I didn't even know this was a thing, Been watching older videos on it for past half hour. Change ). I mean, there’s obviously always a story there, but not in this format, really.
JWA, Tokyo, Japan. Kimura earned his fame by being pretty talented at real fighting -- he had only lost four judo matches in his entire life, and even had an arm lock named after him that's still used consistently in modern MMA. The match, according to Kimura, was supposed to go to a draw and set up a series of rematches. He said, "That is a good idea.
Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. But Rikidōzan, whether it was premeditated or in the heat of the moment, shot (began fighting for real) on Kimura and battered him unconscious with a series of open hand strikes, punches, and kicks (some of which were to the groin), and won the match by knockout. Kimura was long suspected (by some, at least) to have been in some way part of the 1963 murder of Rikidōzan, because he had written that he “could not forgive (Rikidōzan’s) treachery,” but time has silenced that believe.
I mean geographically I am also a Westerner but not in my heart(^v^). 4 years ago. Rikidozan was always going to be the main guy, but Kimura was supposed to be a strong No.
Rikidōzan vs Masahiko Kimura (JWA, 12-22-1954) April 9, 2020 April 9, 2020 tapemachinesarerolling. The 1st bout was going to be a draw. Please Login or Register. This is a request, a famous match from Kuramae Kokugikan, which was a sumo venue that also hosted pro wrestling from 1950 until 1984, when it was closed and eventually essentially replaced by Ryōgoku Sumo Hall, as you Westerners call it. ( Log Out / Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Result; Kimura won by TKO at the second round: The fight between Japanese judoka Masahiko Kimura and Brazilian jiu-jitsu founder Hélio Gracie was held at the Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro on October 23, 1951. Rikidozan would win the second bout, and then they'd have a tiebreaker third bout which Rikidozan would also win but Kimura would just barely lose. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Mixedmartialarts LLC. google said: On December 8, 1963, while partying in a Tokyo nightclub, Rikid?zan was stabbed with a urine-soaked blade by a man named Katsuji Murata who belonged to the ninky? Masahiko Kimura vs. Rikidozan It was a match dubbed the Duel of the Century -- between Masahiko Kimura and the Japanese Professional Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, Rikidozan. The “Kimura,” the hold? He is a massive figure in Japan, as the people needed a larger than life hero. Click here to remove banner ads from this forum.
So, mass media started to talk about Kimura vs Rikidozan match. Good shit. You can see him motion to his groin like "oh we are kicking each other in the balls now?".
That’s him, although it’s not like he invented the double wristlock, but the name became popular in Brazil after he Kimura beat Helio Gracie with is, and it became popular in MMA thanks to that. This is a request, a famous match from Kuramae Kokugikan, which was a sumo venue that also hosted pro wrestling from 1950 until 1984, when it was closed and eventually essentially replaced by Ryōgoku Sumo Hall, as you Westerners call it. It is rumored by Kimura that his murder was in retaliation for when Rikidozan attacked Kimura during a wrestling match, after Kimura delivered an errant kick to Rikidozan's groin, ignoring a pre-match arrangement and attacking Kimura for real. Lots about Riki here too, he was very involved with the yakuza. Masahiko Kimura (木村 政彦, Kimura Masahiko, September 10, 1917 – April 18, 1993) was a Japanese judoka and professional wrestler who is widely considered one of the greatest judoka of all time. Look, fuck it, eventually after much 1954 hugging horseshit, Rikidōzan tags Kimura full force in the neck and starts fighting for real, and a shaken Kimura gets knocked out, which is the ruled ending of the match and a legit knockout. Rikidōzan gets a headscissors on and then he doesn’t have it and then Kimura gets his foot took by Rikidōzan, and they stand there a moment with Kimura also holding a waistlock, then Rikidōzan takes Kimura over by the arm. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Under his leadership, wrestling quickly became a national pastime in Japan, and for one particular match — Rikidozan vs. NWA world heavyweight champion Lou Thesz — the TV rating was an unparalleled 87 percent. Rikidōzan had a sumo background, while Kimura, who had his own pro wrestling promotion at the time, was a judoka, and is still recognized as an all-time greats in judo. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Weird thing is, he was Korean. 2. There’s really not much to say about it, there is no analysis, no narrative to follow, no ebb or flow or drama. ( Log Out / I met with Rikidozan and asked his opinion. The winner of the 2nd will be determined by the winner of a paper-scissors-stone. Thanks for the history lesson. ( Log Out / [4], everything looked real besides the slap KO, Yeah that has always looked like a shoot to me. The Rikidōzan vs. Kimura match for the Japanese Professional Wrestling Heavyweight title was the first high-profile match. Kimura was supposed to win that bout. Rikidozan is like the George Washington on Japanese Pro Wrestling. Holy ish. After the 2nd match, we will repeat this process. ( Log Out /
Came over to Japan to do Sumo. © 2020 All rights reserved. This is the official website of Mixedmartialarts LLC. The match was meant to go to a draw but Rikidōzan made it a shoot, got a win, and a planned series of rematches between the two never happened. They’d teamed together some in the past, but would never work together in the ring again, as partners or opponents.
