He married Marguerite Bulle, born in France. "My father raised us on his own, right there on 15th and Christian streets. With Bulle Ogier, Yann Andréa, Marguerite Duras. 0000007316 00000 n
"But, over the years, we have made a lot of strides -- including having more women in the profession." "I wouldn't hesitate to indicate that like a lot of other professions, we need more diversity in our ranks," Claypool says. ˪�AN�=�4�8�m]~�5M3RSA�Ahm,n��X;���3�D*-J�Y�.Z����� 61m]5�M]^�ԡ1�ڶ�>$�s����n�u4���E�e��� yj�ۗ��w������ߜ5�ޞ�E h%�.��]P~��O����Ƴ�m�63����s�/�r3vb�g�8+��y�/��� e���q���,_�� N��XF�?��$�F��My�g�`$�D�'Ԟ�����+�6Po^�7����6��S��ݰЗF�X>^����� �;�75ݼK����"y̸ܰ�_�?
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0000001055 00000 n x�b```b``9�������ǀ |,@Q� �� 0000007970 00000 n "We didn't really talk about [his career] much as a big thing," Abele Jr. says.
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Edit your search or learn more, Year start date must be less than year end date, North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1741-2011, London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1932, U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Records, 1781-1969, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971, England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, 1578-1837, Birmingham, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1937, Texas, Select County Marriage Records, 1837-2015, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Marriage Index, 1885-1951, Cook County, Illinois, Marriages Index, 1871-1920, Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957, {{config.isNested ? Claypool says that there are 1,500 members in his chapter, but no records are kept which indicate race or gender. Hired by the prestigious architectural firm Horace Trumbauer & Associates in 1906 and promoted to chief designer in 1908, Abele is credited with designing 650 buildings nationwide during his 44-year career. %%EOF But my cousin, Julian Abele Cook, was an architect, too.
Given the times, the irony of Abele's success is as bold as his buildings.
<]>> ��뺩@�[X��pC�C�C3�:�/���b! A dialogue-driven drama about a woman and her brother who meet at a deserted seaside hotel to deal with their passionate incestuous feelings for each other and reminisce about their happy childhood. Every year, we summered down the shore -- and, of course, we always had the help of nannies and a cook." O��f�q�ɷ����1u�����+�6���F�w��B�y���l� @�CpI66�mj(��qX��i��0�t����o�N︩�?�>��y����ۖ��e�xS��xЕn��;Z�8��O0���C��R����s37��&b��` ;3< He was unable to say how many in that number are, in fact, African American. 0000011809 00000 n "For some odd reason, it's an occupation that doesn't have that much of an allure for Black people. His resume reads like an architectural digest of some of the country's finest structures. 0000001492 00000 n He designed Howard University and he talked about my father a lot." ��)� 201 0 obj <> endobj 0000001234 00000 n Results 1-20 of 370,438. endstream endobj 202 0 obj<>/Metadata 14 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 13 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/StructTreeRoot 16 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20150619045046)/PageLabels 11 0 R>> endobj 203 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 204 0 obj<> endobj 205 0 obj<> endobj 206 0 obj<> endobj 207 0 obj<> endobj 208 0 obj[/ICCBased 221 0 R] endobj 209 0 obj<> endobj 210 0 obj<> endobj 211 0 obj<> endobj 212 0 obj<> endobj 213 0 obj<>stream ] �\���C�w�e��5�|�yq.��p���'H\�J`��w��M�32�m���z)R�� ���J�u��G�K>�h�j�ҿ/ؿ�1��ξ���Yr "I don't know why there aren't more Black architects in the country," Abele Jr. says.
Abele's only surviving son, also named Julian, says that as far he knows, U.S. segregation policies prevented his father from ever setting foot on the whites-only Duke campus he designed. nestedSliderLabel : config.label}}, dd mm year city, Mecklenburg, Deutschland (Germany), year city, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, dd mm year Ashley, Arkansas, United States, dd mm year Carroll, Arkansas, United States, England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1916-2005, England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1837-1915. Please. Today, because of his voluminous contributions, Abele is regarded as the premier African-American architect in the country.
