New Jersey is rapidly taking over the nation one state at a time and their next stop is South Park.
South Park Archives is a FANDOM TV Community. It's A Jersey Thing.
It had aired on October 13, 2010.[1]. Account.
Watch Cartman, Kenny, Stan and Kyle in all their foul-mouthed adventures.
Intussen bekent Sheila dat ook zij afkomstig is van New Jersey, en dat ze ooit een berucht fuifbeest bijgenaamd "S-Woww Tittybang" was. With the Jerseyites defeated, Cartman tells Kyle - "You're a monster, but you're my little monster" - and Bin Laden is killed by a Special Forces commando during a celebration held in his honor, with Randy exclaiming, "We got him!
Na haar ontsnapping smeekt Randy gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger om hulp, maar tevergeefs. "It's a Jersey Thing" Trey Parker: Trey Parker: October 13, 2010 () 1409: 3.25: The town begins a war against New Jersey because obnoxious New Jersey residents visit and annoy the South Park residents. South Park Salon.
Home. As the Jerseyites spill into Colorado and approach South Park, Randy and the boys stand strong against the onslaught. New Jersey is taking over the nation one state at a time. S-Woww Tittybang • Randy and the boys take a stand as the Jerseyites approach South Park. It premiered on Comedy Central in the United States on October 13, 2010.
"It's a Jersey Thing" is the ninth episode of Season Fourteen and the 204th overall episode of South Park.
With Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Mona Marshall, April Stewart. Ze verliest al haar zelfbeheersing en begint zelfs met stoelen te gooien. Kyle verandert plots in een volwaardige guido, met gouden ringen en een halsketting. Heel Colorado loopt het gevaar te veranderen in "West Jersey". De dorpelingen organiseren een viering voor bin Laden, waar hij plots wordt doodgeschoten door de Special Forces, waarop Randy vol vreugde "We got him!"
Just seven months after being shot in the head by a paratrooper in "It's a Jersey Thing", Osama bin Laden was found and killed by US Navy SEALs in Pakistan via a shot to the head on May 1, 2011. Mike "The Situation" • As the Jerseyites spill into Colorado and approach South Park, the town stands strong against the onslaught.
The Jersey woman, Teresa Giudice from the Real Housewives of New Jersey, becomes very obnoxious and starts to insult Sharon and her friends, leading Sharon to calmly insult her. New Jersey is taking over the nation one state at a time. Terwijl de inwoners zichzelf beginnen bewapenen en de straten beginnen blokkeren om de Jersey-invasie af te remmen, wordt Kyle door Cartman naar een koelruimte gelokt, waar hij hem wil opsluiten zodat hij de Jerseys niet kan helpen.
Al-Qaeda, South Park: The Complete Fourteenth Season.
Stream free episodes and clips, play games, create an avatar and go behind-the-scenes of … Wanneer de andere gezinnen dit te horen krijgen, wordt Kyle door Cartman uit hun vriendengroep gegooid, omdat hij technisch gezien ook een Jersey is en dus door en door slecht is. Randy and the boys take a stand as the Jerseyites approach South Park. It's a Jersey Thing (Season 14, Episode 9) - Episode Guide, Randy calls a meeting at the Park County Community Center, where he reveals that New Jersey is trying to take over the country and already has everything east of the Rocky Mountains, with all of Colorado in danger of becoming "West Jersey." Plots komt er een vloot van zelfmoordpiloten van Al Qaida aangevlogen. New Jersey is rapidly taking over the nation one state at a time and their next stop is South Park. In desperation, Randy videotapes a request for help from Al-Qaeda and sends it to Osama bin Laden. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
He is even more shocked to find Sheila now fully decked out in this fashion. Verschillende vliegtuigen storten neer op de grond en vrijwel alle Jerseys zijn meteen dood. It's A Jersey Thing. After it escapes, Randy pleads for help from California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who tells him that the state cannot provide any assistance due to budget problems and general lack of concern (since Utah and Nevada Stand between California and the invasion).
New Jersey • Sizzler. Watch cartoons online, Watch anime online, English dub anime ... South Park Season 14 Episode 9 It's a Jersey Thing Join Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny as they dive into social networking, defend against annoying Jersey “muff cabbage” and reveal the secret identity of Mysterion in an epic three-part saga.
