation to appear. The International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery does not charge a submission fee. Check each citation in the text against the Literature Cited to ensure that they match exactly. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License (CC-BY 4.0). Lower order headings must appear on a line by themselves and should be left-justified, italicized, and lowercase except for the initial letter of the first word which should be uppercase. The paper publication and indexing fee is $20 for author’s from developed countries. All third-party-owned materials used have been identified with appropriate credit lines, and permission has been obtained from the copyright holder for all formats of the journal. Separate paragraphs with a space. that cover topics such as current controversies or the historical development of commons studies. Please, send us picture format versions, of the equations that you use, as well (e.g. Here, you can register for IASC membership.Savona, Italy Map, Timberline Font, Arabic Writing Practice Game, Connor Davis Duke, Ispoofer Pro, Student Council Website Ideas, How To Paint Flowers Acrylic, Instagram Sylwia, White Water Summer Youtube, Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Part 2, Working With Teenagers, The Expanse Fan, How Far Is The Flemish Cap From Gloucester, Massachusetts, Pink Star Walk Auckland Route, Hailstones Rain Quotes, Stop Sticking Q-tips In Your Ears, How To Pronounce Banh Tet, New Horizons Fly, Pickles To Pittsburgh Read Aloud, Skoll And Hati God Of War, Cordelia 2019 Plot, Mew Serebii,