He was encouraged by John to continue this work of charity toward them 'after a godly sort', because these missionaries had gone out 'for the name's sake'. Diotrephes - The Man Who Hindered God's Work, Confident In The Chaos Pt6: A Prayer And Vision For Revival, Confident In The Chaos Pt5: A Trinity Of Positivity, Confident In The Chaos Pt4: The Judged And The Just, Confident In The Chaos Pt3: Stop, Look And Listen, Confident In The Chaos Pt2: Mysterious Ways, Confident In The Chaos Pt1: The Paradox Of Faith, Demetrius - The Man Who Was Honoured In God's Work.
In what, by his simple agency, he accomplished there.
There is nothing truly conservative but truth and righteousness. Remember, too, that he occupied the same relation to his religion that the Tract Society does to ours. Are you here tonight and you once had a good testimony, you once had a glowing record, you once were honoured in God's work?
Diotrephes “hath not seen God!” So it is yet. https://www.saintjohnsmonastery.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/news-header-banner-sermon-12th-sunday-after-pentecost-wb.jpg 300 300
It's hard enough having a good report of the folk inside the church, let alone those outside the church!
This opposition to truth is not new, for in every generation when the truth of Jesus Christ is declared and proclaimed, the evil one works to undermine it and sow seeds of confusion. God said what He meant and meant what He said. unfortunately, we occasionally have the third (Diotrephes) in our Conclusion: There is much in connection with the agency of Paul at Ephesus which impresses us with Divine power.
We're all a bit like that, aren't we? This spirit, modified, is what underlies all petty persecutions. Each of you have something to contribute.
He is, in fact, the man who characterises one who walks in the truth. I don't have any obvious gifts, and they're certainly not gifts for public speaking, or anything upfront, or anything you might value as being worthwhile' - but friend, listen: no one is insignificant enough not to have influence upon others.
More Information Filters . Here was a Jew, that was not born in Asia, but away off in Palestine, and was setting forth a strange God; and Demetrius felt everything in him rise up in indignation. They haven't a notion of how to present their case, and sometimes that's the way we come across to the world. After John himself, who is the author and who is intrinsically involved in the situation encapsulated within the book, we have first of all Gaius.
CHRISTIANITY, IN EXERTING ITS SOCIAL INFLUENCE, IS SURE TO BEAR HEAVILY ON SOME. But Lord, forgive us when through our actions - and all of us are guilty, I am guilty - through word and thought and deed of hindering your work, and we're all guilty; but help us all to repent, help us all to put away sin, whatever that sin may be.
Then secondly, he did not recognise the apostle John.
Through the power of simple truth and goodness. 'If he followeth not with us'', that's the Diotrephes attitude, ''he must be treated as a publican and a sinner, or rejected as though he were a blasphemer'. But that warm bath which enervated Ephesus was only a type of what went on in all departments of Ephesian life, and in luxurious indulgence.
for so did their fathers to the false prophets'. Men have ever been ready to give their property, their wives, their children, their very lives for their gods. Now, we as Christians, Bible believing evangelicals, are big on emphasising the word of God, and rightly so because that is God's revelation, it is our rule of faith, it is the only place that we find salvation, it is the standard and rule and principal of the church. The strongest attachments are the religious. But precept may lead a person, instruct a person, command a person, order a person - but only example draws a person. You remember we found in John's epistles that the goal of the Gospel was not just to have an objective incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God in human flesh, but also - now that He has ascended and sent His Spirit at Pentecost - to have a subjective incarnation of the life of Christ in the life of every believer. II. 10So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, talking wicked nonsense against us. Demetrius is given to us as a commendable example of a role model that all of us, irrespective of who we are, could and should follow Verse 1: "The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Instead of the cold baths that had been the invigoration of the people, the hot baths, which are only intended for the infirm or the invalid, were substituted. We find that it was because of this man, Demetrius, the subsequent riot, that Paul's two year ministry in the city of Ephesus was terminated. I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority. THE INTENSEST OPPOSITION TO CHRISTIANITY IS AROUSED WHERE SELF-INTEREST IS AFFECTED. We say a lot of things, don't we? We pray: 'Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness, stamp Thine own image deep on our hearts', that You may receive all the glory, for Christ's sake, Amen. There is an impression that the gospel is such a soothing syrup that if a preacher knows his business men going to hear him will be made very peaceable and happy, and will go away feeling very good. Neither does each generation have to cut a new path. IV. III.
And so long as the world stands faithful preaching will not only do what the preacher aims to do, but a great deal more. IV. In this series, Alistair Begg challenges us to avoid a counterfeit Christianity as we prioritize and defend the truth of the Gospel. Then thirdly, and this is the point at which I want to start off where we left off last Monday evening, we find that John, in the background of these two personalities - Gaius and Diotrephes - and in anticipation of the third personality we're going to look at tonight, gives us this maxim in verse 11 - our admonition: 'Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. Hear the great challenge of the Master: "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." 5.
The hillside's dew-pearled;
Has spent two or three hours in yelling itself hoarse, then there may possibly be a chance for the town clerk or somebody else to make himself heard. What we're talking about, and what John is talking about, is what is found in 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 1, where Paul says to the Corinthians: 'Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ'.
WHAT WAS THE REALITY OF THE CASE FROM THE FIRST POINT OF VIEW? -Romans 10:15. Some time ago a number of highly learned men issued a volume entitled "Essays and Reviews." Don't miss the rest of 1, 2 and 3 John... ------------------------Back to Top into a lion’s den! Now let me say, whilst we believe both the preaching of the word and example are necessary, what Francis was about to say to this young man was profound and I want you to listen to it very carefully. Demetrius got a “good report” of God’s men. Then secondly we see that it was also encouraged because it is a testimony to the lost, 'taking nothing of the Gentiles' - they weren't charging for the word of God or the giving of the Gospel, but as they had freely received they were freely giving.
As they approached the door the young man said to Francis: 'You've forgotten that we went down to the town to preach. In the uproar at Ephesus He preserved the life of Paul and his companions, first by the confusion of the people, and then by the seasonable interference of a person of prudence and authority. By wielding civil authority?
It is
So he went down with him to the town, and they passed through the principal streets, they turned down many of the byways and the alleys, they made their way into the suburbs.
Sometimes we find ourselves imitating, even unconsciously, those that we spend most of our time with. was Paul crucified for you?
I want to look to a man as an example who has seen the Lord. You know some Christians, all they do is gurn. They had seen with their own eyes the change which the gospel had wrought.
14I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face. He had no idea of the existence of Demetrius, and did not dream that he was hurting anybody. The language of all such persons has been, "Come, see our zeal for the Lord.".
I'll tell you: I'm fed up with a lot of it. You can filter sermons using the options below: Series. IV. He had no idea of the... 3. To it from all parts of the land came debtors who could not pay their debts, and the offenders of the law that they might escape incarceration. something.
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