However, according to the National Organization of Minority Architects, Black certified architects in Philadelphia numbered less than 25 at last count. His mother, Marguerite Bulle, was a white Frenchwoman, who he says walked away from the family. Based on records at the main headquarters of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), 700 African Americans are currently members; they represent approximately 1 percent of the entire membership. �����E+rۮ�R>�Oai��8B�_Z� At that time, it was a community full of Black professionals. "My father raised us on his own, right there on 15th and Christian streets. �W�. A South Philly native, in 1904 Abele was the first African American to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania's architecture program. Records Categories. While Trumbauer was a high-profile businessman, Abele remained fairly inconspicuous, usually staying in the office to work on his drawings. The younger Abele, who now lives in Ocala, Florida, says his memories of his father are as a dedicated parent and a generous provider. Reviewing his designs, and taking into account the impact of racism on his career, Abele once quipped, "the shadows are all mine." 0000009139 00000 n Jean was born on October 16 1681, in Bolandoz, Franche-Comté, France. Abele Jr. says that although his father had impressive achievements, and was very well paid by the Trumbauer firm, he was a taciturn and modest man. endstream endobj 223 0 obj<>/Size 201/Type/XRef>>stream Auguste was born on July 18 1828, in Le Locle, Neuchatel, Suisse. x�bb�d`b``Ń3� �b� �� %PDF-1.4 %���� H�|TM��0��W̭N�1������EBBln�=bJ�|����� �VPx��̛���t����� s�pa��y'�������TM�kH�2��t��4 ����`6�LSI��u�����Z�v+�֛����}[oJ�O�w��� y�D}����T�g��L��ْ@��! H���]k�0���+Υ4jE���JaM[ �aa��o��%�~:�S'%Ͷ��:zϫ�G^��욪��u��Ԑ�~+�ɬHf�)$��]����d1�r������~[$��� ���p(��^@3g}�c 3Ŝ�[|+"i�s�^��⬰���,gBzA�L����j0�8���)��� �o۪����� 0000003513 00000 n
0000006698 00000 n All results for Bulle. 0000004751 00000 n ��/Ŗ��P�7&�.�;�� ���L|8�T��g�22a������! Look for word matches in books, stories & newspapers, etc. As libraries throughout the region participate in "One Book, One Philadelphia" -- the project that asks residents to collectively read Lorene Cary's The Price of a Child, a Philadelphia-based story examining America's pre-Civil War racial attitudes -- probably relatively few are aware that the chief designer of the central branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, built in 1917, was a Black architect named Julian Francis Abele. DAG Forum articles express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Design Advocacy Group. Julian Francis Abele may be the most famous architect you’ve never heard of. 0000002370 00000 n
�`X9"ŕ8�c�J0�Wm��JB�`Q Vj```� 2��z����!h'�b1�R�����%0p8�4�ơ~�x��,&�%��4A��f`��� v%�5s20���������P����+@� $� In addition to being recognized as the main designer for the Philadelphia Free Library, Abele also earned that distinction for his work on the Philadelphia Museum of Art; the main branch of the Philadelphia YMCA (at Broad and Arch); Girard Trust at Broad and Chestnut (now the Ritz-Carlton hotel); the Beneficial Savings Bank at 12th and Chestnut; the Corn Exchange Bank (now the home of City Paper) at Second and Chestnut; several Hahnemann University Hospital buildings; Belmont Park racetrack; the Vanderbilt mansion in Great Neck, N.Y.; Harvard University's Widener Library and the entire main campus of Duke University in North Carolina -- to name just a few. In 1942, after the death of Horace Trumbauer, Abele became head of the firm.
224 0 obj<>stream 0000008582 00000 n 34 iii Nadia Boulanger4 Abele.
And while he received little to no recognition during his stellar, but unlikely, career, his contributions to this city are sure to long outlive the attitudes that made him a big man in his field, if only in the shadows. endstream endobj 217 0 obj<>stream In 1988, Abele's portrait was hung in the foyer of Duke's Allen Building, making him the first Black ever to be so honored. 25. He died in South Philly in April of 1950 at the age of 68. 0000002821 00000 n
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0000003253 00000 n His mother, Marguerite Bulle, was a white Frenchwoman, who he says walked away from the family. ^��S�>d/�u�W;�G@�:��3�t��T�)�z
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