Players need 97 Fishing to catch sailfish, and 99 Cooking to cook them. The best fish for healing, Sailfish RS can be found on the north-eastern portion of the platform, requiring level 97 fishing to catch. RuneScape Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. let(healOverTimeDuration, 0) This article is about the raw version. let(healing,"This will heal " + heal + " life points at level " + constitutionLevel + " in combat."). Sailfish heal up to 2,400 life points, depending on your Constitution level. let(healOverTimeAmount, 0) let(healAmountOutOfCombat, 0) Sailfish is a type of fish that can only be caught in the north-east corner of the Deep Sea Fishing hub. There are three sailfish spots that can appear: swift, regular, or calm spots. They can also boost a player's life points by 10% above the maximum. let(constitutionLevel, skillstat_Constitution_level)
let(healOverTimeDuration, 0) Sailfish require level 97 Fishing and give 400 experience per catch from a regular fishing spot and 420 experience when caught from a swift sailfish spot. Sailfish. For the cooked version, see. Sailfish are an ingredient in sailfish soup. let(constitutionLevel, skillstat_Constitution_level), let(heal, floor(heal + 0.000001))
Players need 97 Fishing to catch sailfish, and 99 Cooking to cook them. let(minLevel, 96) Sailfish heal up to 2,400 life points, depending on your Constitution level. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This article is about the cooked version. Sailfish is a type of fish that can only be caught in the north-east corner of the Deep Sea Fishing hub.
Sailfish are an ingredient in sailfish soup. RuneScape Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sailfish are an ingredient in sailfish soup. There is also a rare chance that players may encounter a calm sailfish spot which last longer than normal sailfish spots. let(healAmount, 0) They can also boost a player's life points by 10% above the maximum. Fishing sailfish yields 420 experience when fished from a swift sailfish spot or 400 from a regular or calm spot or a swarm, while cooking yields 270 experience. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Raw sailfish is a type of fish that can only be caught in the north-east corner of the Deep Sea Fishing Hub.
Current Guide Price 6,149. let(minLevel, 96)
Fishing sailfish yields 420 experience when fished from a swift sailfish spot or 400 from a regular or calm spot or a swarm, while cooking yields 270 experience.
The minimum Constitution level to receive the full amount of healing from this food is 96. The minimum Constitution level to receive the full amount of healing from this food is 96. Players need 97 Fishing to catch sailfish, and 99 Cooking to cook them. Today's Change - 12 + 0% 1 Month Change - 313 - 5% 3 Month Change - 92 - 1% 6 Month Change 2,022 + 59% Raw sailfish can be cooked at level 99 Cooking, into Sailfish, which can further be cooked into Sailfish soup in Player-owned ports. Sailfish is a type of fish that can only be caught in the north-east corner of the Deep Sea Fishing hub. Swift spots give more experience and have a higher catch rate, but they disappear quicker, while regular spots will last longer but have a lower catch rate. Fishing sailfish yields 420 experience when fished from a swift sailfish spot or 400 from a regular or calm spot or a swarm, while cooking yields 270 experience. {"edible":"yes","members":"yes","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"yes","death":"reclaimable","name":"Sailfish","bankable":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Sailfish","limit":10000},"equipable":"no","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"5 March 2018","id":"42251","release_update_post":"Deep Sea Fishing - Royal Spades Pack - Feedback Buttons","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":360,"weight":0.35,"tradeable":"yes","examine":"I'd better be careful eating this. let(healAmount, 0)
For the raw version, see. Use a raw sailfish with a fire or a range. let(healOverTimeAmount, 0)
Current Guide Price 5,417. Items that disassemble into Organic parts, Items that disassemble into Crafted parts, Items that disassemble into Living components, Items that disassemble into Healthy components, Items that disassemble into Enhancing components, let(healing, itemName + " will heal " + heal + " life points at level " + constitutionLevel + " while in combat."). This page was last modified on 16 June 2020, at 22:58. Raw sailfish is a type of fish that can only be caught in the north-east corner of the Deep Sea Fishing Hub.Sailfish require level 97 Fishing and give 400 experience per catch from a regular fishing spot and 420 experience when caught from a swift sailfish spot. I'd better be careful eating this. Fishing sailfish yields 420 experience when fished from a swift sailfish spot or 400 from a regular or calm spot or a swarm, while cooking yields 270 experience. Items that disassemble into Organic parts, Items that disassemble into Crafted parts, Items that disassemble into Living components, Items that disassemble into Healthy components, Items that disassemble into Enhancing components,, name=skillstat_Constitution_level|type=int|value=1|range=9,99|size=4|sublist=calchealing. let(itemName, "This"), let(heal, floor(heal + 0.000001))
It can be cooked into Sailfish Soup with player-owned port and Spice. Sailfish is a type of fish that can only be caught in the north-east corner of the Deep Sea Fishing hub.
Sailfish are an ingredient in sailfish soup. Raw sailfish can be cooked at level 99 Cooking, into Sailfish, which can further be cooked into Sailfish soup in Player-owned ports. Players need 97 Fishing to catch sailfish, and 99 Cooking to cook them. Raw sailfish. To make the Sailfish Soup RS, you need to obtain the full Eastern soups Scroll from Player-owned ports, requiring a Cooking level of 99.
From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape, This article is about the cooked version. Today's Change - 136 - 2% 1 Month Change 423 + 7% 3 Month Change 725 + 13% 6 Month Change 2,415 + 64% I should try cooking this. ","noteable":"yes"}, {"mat_quantity":1,"xp":2.9,"rarely":[{"name":"Living components","chance":1},{"name":"Healthy components","chance":1},{"name":"Enhancing components","chance":1}],"sometimes":[{"name":"Crafted parts","chance":8}],"category":"food","junk":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"level":99,"item_quantity":1,"often":[{"name":"Organic parts","chance":89}]},, Items that disassemble into Organic parts, Items that disassemble into Crafted parts, Items that disassemble into Living components, Items that disassemble into Healthy components, Items that disassemble into Enhancing components, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, name=skillstat_Constitution_level|type=int|value=1|range=9,99|size=4|sublist=calchealing.
For the raw version, see. let(healAmountOutOfCombat, 0)
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