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legal and general investments

Legal & General's Group website provides information for shareholders, journalists and those interested in career opportunities at Legal & General.
Through our range of general insurance and protection products we help protect the lives, the health, the homes and the belongings of millions of people.

Understand more about your rights and the options for your pension plan. Together, these are known as ‘ESG’ issues. Legal & General makes financial security easier to achieve. Therefore, while being mindful of ethical factors, the trustees have to be sure that their investment strategy for the Mastertrust is not based on this alone. Legal & General Capital is the early-stage investment arm of the Legal & General Group. Legal & General Investment Management Ltd. is registered with the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority to provide cross-border investments services in Norway in accordance with Article 31 in MiFID-Directive and Norwegian For instance, many investors prefer to see their money invested in funds which do no harm to the environment or which actively encourage diversity in the workplace. We focus on Future Cities, Housing and Principal Investing. In addition to checking that the funds are doing well financially, the trustees also consider the impact they could have on things that members might care about.

Through our range of general insurance and protection products we help protect the lives, the health, the homes and the belongings of millions of people. The trustees believe that it is possible to invest in a way that incorporates ESG factors while helping to reduce long-term risks to scheme members’ money. Legal & General ContentLegal & General Content Whilst Legal & General has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained within the pages of this site is accurate, current and complies with the relevant legislation and regulations, no warranty is given and no representation is made regarding the accuracy of or completeness of this site. Therefore, in 2019, Legal & General’s Mastertrust became the first to launch a multi-asset ESG fund as a default option.Considerations of ESG matters now feature in Legal & General’s investment policy which the trustees support.

This involves carefully evaluating funds on the basis of which deliver the best financial returns as well as upholding ESG principles. Half year results 2020 Presentation video, Legal & General Mature Savings business transferred to ReAssure, H1 2020: Resilient operating earnings from continuing divisions of £1.1bn and a robust balance sheet, L&G plans to capitalise on favourable market conditions to issue RT1 debt; opportunity to reinforce balance sheet strength and underpin growth role in uncertain post-COVID-19 economy, Goldman Sachs 2019 European Conference, Paris. We create real partnerships between the public sector and institutional investors to boost investment, accelerate housing delivery, create local jobs and support local businesses with a positive socioeconomic impact on regions and communities. Visit our hub and read about Legal & General’s ESG policy. Therefore, in 2019, Legal & General’s Mastertrust became the first to launch a multi-asset ESG fund as a default option. If you are an institutional investor and would like to contact a member of our Investor Relations team please call or email: +44 (0)20 3124, Please help us to improve the website: Rate your experience and add comments here, Rate your experience and add comments here, Legal & General Investment Management America, Legal & General Investment Management Asia. This in turn means that money invested in these businesses could be at risk. There are three strands to these types of conscience-led investments: Environment – which covers issues relating to protecting the planet, Social – which are issues that affect the fair treatment of people, Governance – which is about the way companies are run. Taking action on the things you care about. Through our range of general insurance and protection products we help protect the lives, the health, the homes and the belongings of … Investing from Legal & General’s Principal Balance Sheet, Legal & General Capital’s purpose is to generate long-term shareholder value by injecting new capital into key sectors of the economy which need investment and innovation. Investing from Legal & General’s Principal Balance Sheet, Legal & General Capital’s purpose is to generate long-term shareholder value by injecting new capital into key sectors of the economy which need investment and innovation. For example, damage caused by climate change doesn’t just hurt the environment but can cause expensive problems for the companies in which we invest.

Legal & General makes financial security easier to achieve. Legal & General makes financial security easier to achieve. First and foremost the trustees have a duty to help protect the future retirement income of scheme members. Considerations of ESG matters now feature in Legal & General… We aim to invest for the long term in economically and socially useful assets, to secure competitive returns and to create new asset classes for Legal & General’s varied investment requirements, for our partners and for the wider marketplace.

Visit our hub and read about Legal & General’s ESG policy. Legal & General invests in largest regional pre-let in a decade with latest government hub deal Legal & General’s investment in The Lumen, at Newcastle Helix will create the largest city centre office building, with private sector funding, to be constructed in the last decade Click here to read 6 customer reviews of Legal and General Investments, rated 4.17 by real people like you on Smart Money People.

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