Other articles where Polydeuces is discussed: Dione: …much smaller moons, Helene and Polydeuces (also named for Greek mythological figures).
Its diameter is only 3.5 km.
The surface area of Polydeuces is 21.24.
Polydeuces, Moon of Saturn. Content of this web page is sourced from wikipedia ( http://simple.wikipedia.org). Polydeuces is a recently-discovered moon of Saturn. Polydeuces was discovered on 21 October 2004 by Cassini Imaging Science Team. Polydeuces wanders further from its Lagrange point than any other known moon in the Saturn system. the period it takes to complete an orbit round Saturn is 2.74 days. It traces tadpole orbits around Dione's L5 point. Its volume is 9. It was discovered by the Cassini Imaging Science Team in 2004.
Helene, which has a diameter of about 30 km (20 miles), maintains a gravitationally stable position 60° ahead of Dione.
The orbital eccentricity is 0.0192, it is the degree at which Polydeuces orbits close to a circular (0) orbit as opposed to an elliptical (1) orbit. Comments may be merged or altered slightly such as if an email address is given in the main body of the comment.
You can decline to give a name which if that is the case, the comment will be attributed to a random star. Animation of Polydeuces's orbit relative to Saturn and Dione.gif 560 × 420; 2.42 MB Polydeuces (moon).jpg 500 × 303; 8 KB Polydeuces (moon).ogg 1 min 55 s; 1.09 MB Polydeuces wanders further from its Lagrange point than any other known moon in the Saturn system. Its density has been calculated at being 0.5. The is the average distance in km of the object is from its parent 377200.00. The Escape Velocity is the speed an object needs to be travelling in order to break free from the objects gravity. Polydeuces was discovered on 21 October 2004 by Cassini Imaging Science Team. Its density has been calculated at being 0.5. Cookies / About Us / Contact Us / Twitter / Facebook, https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/saturn-moons/polydeuces/in-depth/. Some content of the original page may have been edited to make it more suitable for younger readers, unless otherwise noted. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn. All messages will be reviewed before being displayed.
Helene, which has a diameter of about 30 km (20 miles), maintains a gravitationally stable position 60° ahead of Dione. The equatorial circumference of Polydeuces is 8.2 km. All of the inner moons are regular, having prograde, low-inclination, and low-eccentricity orbits with respect to the planet. Polydeuces is a recently-discovered moon of Saturn. It shares its orbit with larger moon Dione.
The larger an object is, the more velocity (speed) is needed to break free from the object.The Semi-Major Axis of the orbit is 377.4, which is the furthest point from the centre to the edge of an elliptical point. The eight largest are thought to have formed along Saturn’s…. The figure is also known as the sidereel period.
The Escape Velocity of the object is 2 km/h. Polydeuces has less than half the diameter of Helene and follows Dione by 60°, though with large deviations…
The surface gravity of the said item is 0.00018.
You can also give immediate feedback in our (moon) Wiki Feedback Forum. This page was last changed on 8 March 2013, at 19:14. Temporary names in, https://wiki.kidzsearch.com/w/index.php?title=Polydeuces_(moon)&oldid=4218771.
It traces tadpole orbits around Dione's L5 point. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Helene occupies Dione's L4 point. The orbital period, i.e. A name is preferred even if its a random made up one by yourself. Polydeuces was discovered on October 24, 2004, and used to be named S/2004 S 5, but was changed to Polydeuces (another name for Pollux) in January 21, 2005. Helene occupies Dione's L4 point.
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Polydeuces has less than half the diameter of Helene and follows Dione by 60°, though with large deviations…, Several additional inner moons (including Polydeuces)—tiny bodies with radii of 3–4 km (1.9–2.5 miles)—were discovered in Cassini spacecraft images beginning in 2004. …much smaller moons, Helene and Polydeuces (also named for Greek mythological figures). Polydeuces (moon), Online Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astronomy Encyclopedia, Science Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. The value is the radius in km of the said object at the Equator. The figure comes from N.A.S.A.. Polydeuces is a small moon of Saturn.Its diameter is only 3.5 km.It shares its orbit with larger moon Dione.It was discovered by the Cassini Imaging Science Team in 2004. Polydeuces is a Moon that orbits round the planet Saturn. This simulation shows Dione, Helene, and Polydeuces in a rotating frame whose period matches the period of Dione.
It is also know by other designations, SXXXIV, S/2004 S5. Polydeuces is a tiny moon with Saturn that is co-orbital with the moon Dione. It is also know by other designations, SXXXIV, S/2004 S5. It's surface might be in hydrostatic equilibrium.
There's no register feature and no need to give an email address if you don't need to. Its volume is 9. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Its mass is estimated/calculated at being 4,496,005,299,292 kg. The Equatorial Radius of the object is 1km. Polydeuces is a Moon that orbits round the planet Saturn. The Mean orbit velocity, that is the speed at which it orbits is 36076.60 km/h. Polydeuces is a small moon of Saturn. Its mass is estimated/calculated at being 4,496,005,299,292 kg. Generally listed in increasing distance from Saturn. Help Improve This Page: Please contact us to become an approved KidzSearch editor and provide your credentials.
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