Thank you for purchasing a Macrocycle (52 week) Strength Training plan from Optimize Endurance Services (OES). Yunus Barisik, CSCS, is the founder of Next Level Athletics, where he specializes in making hockey players strong, fast, and explosive. Buy Three, Get One Free - Just add four to your cart. Trainees with mobility restrictions or previous injuries, however, need further consideration and smart modifications.
Our task is to figure out what is a safe exercise within those movement categories for each client or athlete, then adjust the reps, sets, and rest periods accordingly. For power movements: In Olympic lifts and high-level jumps, aim for 2-3 minutes of rest between sets. For training, planning your mesocycle is a good place to start that journey — you have to understand the basic principle of progressive overload and … You can also easily apply the program to a team or small group training setting. We’re going to follow suit because when you categorize the exercises in this way you’re able to tell immediately when a program isn’t quite balanced. We just don’t heal as fast as those young bucks. F: 200m Step-downs: 3 x 200 (400+2″, 400+1″,400) [walk/job 200]. A caveat: If you’re working with competitive strength athletes (e.g., powerlifters, Olympic lifters, bodybuilders, and strongman competitors), this template may not be ideal. That’s “The Clipboard”, but the reality depends on all sorts of factors. However, consider that the average client probably won’t be suited for the Olympic lifts.
P.O. Wendler suggests main lifts of squats, bench, deadlift, and press, which I follow until certain max strength goals are hit, then I swap squats for cleans. But for the field sports athlete or average desk jockey who doesn’t need fancy periodization schemes, it’s a great way to program efficiently.
Learn how to make more, work smarter and do better. T: 6 x 200 (85%)[8′] Change ), M40 Decathlon Title = Awesome, but Score…ah, not so much. At the same time, you probably take great pride in creating results-driven programs for your clients. This first step goes back to Australian strength coach Ian King’s teachings, which were well ahead of their time in the ’90s.
So that means on Week 1, as you are learning the exercise, you will get some adaption out of it; on Week 2, you get a little better at it, so you can recruit a bit more motor units; and by Weeks 3 and 4, you have a good handle on the technique of the lift, and you can really push it and get the most out of it.
1) Power (neural) – Med ball floor slam 3×8, rest 60s 2a) LB knee-dominant (neural) – Dumbbell rear-foot elevated split squat 3×6, rest 90s 2b) UB vertical pulling (neural) – Assisted or body-weight chin-up 3×6, rest 90s 3a) LB hip-dominant (metabolic) – 45-degree back extension 3×10, rest 60s 3b) UB horizontal pushing (metabolic) – Dumbbell bench press 3×8, rest 60s 3c) Core (metabolic) – Dead bug 3×10 per leg, rest 60s, 1) Power (neural) – Box jump 3×5, rest 60s 2a) LB hip-dominant (neural) – Deadlift off blocks 3×5, rest 90s 2b) UB vertical pushing (neural) – Half-kneeling landmine press 3×6, rest 90s 3a) LB knee-dominant (metabolic) – Dumbbell split squat 3×8, rest 60s 3b) UB horizontal pulling (metabolic) – Single-arm dumbbell row 3×8, rest 60s 3c) Core (metabolic) – Standing Pallof press 3×8, rest 60s. I approach my templates with a couple of preconceptions in mind: Based on the above criteria, here’s a very simple strength training workout sequence that enhances explosiveness and builds strength and muscle. Complete Track and Field, LLC. The goals are to make the correct muscles do the work instead of just moving big weights around; improve general fitness; and spur some muscle growth. These modifications just go to show that program individualization doesn’t mean that each new client necessarily requires a training program to be built from scratch. Sticking with jumps and medicine ball throws would be a better choice for power exercise. It makes me want to rewrite old adage “You have to train fast to run fast” to something like “You have to train fast and safe to run fast.” Training fast, without getting injured, is more the key…especial for us Masters athlete.
But the fact remains that if you want to get somewhere, you have to know what path to take. Here’s how. However, that doesn’t mean my guys always pull from the floor with a straight bar like a powerlifter would.
The goal was to heal and this lower intensity didn’t disturb my injury. You can see how each one of those options allows for a rate of practical growth and progression from Week 1. T: 3 x 300 (90%)[12′] It doesn’t matter whether you train sports athletes or cubicle workers, training power is mandatory. The basic premise of building out a mesocycle pretty much stays the same with the exception of the peak and taper: you start off easy, and you work your way to something hard by the end of it. | Sprint 42. Get FREE access to the PTDC newsletter, which you’ll receive 2-3 times a week. In the Wendler cycle, the 4th week is a deload week. This does mean that during its creation you have to spend a lot more time on doing the work up front to have a standard framework in place.
