2004). Does logging reduce the fire proneness of forests? The random‐effects meta‐analysis revealed a significant effect of salvage logging on regulating ecosystem services (z = –3.70; P < 0.001), with a small‐to‐moderate negative effect size (estimate = –0.26; 95% confidence interval [CI] = –0.39, –0.12). 2004; Thompson et al. Surface fuel loads following a coastal–transitional fire of unprecedented severity: Boulder Creek fire case study. Our focus is on relationships between industrial logging practices in native forests (i.e., not plantations) and alterations to natural fire regimes (sensuGill 1975) that might include (among others) changed susceptibility to ignition, altered fire severity, altered fuel loads and fuel condition, and changed fire frequency.
These investigations could include post hoc studies of fire ignition and severity in forests subject to different management regimes (e.g., Weatherspoon & Skinner 1995; Thompson et al.
2013). If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, 2009). We are a free sound effects and music library offering thousands of tracks for instant download as both mp3 and wav files and add hundreds more every week. The mixed‐effects meta‐analysis indicated that different fuel types responded differently to salvage logging (Table 2; Figure 3b).
Hypothesized changes to variables that affect: (A) fire risk at the scale of a single stand (i.e., microclimatic dryness, fine fuels, the prevalence of fire‐prone species) and (B) fire risk at the scale of a landscape (i.e., ignition points, amount of forest edge) in which the same number of stands are logged per annum. Instead, achieving multiple objectives requires the generation of guidelines and prescriptions for logging that can be adapted to meet local or regional management objectives, forest characteristics, and available logging methods. Several variables were positively related to one ecosystem service while also constituting fuels during potential subsequent wildfire, thereby negatively indicating the ecosystem service “Fire protection”; we therefore additionally placed these effect sizes in an independent response variable called “fuel loads”, with five categories consisting of small (<7.6 cm diameter) woody debris, large (>7.6 cm diameter) woody debris, mixed (unspecified) woody debris, litter and duff (organic material in the soil), and live biomass. Forests and their susceptibility to fire are characterized by a continuum of precipitation and humidity ranging from relatively moist to relatively dry; we focus primarily on fire in relatively moist forests where fires naturally occur at a lower frequency relative to dry forests. We thank several authors who generously provided data for this meta‐analysis (WebPanel 2).
2007) fire risk, or produce mixed responses (Fraver et al. A substantial increase in ignitions and fire frequency in Russian boreal forests (Achard et al. Conversely, recent work in Amazonia suggests that some kinds of forest may have some inherent resilience to climate change through maintaining mesic microclimate conditions if other agents such as logging are left undisturbed (Malhi et al. In the final model, we used an omnibus test of moderators (QM) to assess the null hypothesis that all coefficients except the intercept were simultaneously zero, and a further test (QE) to assess the significance of residual heterogeneity. Third, a better understanding of relationships between logging and wildfire will improve policy making and forest management. 2007; Krawchuk & Cumming 2009). Multiple drivers of decline in the global status of freshwater crayfish (Decapoda: Astacidea). It has been argued by some that, “industrial logging was a source of almost unprecedented holocausts…” (Pyne 1982, p. 182) in the past. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. However, prolonging the time between natural disturbance and salvage logging mitigated negative effects on regulating ecosystem services.
Washington, DC 20036phone 202-833-8773email: esajournals@esa.org. Our meta‐analysis revealed that salvage logging produces negative impacts on regulating ecosystem services. Conversely, natural disturbances change the fuel structure of a forest: conifer needles fall during tree die‐off due to insect outbreaks, and trees and branches fall during storms or after fires, resulting in accumulations of dead biomass on the ground (Peterson et al. 2006b; Lindenmayer et al. We considered all effects significant at P ≤ 0.05. Positive values of Hedges’ g indicate higher levels of a given ecosystem service in the salvage‐logged treatment than in the non‐salvaged treatment. Hydrology and fire regulate edge influence on microclimate in wetland forest patches. Our results show that management for fuel reduction requires consideration of the temporal dynamics of prevalent fuel types after both disturbances and logging.
and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. Salvage logging, or logging after natural disturbances such as wildfires, insect outbreaks, and windstorms, is carried out to recover some of a forest's natural and/or economic capital. Finally, logging after the emergence of new tree seedlings can damage stand regeneration (Blair et al. We found that the longer the time between a natural disturbance and logging, the less negative the effect of salvage logging; this is – to the best of our knowledge – the first time that this trend has been identified.
2006a), dry east side coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest (Spies et al. 2012). There was high heterogeneity across studies in this model (Q = 2209.20, degrees of freedom [df] = 823, P < 0.001).
All rights reserved. However, such activities likely also increase the impact of salvage logging on other ecosystem services (Ranius et al. This result is applicable to logging after wildfires and insect outbreaks (immediately after which dead trees generally remain standing) but not after windthrow events (which create large volumes of fallen trees). 2014) and climate change (Seidl et al. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
Many studies document how logging alters the structure and species composition of forest (reviewed by Hunter 1999; Lindenmayer & Franklin 2002).
This is an important issue because it could have profound consequences for how forests are managed, including some that are currently reserved. Respuesta de los escarabajos coprófagos (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) a la modificación del hábitat causada por un incendio forestal en la Reserva Bijibana, Atlántico-Colombia. Whether these modifications constitute an actual reduction in fire risk must be evaluated on a case‐specific basis, as flammability may vary strongly across vegetation types (Bond and Keeley 2005) and may change throughout plant successional stages (Collins et al. Even natural lightning initiated ignition points may be influenced by logging. 2007; Bradshaw et al.
Two types of models were fitted. 2012), we focused on surface fuels. We do not discuss in detail the broader issues of forest fire management as this is a vast literature.
We consider industrial logging and forest management to include the array of activities associated with the harvesting of timber and pulpwood from a forest including the construction of road networks, the cutting of trees, and postharvesting stand regeneration. 2006; Flannigan et al.
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