dantai Sumiyoshi-ikka. Reportedly, Rikid?zan threw Murata out of the club and continued to party, refusing to seek medical help. Rikidōzan was stabbed with a urine-soaked blade. The Horrors of it All hosted by Mr. Karswell, www.cracked.com/article_20006_5-moments-in-fake-professional-wrestling-that-got-too-real_p2.html, www.cracked.com/article_20006_5-moments-in-fake-professional-wrestling-that-got-too-real_p2.html#ixzz28Npo5jhN. Kimura never received a rematch with Rikidōzan. Copyright Terms of Use Privacy Policy Advertising. Let's do it!" In submission grappling, the reverse ude-garami arm lock is often called the "Kimura", due to his famous victory over Gracie jiu-jitsu developer Hélio Gracie. I mean geographically … They could have made so much more money together, with all the draws and rematches they had originally planned. Rikidōzan was the big head honcho of the Japan Pro Wrestling Alliance (JWA), the first promotion based in Japan, which ran from 1953-73 and would give way to both NJPW and AJPW when star Rikidōzan students Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba went their separate ways, both from JWA and one another, in 1972. Kimura describes the events as follows: Damn, that's just messed up man. Kimura works bare footed in itsy lil trunks, while Rikidōzan has long tights and wrestling boots. Anyway, I never really know what people want me to say about things like this when they ask me to watch them. Then they hug each other a while until Rikidōzan does a slam or takes him over again or whatever. I’m not gonna pretend to be some mega expert, I know a little from reading crap, and I have watched this particular match before because it is very famous and also there’s actually footage (it’s on YouTube, but if you just want to see the releveant part anyone alive cares about, go to part 2).
Toshiya Masuda published a book about their relationship and Rikidōzan’s death in 2012 that dismissed theories against Kimura. Commercial reproduction, distribution or transmission of any part or parts of this website or any information contained therein by any means whatsoever without the prior written permission is not permitted. [3] Another report states that Rikid?zan did indeed see his physician shortly after the incident, and was told the wound was not serious. Rikidōzan lifts Kimura up into a backbreaker and then just puts him down on his feet, out on the apron. Cool. He died a week later of peritonitis on December 15. This is as brutal a one sided fight if I ever saw one. They performed both as tag team partners and as opponents, but Kimura was not marketed or publicized as much as Rikidōzan. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Learn how your comment data is processed. One can analyze a real fight and one can analyze a fake fight, but a fake fight that becomes a real fight, particularly if one of the participants does not agree to partake, is just an event that happened, usually because some egomaniac pulled some bush league horseshit. It was the last time Kimura would wrestle in Japan, from the best I can tell, while Rikidōzan would go on to become an even bigger star, a huge celebrity in the country. We will be able to build a fortune. In the early 1950s, Kimura was invited by Rikidōzan to compete as a professional wrestler. Kimura vs. Rikidozan turns to shoot at 2:15.
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