If the people running Ubers still haven't gotten rid of Primal Groudon, I think they'll find any reason to keep M-Dialga/Palkia around. Dialga currently just can't do almost anything (there is always Flash Cannon, but neutral damage from fairies isn't ideal ; also stab Drago Meteor hurts, but it's neutral to most of things) better than Primal Groudon without loosing in other spots. Mega Palkia's armor has a projected galaxy on it, such that as Palkia moves around, the image stays static inside it. I honestly doubt they'd give Giratina a mega, considering he already has an alternate form and Deoxys didn't get one in ORAS.
Press J to jump to the feed. Enraged when Palkia and Dialga disrupt time and space, it drags Dialga into the Reverse World for a battle—but the conflict is broken up by a tiny Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokémon! Not many would have said Mega Rayquaza would get its own tier when Delta Episode was announced.
I realise this is complete speculation, but it's fun to think about. Mewtwo is a solid Ubers Pokemon and it's mega evolutions are fine in ubers, they're even arguably worse than the standard form. Dialga on the other hand will need a very specific ability to fit some niche, because everything it currently does, is done better by Primal Groudon: Number of weaknesses - Primal Groudon > Dialga. Drop it here on Stunfisk! Also I don't really play Ubers but are Dialga and Palkia really that viable right now? It has 6 legs, gold protrusions that look like external ribs, and golden horns on its head. The latest Tweets from Трійка Tворців та Aсханські боги FOREVER (@KunYKA). If ever there was some broken legendary that auto sets Trick Room or some such nonsense it would end up being Primal Palkia/Dialga, wouldn't it? As long as they give them better abilities than pressure and telepathy, they will be pretty broken, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It has one heck of deadly special movepool already and once it gets some mega evolution I can see it returning in glory. Also I don't really play Ubers but are Dialga and Palkia really that viable right now? The thing that puts mega Ray over the top is a combination of his awesome stats and his ability to not hold an item. /r/Stunfisk is your reddit source for news, articles, analyses, and competitive battling discussion for Pokémon VGC and Smogon. one(actually 3) element(s) of this is(are) gone from the amount of possibilities. Is there a way to do it balanced? We encourage original content and questions for all official battle formats. In the movie adaptations Main article: Dialga (movie) Dialga first appeared in The Rise of Darkrai, where it was fighting with Palkia.In the twelfth movie manga adaptation, Dialga, along with the other members of its trio, was summoned by Sheena to help Ash and his friends. Welcome back to Twitter. Primal Palkia with its speed dropped and auto-setting TR would be a beast. I don't either, but I believe Dialga is rarely used, Palkia is somewhat more used, dialga had a primal form before it was cool, It would be pretty neat if they gave it the form of Primal Dialga from Mystery Dungeon, which is just a few colour swaps, instead of something radical like other megas. First of all its' offencive stats are monstrous, but they become even more monstrous when it can have Life Orb/Choice Band/Choice Scarf as this is only mega evolution able to hold an item. Giratina's Altered Forme is a giant, dragon-like Pokémon, with an appearance similar to that of a large sauropod. I would be much more worried about Primal Arceus than anything else, tbh. If it's the lord of time, why is that slow thing over there able to go first, ever? On its back, it has a black stripe…, ISSEI HYOUDO REPENTINAMENTE DESAPARECIO, TODO EL SOBRENATURAL LO BUSCA PERO QUIEN NO SE INMUTA EN BUSCARLO SON EL SEQUITO AL QUE PERTENECIA. Mega Giratina, Basically a pitch black origin form with larger, dripping wings, … A lawyer. Sign in now to check your notifications, join the conversation and catch up on Tweets from the people you follow. Giratina is the Version Mascot for Pokémon Platinum.
Giratina (Japanese: ギラティナ Giratina) is a Legendary Ghost/Dragon-type Pokémon. Also, once they get mega, Palkia will be on top. Male. Besides that Delta Stream negates all the weather and flying type weaknesses (Stealth Rock included). I doubt it. Its neck has five red stripes and 4 black stripes. Giratina is the sole Pokémon living in the Reverse World, a little-known realm adjacent to our own. A similar option is to have a variation of trick room set up where +1 priority is given to your pokemon for 5 turns, although that might be a little OP in doubles. Both are already solid Uber tier mons, and aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Primal Groudon having T-Wave - Primal Groudon > Dialga. Problem with Mega Rayquaza... Well there a few things. Palkia would need a bigger boost then dialga if we are going by viability ranking. 14/02/1997. Want to contribute? And we can feel pretty damn confident that one(actually 3) element(s) of this is(are) gone from the amount of possibilities. Not just the stats, not the ability, not the possibility to hold an item, but all of it combined. Working at Ukraine-based Fakemon region recently. Love Pokemons, Digimons, Potteriane and many other different fandoms. Sep 14, 2016 - Pokédex entry for #484 Palkia containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain, location and more! I wouldn't mind it if their ability auto sets Gravity as long as they're in the field. Dialga is in B+ while palkia is in c. Mega Giratina, maybe. For Pokemon Omega Ruby on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "If Dialga and Palkia get Mega Evolution" - Page 4. I don't either, but I believe Dialga is rarely used, Palkia is somewhat more used (like Stan the Salesman from Monkey Island, but Galaxy instead of Plaid). Would trading a held item for a stat increase (and a possible ability change) be broken in any way? Ukraine. Pretty cool idea. If it set up trick room when switched in, and then didn't undo it if switched in again while trick room is active (unlike normal trick room, which removes itself iirc), that'd be fun to use. PERO DE REPENTE UNA MISTERIOSA CRIATURA APARECE PROVOCANDO TERROR EN LOS SUEÑOS DE RIAS GREMORY Y SU SEQUITO. The thing that puts mega Ray over the top is a combination of his awesome stats and his ability to not hold an item. That all combined make it into AG.
Україна. I'd give P-Dialga something like Dazzle though. It was a remix of Origin Forme Giratina's theme, and I have it on my iPod, but looks like it was taken dow... Griseous. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It is the most powerful Pokémon in the Pokémon world, being able to change into any type and has the highest base stats of any non-Mega... Dialga It is Palkia's rival and is a member of the Creation Trio, alongside Palkia and Giratina. Resistance to fairies - Primal Groudon > Dialga. It is a member of the Creation Trio, alongside Dialga and Palkia. Y QUIEN SE ENCARGARA DE DESENTRAÑAR TODO ESTE MISTERIO SERA UN MAOU PELIRROJO Y UNA CHICA PELIRROSA QUE BUSCARA AL CASTAÑO QUE LE ROBO EL CORAZÓN, Well I can't find the song I was inspired by. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Palkia is obviously a specially oriented Pokemon, so the majority of stat boosts come in its special attack and defense. 180 matches the SpA Primal Kyogre and Mega Rayquaza have, and with the boost from Lustrous Orb, its STABs become absurdly powerful. Damage from fire moves thanks to stab- Primal Groudon > Dialga. I'm still holding out for Mega Arceus. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
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