Get Door County news and events delivered to you daily! I know that’s a big range, but the point is that this was a very large, very old fish," Koenigs said. While the female sturgeon is the longest sturgeon on record to be harvested, it only weighed 143.7 pounds, so Jenkins isn't breaking any official records because those are tracked by weight, said Ryan Koenigs, the Winnebago System Sturgeon biologist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Even though the majority won’t tag any buck – let alone a giant like those gracing the covers of deer-hunting magazines – it’s the dream of a chance at a trophy buck that gets a lot of hunters out there. The idea is that it would allow more bucks to mature while getting more hunters to target antlerless deer. It didn’t take long for Jon Eiden to make history in the 2019 “Lake Winnebago System” sturgeon spearing season. Displays the number of times the sturgeon was detected on each sonic receiver per date. Sonic telemetry technology was not as advanced in 2004 and the transmitter had a 1-year battery life (tags currently have up to 10-year battery lives). The DNR’s new chief conservation warden, Casey Krueger, said there were 8,603 hunter-education graduates and 1,035 archery-education graduates in Wisconsin last year. Even worse, prolonged thaws prior to the opener result in murky water conditions, which limits looks. Estimated at 40,000; the sturgeon population levels are akin to those of the 1800’s. Conversely, fish harvested during the spear fishery are often frozen to varying degrees which can cause the fish to slightly shrink or not allow staff working stations to properly fold the tail down to obtain the most accurate length estimate. There’s never been a shortage of ideas about what would make the best deer hunting season structure in Wisconsin, but one of the more controversial ideas involves hunters being allowed just one buck per year. The Story Behind the 171 Pounder” In fact, only about one in five or six hunters fills a buck tag most years. And if they’re not out there, they won’t be shooting does, either. The annual season – a tradition not unlike deer hunting in its popularity among its passionate devotees – is set to open Feb. 8 on the state’s largest inland lake and its upriver lake chain. The longest sturgeon ever speared and observed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources was caught Saturday morning at Lake Winnebago. DNR staff working at our registration stations heard of the fish and speculated which station the spearer would come to register the fish at and just how big this particular fish would be.
Further, DNR staff frequently reference this fish as an example of the caliber of fish residing in the Winnebago System. Lake Winnebago is ground zero for Wisconsin sturgeon, and 85-year-old Schneider has speared about two dozen. Further, DNR staff had handled fish over the past 10 years that had the potential to break the 200-pound mark, at least when foraging conditions were favorable. Eiden speared a whopper of a fish less than two hours after the start time of the opening day.
This was the last fish handled during a very productive tagging data below the Shawano Dam where 559 fish were handled by DNR staff. The fish measured 87.5” and was roughly ½ spawned out when captured by the crew (photo to right). Very few hunters shoot more than one buck a year as it is. Ryan Koenigs
There also were receivers distributed throughout the upper Fox River from Princeton downstream to the Main Street bridge in Oshkosh (the upper Fox River receivers in Princeton, Berlin, and Eureka were not included in Table 1. to conserve space). Did you spear a sturgeon this year?
Following release in 2012, the fish has been at large.
"I’d probably estimate its age between 80 and 120 years old. Although this fish is no longer in the population, what she represented still persists. The 143.7-pound fish was registered Tuesday at Jerry's Bar in Oshkosh. At that point the fish was 84.0” and marked with a sonic transmitter. Each registration station calls in their daily harvest numbers to the sturgeon biologist after the 2 PM deadline that spearers must register their fish. This fish was impressive in many facets, but she had the potential to weigh 60-70 more pounds had the last couple of years presented better foraging conditions. The next capture of this fish was on April 10, 2012 when she was again captured by DNR tagging crews below the Shawano Paper Mill Dam.
Sturgeon Spearing 2019 - A Drone's view of Lake Winnebago West Shore (No actual spear fishing.) Plus, we know quite a bit more about this particular fish. The difference of 2” is not out of the realm of possibility for a fish of that size. Continuing to forecast the 2015 sturgeon spearing season, a record 13,134 licenses (12,650 for Lake Winnebago and 484 for Upriver Lakes) were sold. Eiden’s fish went an astonishing 85.5 inches from snout to tail. She was the same fish that had been handled twice by the DNR during spring spawning assessments, most recently below the Shawano Paper Mill Dam in 2012 where she was touted as the 87.5” female lake sturgeon that was estimated to weigh 240 pounds before she had started spawning based off length-weight data from previous harvests). prior to the onset of spawning. In the spring, fish are alive and thrashing around which makes it difficult to estimate length. The difference in weight is attributable to abundance of gizzard shad as a forage item. It's the 12th heaviest on record in the state of Wisconsin. Tuesday’s sturgeon barely "inched" out a sturgeon killed in 2010 on Lake Winnebago that measured 84.2 inches. Some suggest that hunters should get only one buck tag per year, and they can then choose to use it during the bow, crossbow or firearm season. The DNR also says it has reached 57.9 percent of its female sturgeon cap, and it expects the Upriver Lakes season to close by as early as Thursday.
We’ve received several inquiries on what contributed to the disparity in the length and weight estimates of this fish between the 2012 and 2019 recapture events.
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Koenigs said he knows there are longer sturgeon in Wisconsin. A Lake Winnebago spearer just set the record for the longest sturgeon ever taken in Wisconsin. For technical questions or comments about WPR’s website, streaming or other digital media products, please use our Website Feedback form.
He was recently sworn in to succeed Todd Schaller, who retired from the top spot after more than 30 years of public service. Lake Winnebago is a shallow freshwater lake in the north central United States, located in east central Wisconsin.At 137,700 acres it is the largest lake entirely within the state, covering an area of about 30 miles by 10 miles, with 88 miles of shoreline, an average depth of 15.5 feet, and a maximum depth of 21 feet.
Fish stories.
harvested during recent spear fisheries. As of late January, ice thickness was in the six-to-eight-inch range in some areas, but just two to four inches in others. During a year with murky water, fewer than one in 20 score. At that time there were 18 sonic receivers deployed at locations distributed throughout the Winnebago System tributaries. He said the DNR has tagged at least one sturgeon that measured at 87.6 inches, or 7.3 feet, and weighed 240 pounds. The size of this fish was impressive enough, but the lore of this fish was just getting started. — Special to the Pulse. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The fish measured 85.5”, which marks one of the longest, if not the longest, lake sturgeon ever harvested from the Winnebago System. Experience more articles and photographs about the great outdoors at the Facebook page.
By Kevin Naze, Peninsula Pulse – January 31st, 2020. Kyle Jenkins, right, with the sturgeon he caught on Lake Winnebago. Tuesday’s sturgeon barely "inched" out a sturgeon killed in 2010 on Lake Winnebago that measured 84.2 inches. This fish had been billed as the primary example of the caliber of fish residing in the Winnebago System and a tangible example of the potential record-breaking fish in the system.
I’d like to take the remainder of this report to present what data the DNR had from this fish.
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