There’s just one problem: program design and updates can be a major time suck if you train dozens or, perhaps, hundreds of clients and athletes. Additionally, I do “core” work, like planks, side planks, supermans, metronomes and some other assistance lifts like pull ups.
| Sprint 42, The best coach you’ve never heard of: Oliver Hanf, CSU Chico. Please take the time to read through this detailed document that outlines the …
We did three sets of six reps at 70 percent, which gives us three working sets for quads, hamstrings, and glutes.
On lower body day, you’d pair a knee-dominant movement with a hip-dominant movement (e.g., front squats with Romanian deadlifts). For example, if you’ve got an office worker walking with a slouch, you’d probably want to hammer his upper back with rows to pull his shoulders back into a more neutral position.
W: Active Rest T: Time Trial: 1 x 300m (100%) [15′] + 2 x 200m (90%) [10′] And here’s an example of a twice-a-week strength training program for the average personal training client who wants a lifting schedule to lose fat, where some of the exercises, set and rep schemes, and rest periods are altered to better match their current fitness levels, needs, and lifting experience. However, during week 3 of Wendler’s cycles, the last set is 1 rep at 95%. or longer 2b) Neural (heavy multi-joint exercise) – sets 3-6, reps 1-6, rest 2 min. Here are a couple of examples: Here you just pick multi-joint exercises that allow the use of heavy weights for 1-6 reps. Good choices would be bilateral barbell squat, deadlift, bench press variations, and chin-ups.
I take advantage of the lower intensity in the weight room to increase intensity on the track — so the deload week is also my on-track Test Week.
Th: 6 x 60c (95%) [7”]
M: 3 x 300 (90%) [12′] In a full-body session, you’d pair an upper body exercise with a lower body exercise (e.g., front squats with chin-ups). For example, if you see you have programmed three upper body pushing movements in a row, you can easily add more pulling exercises to balance out the program.
Two minutes of rest after eight med ball floor slams, for example, would be overkill since it’s not a very neurally-demanding activity. However, if the goal is to program efficiently for a beginner (someone with less than a year of progressive strength training, or two years of less focused training) and make them strong with just the basics, this template works extremely well. When planning out a mesocycle, which can be any length of time but is typically four to six weeks, you have to understand the basic principle of progressive overload and take into consideration your maximum ability to recover from the volume.
Let’s continue on. And cut back whenever I feel I need it…always thinking safe over sorry. 6x100m might become 3x100m). As for a weight training system, I follow a Wendler 5-3-1 system for my main lifts. An easy example of this is starting off Week 1 with squats for three sets of six reps at 70 percent — pretty easy, I know. Love the program Dr. Dave, am a 66 yr old sprinter, will adopt it with some modifications for age, weather, facilities, thank you for sharing your knowledge. Let’s stick with the squat example. When I have more daylight, I change my workouts based on fatigue incurred during my skills work. Meanwhile, upper body horizontal pushing would include all bench press, push-up, and dip variations. I believe my original template would have gained more speed over the same period had I been healthy, but it’s interesting to see that a mix of Anaerobic Fatigue and Aerobic Fatigue actually improved my Anaerobic Speed.
T: 6 x 200 (70%) [job 200] My basic weekly microcycle is made up of Anaerobic Speed on Mon and Thurs and Anaerobic Fatigue on Tues and Fri. On top of that, I alternate my weekly volume so that one week is focused towards speed and the next towards fatigue. Planning the In-Season Microcycle in Soccer Part 1: Complexity.
Once you break things down in this manner, it is easy to see what to add and how to add it. W: Active Rest You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Your email will never be shared and you can unsubscribe anytime.
Really like your “new” outline; you are SO correct about masters; train fast and safe, more rest or recovery days, I’m going to adopt your outline, thank you for sharing. Here is an example four-week block of my “running” workout: Week 1: Anaerobic Fatigue Focus (2600m total): M: 8 x 100 (95%)[6′]
We now have what Week 1 of the plan will look like. F: 2 x {300 (85% 400) [1′] + 100f (4/4 400)} [10′]. 1) Neural (power/explosive exercise) – sets 3-6, reps 1-6, rest 2 min. Another thing to note when building out a mesocycle is exercise variation. The mesocycle represents a specific block of training that is designed to accomplish a particular goal. Week 4: Anaerobic Speed/Test Week Focus (1690m total): M: Test: SLJ, OHT + Time Trial: 4 x 60c (100%) [8′] Heavy strength lifts next because if you save them for after the high-rep work, your client would be fatigued. For instance, during the endurance phase, you might develop a mesocycle designed to enhance your aerobic endurance (the ability to use oxygen to produce energy for the muscles over an extended period of time).
ALL CONTENT COPYRIGHT © J. GOODMAN CONSULTING INC. mobility restrictions or previous injuries, player whose lower back was too banged up for him, QUICK TIP: Three Unconventional but Powerful Deadlift Cues, Coaching Deadlifts: On Cueing and Exercises to Improve Range of Motion. We have half of the work done for the week.
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