Fisheries Research Report. Variation and complexity in the ossification of the Acipenser skull roof has been noted by several researchers (e.g. 1985).
Improved husbandry techniques such as converting hatchery-reared lake sturgeon to 100% commercial feed (Kornberg and Peterson 2005) also promises to help restoration efforts by increasing pre- and post-stocking growth and survival of such individuals. Although these regulations may help stabilize extant populations, they have not yet proven to be effective at rebuilding depressed stocks (Becker 1983). The juvenile period is protracted and immature individuals may vary greatly in size and age.
Can J Fish Aquat Sci 53:1150–1156, Freedman B, Roger L, Ewins P, Green DM (2001) Species at risk in Canada. This will be of particularly importance in regions where lake sturgeon populations are being reintroduced through stocking.
Rarely, adults may exhibit white or milky blotches or spots on the lateral body surfaces.
1997). Am Fish Soc Symp 5:110–122, Kornberg J, Peterson D (2005) New methods for intensive culture of lake sturgeon in Georgia. Although lake sturgeon growth is quite variable even within a population, historical accounts suggest that average size tends to decrease in the southern portion of the range (Stearns and Atkinson 1953), presumably because water temperatures become too warm during summer months. Lake sturgeons can be found over a variety of substrate types, but prey abundance is undoubtedly an important factor in determining habitat selection (Harkness and Dymond 1961). — From the Michigan Fish & Game regulations, 1913. Fish On the Wolf and Fox rivers for example, Bruch and Binkowski (2002) observed males at several spawning sites 1–2 days before the females.
After 1860, the popularity and value of lake sturgeon grew rapidly once European demand for North American caviar exceeded the production from Atlantic sturgeon fisheries operating on the Delaware and Hudson rivers (Bogue 2000; Saffron 2002). Michigan J Appl Ichthyol 18(4–6):557–564, Bajkov A (1930) Fishing industry and fisheries investigations in the prairie provinces.
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Within the US, the species receives various levels of protection at the state level. The family is grouped into four genera: Acipenser, Huso, Scaphirhynchus and Pseudoscaphirhynchus.
Perhaps the most noticeable of these is the scaleless body, which is protected by five lateral rows of bony plates or scutes.
The onset of exogenous feeding signals the transition from the prolarval to the larval stage. Trans Am Fish Soc 60:215–237, Baker JP (1980) The distribution, ecology, and management of the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque) in Michigan. Oxford University Press, ON, pp 26–48, Gerbilskiy NL (1957) Ways of development of the intraspecies biological differentiation, types of anadromous migrants, and a question of migration impulse in sturgeons. PubMed Google Scholar.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison. Numerous studies are currently underway to assess remaining populations as a first step toward restoration. Google Scholar, Auer NA (1996b) Importance of habitat and migration to sturgeons with emphasis on lake sturgeon. J Appl Ichthyol 18:570–579, Buckland F (1883) Natural history of British Fishes. University of Toronto Biological Studies Series 24, Publication of the Ontario Fisheries Research Lab 18, Harkness WJK, Dymond JR (1961) The lake sturgeon. Although larger specimens are now rare, numerous specimens > 100 kg were reported in historical records of Great Lakes fisheries. Recruitment factors and early life history are poorly understood.
Lake sturgeon management is perhaps more complex that that of other North America sturgeons because the species’ native range spans several different states, provinces, and international boundary waters between the US and Canada (Williamson 2003).
The largest of these, Acipenser, contains 17 species, five of which are native to North America (Scott and Crossman 1973; Grande and Bemis 1996; Bemis and Kynard 1997; Findeis 1997). The dorsal and lateral scutes are typically the same color as the surrounding skin, although rare specimens may have slightly lighter lateral scutes or dark pigmentation on the lateral surfaces of the ventral scutes. The physical appearance of lake sturgeon (Fig. A binational perspective. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 28, Bethesda, MD, pp 127–150, Jager HI, Lepla K, Chandler J, Van Winkle W (2001) A theoretical study of river fragmentation by dams and its effects on other riverine fishes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 252–276, Auer NA, Baker EA (2002) Duration and drift of larval lake sturgeon in the Sturgeon River. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto, ON, pp 2–9, Bruch RM (1998). Egg (fertilization) Spawning occurs when the female sturgeon releases eggs and the male sturgeon fertilizes them.
Where populations have been extirpated, managers must first ensure that suitable habitat is still available and then develop innovative approaches to re-introduce and protect the stock as it is rebuilt over many years or even decades. Unfortunately, this inherent population resilience is quickly eroded when spawning adults are exposed to excessive harvest. Some individuals have gray or black pigmentation on the underside of the head, particularly on the lips and barbels (Harkness and Dymond 1961). Dorsal, lateral, and ventral scute counts are typically 9–17, 29–42, and 7–12, respectively.
The origin of the anal fin is located posterior to that of the dorsal, its tip rarely extending beyond the caudal fulcrate plate. Annu Rev Ecol Syst 8:255–283, Beamish FWH, Jebbink JA, Rossiter A, Noakes DLG (1996) Growth strategy of juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in a northern river.
05-01, Houston JJ (1987) Status of lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, in Canada. Restoration of lake sturgeon populations to self-sustaining levels is a common goal shared by many contemporary state and provincial management agencies.
When used over many spawning seasons, this technique can dramatically amplify annual recruitment of naturally produced juveniles by artificially increasing critical-period survival. Interrelationships of Acipenseriformes, with Comments on Chondrostei.
In recent years, lake sturgeons have been stocked as both fry and fingerlings in several states including Wisconsin, Missouri, Michigan, New York, Georgia, and Tennessee. Technical Bulletin No. Newly hatched larvae are pelagic, negatively phototactic, and move about actively in search of suitable hiding places within the interstitial spaces of the rocky substrates where they were spawned (Harkness and Dymond 1961; Wang et al.
Ecology and biology of the lake sturgeon: a synthesis of current knowledge of a threatened North American,, Rights and
2002; Paragamin and Beamesderfer 2004), lack of suitable brood stock has prompted new interest in alternative stocking strategies. Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, TN, pp 29–46, Webb MAH, Van Eenennaam JP, Doroshov SI, Moberg GP (2001) Preliminary observations on the effects of holding temperature on reproductive performance of female white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus Richardson. Although the new practice is not completely free of some artificial selection, the method may provide an important tool for restoration of depleted populations where at least some spawning still occurs.
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