However it has just as much variation as any other RE. Interesting point.
What it will also bring to the forefront, and it’s peeked its head into many a lesson of mine, are that religions are dynamic and changing. Further, the brute fact is that these days RE is in effect an optional subject; in a packed high-pressure results-oriented curriculum young people vote with their feet if they have any doubt about the relative rigour, relevance and value-to-them of RE courses and risk ending up with no religious literacy by any definition. According to the Sutton Trust (What Makes Great Teaching 2014) the single biggest factor that makes a difference to student outcomes is teacher subject-knowledge, so it is little surprise that, according to OfSTED (RE: Realizing the Potential) , RE lessons often fall well short of being inspiring, even effective, particularly lower down the age range where the teaching about a list of religions approach has been more common. Free to use, quality assured, comprehensive coverage of religion and worldviews. Welcome to Primary Religious Education. Reviews how religion and violence have developed.
As I see it Religious Literacy involves learning FROM religion as well as ABOUT it but is not limited to either; with limited resources, RE teachers must have a clear conception of what they want to do, tempered by what they are able to do, and must focus their efforts and prioritize in order to be effective. As I see it, the existing approach in many (though certainly not all) Catholic schools – as well as in many other faith schools of other characters – is just a narrower version of the fact-packed, superficial learning about approach that I criticised above, and no more effective in terms of promoting religious literacy. That there is a crisis in Religious Literacy and in RE is undeniable however; we must do what we can to address it and I’m afraid that that starts by calling a spade a spade! I don’t think we can go back to an RE programme grounded in one religion or belief even if open to others. You will also use case studies to explore Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and indigenous religious traditions in both historical and contemporary contexts. It stems from the importance of oracy.
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The day will come when we shall wish we had known them better. That model of RE is unrealistic now. Really interesting stuff Charlotte. However I do obviously agree that NRWV have a place in RE, as does religious humanism. Further, literacy is typically given at least an hour a day on the timetable… but RE is typically crammed into less than an hour a week. © 2020 Culham St. Gabriel's Trust. We simply have to make tough choices and prioritize what matters, skills in religious literacy and an attitude of respect and curiosity over reams of factual knowledge. Allowing the asking of questions, and creating an environment where judgment is suspended is key.
upgrade Week 2 looks at how religion has changed and how it has been used to promote change. I think we need to take our starting point from the more core concepts of ‘religion and belief’. Discover why religion is important for understanding and engaging with global challenges. The Catholic school is ‘a clear educational project of which Christ is the foundation.’ In the person of Christ, the deepest meaning of what it is to be human — that we are created by God and through the Holy Spirit united with Christ in his Incarnation — is discovered.”.
Human practice and behaviour. That’s a biggie: navigate slightly away from singing praises of us all being the same with different names. For example, by emphasising principles, you can start to engage in the rudimentary recall of facts of a religion or world view, in the hope to lead a more innovative way of communicating with people for whom religion is an integral aspect of their lives, and others where it is not. Develop confidence in interacting with those who have different beliefs and practices . Sadly, nationally we are still a long way from making this step, although Andy’s work in creating this forum has the potential to move things fractionally in the right direction. This is where the literacy takes place. Find out what this course is like by previewing some of the course steps before you join: Learners who joined this course have also enjoyed these courses. Why Religion Matters: Religious Literacy, Culture and Diversity. Explore the meaning of academic freedom and how it relates to core higher education and societal values. I think we can assume too much in terms of how many people really do embrace the core beliefs and values of secular humanism; for many people it is the default when they lack religious literacy and feel excluded by all formal religions as a result. Support your professional development and learn new teaching skills and approaches. We can harm young peoples’ religious literacy by ignoring skills in the interests of ramming multiple lists of facts into the curriculum in the interests of political or professional ideology… and Religious Literacy really matters (for all the reasons listed in the ODIHR Toledo Guiding Principles 2007 and several more I can think of). Yes, it can be a topic of discussion (my religion says this, that’s similar to that), however, while these ‘major religion’ labels have their uses, it is important to understand that identification as a Hindu or Muslim (or any other religion) conceals an incredible diversity of beliefs and behaviours.
What is religious literacy? I wonder whether starting from secular humanism, which can seem more of a critique of religion than a religion in itself and which can assume a world-view that is alien to that common to people of all sorts of faith, might end up undermining all religions – leaving young people with little opportunity to understand religion as anything other than a critical outsider and with very limited religious literacy as a result?
Religious Literacy and Religious Liberty in Our Public Schools. One of the principles of religious teaching is that religions are internally diverse. Start this course for
Civic religious literacy therefore goes beyond mere knowledge of the basic tenets, principles, or practices of a worldview.
Religious literacy doesn’t and shouldn’t stop at the school gates. Week 1 introduces the idea of why religion and religious literacy matters. What does it mean to lead a humanist life? The more colleagues we can get involved the better, so get publicizing…. We use cookies to give you a better experience.
The Open University (OU) is the largest academic institution in the UK and a world leader in flexible distance learning, with a mission to be open to people, places, methods and ideas. Sure, my sort of RE is difficult to assess, measure or deliver via MOOC or webinar… but defining the curriculum in those terms is a great example of letting the tail wag the dog. That excellent work is going on and that some students in some schools are growing in Religious Literacy is a certainty.
Today, following the widespread and sometimes deliberate misunderstanding, systematic abuse and consequent demise of AO2 and following more than a decade of trying to convince the world that we are a credible academic subject alongside History and Geography (while simultaneously claiming to deliver higher grades in half the time a year early), RE teachers often understand Religious Literacy just in terms of young people knowing about the major religions, either those which are the biggest players on the world stage – Christianity and Islam – or those which are represented locally which, depending on the area of the UK, might be Hinduism and Sikhism or Humanism and Judaism. I don’t think RE starting from a secular humanism position would be helpful as there is a large, local group of SH who are anti-religion, anti-theist. This sets up with the skills to fully understand one faith (? I've been researching the fascinating interplay between religion and wider society for over twenty years. Harvard Launches Free Online Class To Promote Religious Literacy. I agree that dipping in and out of religions doesn’t really achieve our goal. Challenging unfounded claims others make about a ‘cultural other’ that sound unfair is also a good way to redirect the conversation and help others evaluate their own worldview to prevent the problem from perpetuating. free, See them all here.
Murali Balaji. You can update your preferences and unsubscribe at any time.
In 2011 33.2 million people reported being Christian and only 14.1 million having no religion in the census. Further your career with an online communication, leadership, or business management course.
I believe that delivering religious literacy in terms of detailed knowledge about all the major, or even selected, religions through most RE classrooms is verging on a practical impossibility, even it was desirable.
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