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naspa guiding principles

Guiding Principles; Upcoming Conferences; Register. Committed to high moral principles exhibiting authentic, honest, just, and ethical behavior. All Rights Reserved. ( Log Out / 

2021 NASPA Virtual Conference March 17 – 26, 2021. 6. What collaborations are necessary to enhance student achievement for all student populations? Develop independent, critical thinkers who understand their responsibility to foster community, civic, and democratic engagement. Headquarters: 111 K Street NE, Washington, D.C., United States: Fields: Student affairs: Membership (2015) 13,000 members: President.

Goal 1 With featured speakers who engage participants in … INNOVATIONContinuously seeking improvement through new and creative approaches. endstream endobj startxref

It is both aspirational and sustainable with a long-term strategic view and relevant goals for NASPA to achieve over the three year timeframe.; NASPA Foundation; Online Learning Community; VPSA Census ; Center for First-generation Student Success; NASPA Advisory Services; … As the leading voice of student affairs, NASPA drives innovation and Guiding Principles INTEGRITY Committed to high moral principles exhibiting authentic, honest, just, and ethical behavior. INCLUSION Seeking ways to ensure access, voice, acknowledgement, opportunity, and participation at all levels. 3.3  Provide context-appropriate professional development activities to improve knowledge and skills of student affairs professionals both domestic and abroad. � #���+]�9���.�'/8B�O������Ͽ~8>&}:�o(l�1�3\3 N��ᇩ1y[,\����1����~道!�7�|r���p� �C�;�1�힥���+Oz�dX�7'�nsq�j..ρ��uy�Iz�h�{���_�iZ�ړ��~Ų��t��ǝ$�Z�$k��L���5ޗ����|6�Ր0�ݨ�8��nZ��dP�u�W�if����`�����//�>���իf5�{�������-�\�^�����W�o�6�K_Of�͇���6J�Y��٤�O�(Ik��&M��`�/�e]��K�'%u�q�U>���}�O��,���,��U������3W�N�O�Ȁ����5a Connect with community. How will we partner to be innovative and creative with limited budgets and reduced funding for higher education? Collaborate on the development of evidence-based, innovative, inclusive, and socially just higher education policy and practices. Our members span the globe and are ready to answer your call. 3.1  Conduct a needs assessment to guide and prioritize NASPA’s international efforts. NASPA is the leading association for the advancement, health, and sustainability of the student affairs profession.

What collaborations are necessary to ensure that current research informs practice? Center for First-generation Student Success. %%EOF Build the capacity to create knowledge and use data to provide evidence that will support excellence in practice.

1.1  Be the primary source of data on the experience of college and university students Extend the value of NASPA membership to a wider network of higher education professionals and partners. 2.3  Build capacity among membership in order to effectively influence public policy.

Guiding Principles; Upcoming Conferences; Register. How must student affairs practice adapt its work to meet the needs of current and future generations of students? As higher education continues to evolve, NASPA serves a leading role in the innovations that are shaping the future of student affairs.

The NASPA Annual Conference is the premier student affairs professional development event. The NASPA Board of Directors engaged our membership in a collaborative process to develop a strategic plan to guide our work and shape our trajectory across the next five years. NASPA's Annual Conference is a global gathering of student affairs professionals passionate about important higher education issues. NASPA is a member-centered association supporting a diverse and passionate network of 15,000 professionals and 1,200 institutions across the globe. The NASPA Annual Conference is the premier student affairs professional development event. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. NASPA members are mentors by trade and our community is both welcoming and committed to developing student affairs professionals through every phase of their careers.

How will student affairs research inform educational policy and change in higher education? Whether you are looking for a transformational in-person experience, or wanting to learn and engage from where you are, NASPA has the perfect professional development for you. NASPA is a member-centered association supporting a diverse and passionate network of 15,000 professionals and 1,200 institutions across the globe. Goal 3 Engaging with us connects you into the largest association in student affairs. NASPA is the professional home for the field of student affairs. 0 Launch an Initiative to collaborate with student affairs worldwide. Interested to import a successful initiative? What data is needed to support student learning and success?

To be the principal source of leadership, scholarship, professional development, and advocacy for student affairs. 4.1  Diversify and strengthen the sources of NASPA’s revenue. Generate research and scholarship that advance evidence-based, emergent, and equitable practices.

4.7  Examine resources and staffing to ensure alignment with strategic planning goals. Goal 3: Increase substantially the Foundation’s fund-raising and donor base. As higher education continues to evolve, NASPA serves a leading role in the innovations that are shaping the future of student affairs. Seeking ways to ensure access, voice, acknowledgement, opportunity, and participation at all levels. Fulfilling the promise of higher education.

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With members filling roles at every level in the profession, your NASPA membership is the key to world of student affairs. Strengthen NASPA by making it a more responsive, vital, and sustainable organization. GUIDING PRINCIPLES Integrity Committed to high moral principles exhibiting authentic, honest, just, and ethical behavior. Our strategic plan, Advancing Leadership, Shaping Change, approved in 2011, is the product of feedback gathered from over 1,200 member survey responses; our regions, divisions, knowledge communities, and other constituent groups. Guiding Principles; Upcoming Conferences; Register. Change ), Excellence in research, academics, service. Supporting research and scholarship to add to the knowledge base of the profession and ensure that data informs practice. How do we continue to promote social justice within our communities and bring voice to those who may not know how to navigate the higher education system?

Home; Current: Virtual Programs & Events; Virtual Programs & Events We can't wait to see you online for the 2021 NASPA Virtual Conference! With over 7,000 student affairs educators, the NASPA Annual Conference is the largest event of its kind. A NASPA membership isn’t just for attending conferences and for getting the latest student affairs news, it’s also about access to the largest association of professionals in your field. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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