Whenever either of them is around New Jersey influences, she says, they will start to exhibit the same behavior. Ook Sheila neemt weer helemaal de Jersey-look aan.
Behind The Scenes Pop Culture References Bonus Factoids Season 14 e1 Sexual Healing e2 The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs e3 Medicinal Fried Chicken e4 You Have 0 Friends e5 200 e6 201 e7 Crippled Summer e8 Poor and Stupid e9 It's A Jersey Thing e10 Insheeption e11 Coon 2: Hindsight e12 Mysterion Rises Once Cartman opens the freezer, the Snooki springs out and attempts to rape him and DogPoo Petuski. Soon after, many people from New Jersey move into South Park and everyone starts to get annoyed with them. The video Randy gave to Osama bin Laden is labeled "The Shaw Redemp", which is a reference to the film The Shawshank Redemption.
New Jersey is taking over the nation one state at a time. In the streets, the townspeople hold off the hordes of Jerseyites until the ammunition runs out; as the invaders are nearing the barricades, a fleet of Al-Qaeda suicide pilots flies in and crashes into the ground, killing them all. Stan and Kenny, while also startled, do not react the same way. In the episode, New Jersey is rapidly taking over the nation one state at a time and their next stop is South Park. "It's a Jersey Thing" is the ninth episode of Season Fourteen and the 204th overall episode of South Park. Cartman's usual distrust of Kyle grows even stronger since Kyle is now the "three J's" - Jewish, Jersey, and Ginger. Kort daarop komen meer en meer mensen uit Jersey in South Park wonen en begint iedereen ze te hekelen. Snooki • Kyle, seemingly unable to control his actions, begins to shave and grease his bushy Jewfro into a style similar to those worn by the Jerseyites.
Randy roept een dorpsvergadering bijeen, waar hij zegt dat New Jersey het hele land probeert over te nemen en daar al in geslaagd is in het oosten van de Rocky Mountains. Meanwhile, Sheila reveals that she is from New Jersey and that Kyle was in fact conceived and briefly carried in Newark; the Broflovskis moved away two months into the pregnancy. Wanneer Cartman de vriezer openmaakt, springt Snooki er plots uit en wordt hij door haar verkracht. Deze werd voor het eerst uitgezonden in de Verenigde Staten op 13 oktober 2010 op Comedy Central. It's a Jersey Thing is de negende aflevering van het veertiende seizoen van de geanimeerde televisieserie South Park, en de 209e aflevering van de hele serie.
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uitroept. New Jersey is taking over the nation one state at a time. Sharon invites a Jersey family, the Giudicies, into their home for dinner.
Joe and Teresa Giudice • Diezelfde nacht begint Kyle steeds meer Jersey-tekenen te vertonen en begint hij zijn jewfro-kapsel om te vormen tot een nieuw kapsel dat sterk gelijkt op dat van Paul D uit Jersey Shore. Season 14 E 9 • 10/13/2010. Kyle then pushes Cartman against a tree and threatens him, leading Cartman to cry over minor scrapes on his head. South Park tries to keep New Jersey from spreading to their town, and they are forced to turn to some of their enemies for help.
For them, it’s all part of growing up in South Park!
... Randy and the boys take a stand as the Jerseyites approach South Park. It had aired on October 13, 2010.
Kyle now fully transforms into a "Guido", complete with rings and gold neck chain and calling himself "Kyley-B," and proceeds to verbally and physically abuse the Snooki until it flees the restaurant. Meanwhile, Kyle is unable to control his actions because Sheila reveals that she is from New Jersey and Cartman criticizes him. As the Jerseyites spill into Colorado and approach South Park, Randy and the boys stand strong against the onslaught.
It's a Jersey Thing is de negende aflevering van het veertiende seizoen van de geanimeerde televisieserie South Park, en de 209e aflevering van de hele serie.Deze werd voor het eerst uitgezonden in de Verenigde Staten op 13 oktober 2010 op Comedy Central.. Verhaal
Season 14 E 9 • 10/13/2010. ", a running joke through the series, and has been said various times when Bin Laden was killed on the show. Summary: New Jersey is taking over the nation one state at a time, Randy and the boys take a stand as the Jerseyites approach South Park.
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