degree in the United States (Rebecca Crumpler, M.D., graduated from the New England Female Medical College three years earlier, in 1864). Have the students use these 10 questions to analyze the assigned characters and present that information to the class. After reading stories like 'Morte D'Arthur' and 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,' show the students 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' so that they may further explore the characteristics valued and exemplified in the Middle Ages. Rebecca Cole graduated from the Institute for Colored Youth in 1863. Cole attended high school at the Institute for Colored Youth, where she completed a rigorous curriculum that included Latin, Greek, and mathematics and later graduating in 1863. Five Anglo-Saxon riddles. English Language Arts, Reading, Literature, Writing, Poetry. Use this sonnet chart to guide students into writing their own sonnet. You can use whatever books you decide to use with this handout! Rebecca was born sometime around 1846 to Joseph Cole, a laborer, and Rebecca Cole. This handout helps students understand the typical characteristics found in classical epics and details much of the vocabulary, Activities, Handouts, Assessment, This comprehensive exam over Macbeth includes 30 matching questions (characters with character descriptions), 15 multiple choice questions, 10 quote matching questions, 10 quote translation matching questions, 10 events that must be placed in order, Examinations - Quizzes, Assessment. Study Guides, Activities, Handouts, Study Guides, Activities, Use this chart in conjunction with reading Beowulf. There are 35 multiple-choice questions and 6 short answer questions that are to be answered as free responses. English Language Arts, Literature, Poetry, Activities, Games, This handout plots the events found within a typical Hero's Journey according to Joseph Campbell. 5 jobs are included, and each job is thoroughly detailed. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. She joined Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first white woman physician, in New York and taught hygiene and childcare to families in poor neighborhoods. You might opt, English Language Arts, Literature, Activities, Handouts, Cooperative Learning, This 2-page handout coordinates with the version of Beowulf found in the Prentice Hall: British Literature textbook. You can download the PowerPoint for free in my store, as well.
After reading "Taming of the Shrew," I show my students "10 Things I Hate About You" and have them complete this viewing guide in order to analyze the changes that must be made in order to adapt the text to a movie. General medicine In 1867, Rebecca J. Cole became the second African American woman to receive an M.D. Use this in conjunction with my Thomas-a-Becket Notes (also in my store). Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cole was the second black woman to graduate from medical school (1867). See how this improves your TpT experience, Canterbury Tales Character Analysis Questions, Characteristics of the Classical Epic Reading Guide Chart, “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” –William Butler Yeats. Circles project / assignment. Activities, Movie Guides. Use this packet to lead students in a Lit. Assess the general quality of my work with this free download, Give each student (or pair of students) a character to study from the general prologue of 'The Canterbury Tales.' Use this reading guide in conjunction with the text to aid student understanding. Use these notes to explain the frame narrative around 'The Canterbury Tales.' This PowerPoint is comical and animated and always helps my students better understand the context in which 'The Canterbury Tales' were written. Cole was born in Philadelphia on March 16, 1846; the second of five children and throughout her life would overcome racial and gender barriers to medical education by training in all-female institutions run by women who had been part of the first generation of female physicians graduating mid-century. She then went on to graduate fro… There are, English Language Arts, Reading, Literature. Hi, You need to enable javascript on your browser to use TpT. By Rebecca Cole After reading stories like 'Morte D'Arthur' and 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,' show the students 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' so that they may further explore the characteristics valued and exemplified in the Middle Ages. She went on to become a physician and spent her career providing care to poor women and children. After having shared with the students the characteristics of the classical epic (this handout is also available in my store), have them look for those characteristics within Beowulf or another epic, Study Guides, Activities, Graphic Organizers. Fun way to end the day after reading Beowulf or other Anglo-Saxon literature. Offer candy to the group (or partnership) that gets the answer first! … Each box should contain one syllable each, totaling 10 syllables each line. Lectures, PowerPoint Presentations, This exam tests the knowledge and understanding of the Anglo-Saxon era (based on teacher-generated PowerPoint) and of Beowulf. The rubric is on the last page. Use this handout to teach students a contextual understanding of the Middle Ages before diving into the literature. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? With a total score of 8.21/10 on her final examinations, Cole finished fourth in her class of five. I have the students, Activities, Cooperative Learning, Literature Circles.
Use it in conjunction with the Thomas-a-Becket PowerPoint. After having shared some information on Campbell and his formula, use this handout to apply the formula to well-known hero journeys (Spiderman, Harry, English Language Arts, Literature, Writing, Activities, Graphic Organizers, Cooperative Learning.
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