older musicians that you respect are into this stuff but you don't I had been writing music for a movie I wanted to make called Fatty Walks. JL: I don't know how to explain exactly. JL: No at the time I took it to be not a sign. They would put on funny clothes and listen really loud. But then they started only listening to the Shaggs. House“, jetzt „The Night Manager“: Hugh Laurie über hungriges Fernsehen, eigene Romane und volle Blasen. After a couple of years, I started understanding it. Were you aware of who they were at the time? JL: Well, no not really. Ernsthaft: Ich bin auch mit Richard Roper sehr einverstanden, wie das Drehbuch für „The Night Manager“ überhaupt eine Galerie an ausgezeichneten Rollen bereithält. Before that, I thought I would be a forward in the NBA. JL: They listened to Gilbert and Sullivan. I It was not like they were overly encouraging, but somehow (they) instilled in us a confidence in following our own path. Where were you when you played with them? Das Fernsehen ist hungrig nach Stoffen.
How did the band come together?
I have a painting that I am working on now, of a man staring at the sky, entitled, "Dear God, I asked you a direct question. Hat Sie die Auswahl von Susanne Bier als Regisseurin für „The Night Manager“ überrascht?
„Der Spion, der aus der Kälte kam“ mal als Ausnahme genommen – wunderschönes Kino. Ich bin wie ein Gummiball, flippere mal hierhin, mal dorthin, mal in diese, mal in jene Ecke. quite get it. Its kind of like looking over a fence. Und Susanne Bier ist Dänin. Interview by Tim Broun (December 2006) Wherein we catch up with downtown New York icon of cool, John Lurie - founder & leader of the Lounge Lizards, soundtrack composer, pioneering reality TV show star, and artist. Jetzt muss ich diesen attraktiven Typen anschauen, der meine Rolle spielt.
I didn't really get it, but there was something I liked about it. I am quite sure that there is something going on. This is how I started playing the saxophone.
But I never stopped. So by the time the band came together, you had been playing for a few years. for a different way. could I get a direct answer?". this point, I was floundering. After the show, we were standing on the corner at 57th with nowhere to go. Die innere psychologische Sicht der John-le-Carré-Figuren verlangt aber Zeit, Details, Entwicklung. Mister Laurie, ist der Waffenhändler Richard Onslow Roper in der Spionageserie „The Night Manager“ Ihr Einstieg in die Rolle des Bösewichts, der in Hollywood ja immer gefragt ist? Ich fühlte mich deswegen sehr geehrt, an der Verfilmung des „Night Manager“ teilnehmen zu können. Was it more confirmation that you're not alone and living your life was/is not in vain? „The Gun Seller“ dreht sich ja auch um einen Waffenhändler. What I was interested in at PSF: Was there a plan or did you just drift around? We knew that the next step was jazz, but a lot of it I didn't like. Jahrhundert.
Theoretical Girls, Boris Policeband, the Contortions.
Ein Leben, das Leben in 90 Minuten? I am quite fond of mischief.
What was your parents' attitude towards your creativity? thing that held was the Beatles and Hendrix.
I don't know if that counts. Richtig, und ich bin mittlerweile zu alt, um den Helden zu spielen. These jams were amazing. PSF: Do you believe in God or some sort of higher power? Aber auf einem Schiff zu drehen, zu produzieren, das ist ein Albtraum. Evan had just moved to New York, so when Jim Fourrat asked me who was a good band to open for Peter Gordon on a Monday night, I said 'my band.' PSF: Tell me about you & the saxophone... JL: OK, the saxophone and how it came to me. Did you get caught up in the formative punk/downtown scene?
Ein bisschen, ich schaue wenig Drama. I was shocked that heroes of mine, people I saw as celebrities, were absolutely poor and struggling. Obviously some blues stuff, but where did the jazz stuff start coming in? We had had a blues band called Crud, but then at I ran into this black guy, he was about 22. Schon, denn „The Night Manager“ ist distinguiert englisch, die Charaktere sind sehr spezifisch englisch, ihre Subtilitäten sind es. Oder wie Alfred Hitchcock es gesagt hat: Die Länge eines Spielfilms wird vorgegeben durch das Fassungsvermögen der menschlichen Blase. Hugh Laurie spielt in der Spionageserie „The Night Manager“ den skrupellosen Waffenhändler Richard Ronslow Roper.... Verkehrsminister Scheuer soll Falschaussage von... US-Präsident Trump ist der größte Treiber von... Konstanz verbietet Reichsflaggen und Nazi-Symbole, Fast 250 neue Fälle - Coronaampel bleibt Rot. It was quite amazing, we would just switch instruments at random, these guys didn't really know how to play but it didn't matter because I would be playing the drums part of the time. It had all been happening there, a year or so before, but now all you could smell was burning synapses. Ist das eine Gefahr für das Kino? weren't getting any grants. Within a year, I had sat in with Mississippi Fred McDowell and Canned Heat (circa 1968). He said it in such a way, that I believed him. JL: Yes, Evan had been there before and then moved to London. So it sounds like you guys were really serious about music pretty early on - is that fair to say? people could eat their meals in an atmosphere or they were playing He’s got quite a resume and he’s managed to do it all with his own distinctive sense of humor and style.
It was the top of a radio tower. Malle film, Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (Elevator to the Gallows), or something like that. My dad had a Miles Davis record, the soundtrack for that Louis Of course, I didn't really believe that I would be able to pull this off. But we can get back to this a little later...what was your life following high school?
(ED NOTE: Understood!) Spionage, Überwachung – beunruhigt Sie das?
Ich sah Sport, Dokumentationen – und in dem Modus bin ich heute noch. And before that I thought that I would own a snake farm. Als nächstes werde ich in der Verfilmung des Romans „Chance“ von Kem Nunn mitspielen, über einen Psychiater, der in San Franciso lebt und arbeitet.
Then we moved to New Orleans and after that to Worcester Mass. Ich bin auch im Zweifel, ob die Streaming-Dienste jenseits von Werbeeinnahmen ihre Investitionen wieder hereinbekommen werden. However, this period we are talking about was right after my dad had died and pretty much all I ever thought about was "Why am I here?" stuff. Bob Hite had me play for a moment, while Henry Vestine sat over in a corner playing the weirdest thing anyone has ever heard on the guitar. I'm sure that there was a Es fühlt sich nach Film noir an, es geht um Obsessionen und eine Art von Lovestory.
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